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Ryujin got released. Found not guilty after some crucial evidence were found to be mysteriously missing. Her lawyer some hot shot from the big city. Too expensive for someone who lived the way she did to be the one paying.

Maybe Hyunjin had been right.

Yeji told her friends about it all. All of them advising against Yeji spending another second alone with Ryujin.

Maybe she should take that advice.

She was standing outside the town's prison when she watched as Ryujin left the premises, being guided to a car by rough looking men. Yeji not failing to notice the few bruises on her.

Their eyes meeting for a second before the older of the two adverted her gaze and entered the car with tinted windows.

Yeji could only sigh in disappointment as she watched the events unfold.

"She was the reason why you nearly died, wasn't she?" Yeji eventually asked, laying in her brother's bed while he played his video games.

"Yes." he answered, casually. As if it was an every day thing he was speaking about.

"What happened?"

"It's not my story to tell."

"You ended up on the verge of death. I'm sure it gives you the right to tell it."

Her brother paused the game, sighing before turning to face her.

"You care for her, don't you?"

Yeji hadn't been prepared for such question but she didn't have the energy to deny it.

By now she had accepted what was.

That Ryujin wasn't the good person she thought of her as. That whatever they had couldn't be something more. That Hyunjin was right about how dangerous the girl was.

"I did."

"Past tense. That has changed?"


"I don't know."

Hyunjin smiled, it was a sad smile. Filled with unspoken understanding.

"If it makes you feel any better, you're not the first to fall for her. And you certainly won't be the last."

"It doesn't but thank you for trying."

It really didn't. Knowing she wasn't the first nor the last to have something with Ryujin was doing the opposite of helping.

"So about your Frankenstein origin, what happened?"

Hyunjin sighed, defeated by her stubbornness. Probably knowing too well that she wouldn't stop pestering him until she got an answer.

"Ryujin, tried. I don't know what got into her. She never tried to do it before. To walk away from it all but she did that one time. And I paid the price for it." Hyunjin shrugged. It really didn't offer much detail but Yeji thought she was starting to piece it all together. "I suppose they thought I was the one they could reach to get to her and they were right. She came running back once she heard about what happened."

Yeji hummed, deep in thought.

She once swore if Ryujin had been the cause for her brother nearly dying she would hate her.

So why wasn't she feeling hatred right now?

Twenty one.

Yeji was twenty one the next time she ran into Ryujin.

Funny how time passes without you realizing it.

The first time the two had actually spoken, Yeji had been seventeen years old nearly eighteen. Now, three years and a few months had passed.

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