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Hyunjin told her what happened that night. Making Yeji feel extremely bad about having involved everyone in her own stupidity.

Luckily, nothing terrible had happened to her then, despite the encounter with that strange guy. And Yeji had one person to thank for.


According to what she was told, the shorter girl had been looking for her at the party, only to be told told Yeji had been spotted being carried by some guy away from the crowd. That's when Ryujin found her.

Yeji only found out once she woke up the next day that there had been a fight over what happened.

Hyunjin told her not to worry but there were bruises on his face and knuckles and it made Yeji feel really bad that she was the reason for them. Not only that, her brother had also informed her that Ryujin had been the first to fight off the guy and that Hyunjin had just been lucky she had managed to text him ahead of time and before things got out of control.

Yeji hadn't seen Ryujin after waking up, though. By the time she woke up, in Heejin's bed, there was only her brother sleeping besides her.

But she vaguely recalled how caring and gentle Ryujin had been towards her. And how she was the reason why nothing bad happened to her.

Hyunjin told her it wasn't a big deal. That Ryujin wouldn't like her to make it bigger than it was and that the girl was okay. But Yeji still felt in debt to her.

However, she hadn't run into the girl since and it had been two weeks already. She didn't want to ask her brother about it because he would just tell her to let it go as he had done before.

"You've been taking so many shifts." Her mother pointed out, while they had dinner as a family.

"Yeah, things have been busy now that it's summer and we're missing one person."

"Is someone sick?" Their mother asked, stealing the words of her mouth.

"Ryujin is. It's not a big deal though, she should be back soon."

Yeji couldn't help but feel like she should do something about it.

Her brother was already in his bedroom, probably about to go to sleep when she walked inside, not even bothering to knock.

He was laying on his bed, busy reading some manga.

"Can I have Ryujin's number?"



Hyunjin sighed, sitting down on the bed. Placing his manga down and replacing his relaxed expression with a far too serious one.

"Look, Ryujin is fun. I get that. She's my best friend but I don't want you getting too close to her."

"Are you jealous?"

Hyunjin sighed. "I'm serious, Yeji. Don't get involved."

Yeji rolled her eyes, dismissing it all straight away.

Her brother however, didn't let go of the subject. "Promise me."

"I won't."

"Why does it even matter to you? You spent years ignoring her existence so why are you so stubborn now?"

"She's nice. Why would I stay away?"

Hyunjin pressed his lips together, pondering his answer. "Because, she's nice but she's trouble. You're leaving soon for college anyway, so just let it go."

Yeji only hummed, walking out of his bedroom and into hers.

She didn't get it. They were best friends. Ryujin was nice and had been nothing but caring. Sure, there was all that sketchy stuff her and her brother had done but he was also involved in that. If it were because of it then she shouldn't even be around him.

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