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(author's note: some of you had a sense of deja vu reading this. that's because this is an old story of mine that i'll be rewriting. for now it's the same but there will be changes. also, thank you for reading and as always comments motivate me so leave some of your thoughts)

Maybe she had a sixth sense because the moment Yeji walked through the front door, she could feel something was different.

"Ma?" She called out, dropping her backpack by the staircase before starting to move towards the kitchen. There she finally found the reason why something felt off.

"What's up, little Hwang?"

Shin Ryujin was in her kitchen.

Okay, that's definitely something she hadn't expected to see.

Yeji had never actually been this close to Ryujin when alone.

Whenever she saw the other, it would either be from a considerable distance or in passing. It was definitely not close or long enough for her to analyze the details on her face.

Yeji blinked herself out of her own thoughts, realizing she had stared for a second too long to be socially acceptable.

Ryujin was just as attractive in person as she was in photos. Maybe even more. And it was causing Yeji to find it difficult to look away.

"Little Hwang?" Yeji finally questioned, eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the sudden nickname.

"Well, you are a Hwang and your brother is taller and older."

Yeji hummed, satisfied as both those statements were accurate. Moving to the fridge to get something to drink, she considered her next words. "But I'm taller than you."

Ryujin smirked, smugly. As if Yeji hadn't just pointed out that she was shorter.

"Well played, Hwang." Ryujin responded, a hint of a smile apparent on her expression as she started to leave the kitchen. "Your brother is in the shower, by the way. Tell him I had to run but I'll see him tonight."

Yeji nodded, taking in the girl in front of her.

It was still strange seeing her this close. She had been like Yeji's own personal Loch Ness monster. But seeing her right there, made her real. Such insignificant yet unusual occurrence gave her a weird feeling.

Like she wasn't supposed to see her this way. Like Ryujin wasn't meant to be admired up close.

Maybe her own mind had turned Shin Ryujin into something like a mirage and now was struggling to admit that she was real.

Yeji could only stare as the other walked out of her house.


Yeji's phone was ringing despite it being 10pm. That's actually something that just doesn't happen.

Her friends wouldn't call this late, they'd just text her. Her brother was at work and her mother was already asleep.

Yeji rushed to the phone, pursing her lips as she read her brother's name. He should still be at work. For a few days now, he had been working the night shift at the store. Which meant he wouldn't be leaving until midnight.


"I need your help."

Yeji rolled her eyes. "I don't even get a hello?"

"Yeji. I'm serious. I need help."

Something in Hyunjin's voice was telling her that he was dead serious. She unconsciously straightened up, as if scolded to fix her posture. Suddenly paying attention to the call.

"What is it?"

"Is mom asleep?"


"Can you sneak out?"

Yeji pressed her lips together. She wasn't one to sneak out. In fact, she had never done it and her brother knew that.

"Yeji. I need you to sneak out without ma noticing."

Well, there's a first time for everything.


"Great." Hyunjin seemed to take a deep breath before continuing on with his instructions. "I need you to go to my room and get something. You know the safe ma gave me? The code is her birthday. Bring what's inside to me. I'll text you the address."

"Hyunjin, what is going on?"

"It's better if you don't know."


"I have to go. I'll text you. Just be safe."

What the hell?

Opening the safe wasn't difficult but trying to come up with an explanation for what was inside, was.

"Hyunjin, what have you got yourself into?" She whispered to herself, grabbing the stack of money and putting it into her pocket. Luckily her jacket had pockets with zippers and this could keep the money considerably safe.

Sneaking out of your own house was surprisingly easy when your mother is a deep sleeper. But walking around town at 10pm was a little too terrifying for Yeji's taste.

She pulled out her phone again, double checking the address.

The location wasn't the best, which only contributed to the anxiety she had been feeling since her brother called.

Why had he sent an address for a remote warehouse? Seriously?

If Yeji got murdered tonight, she would definitely haunt her brother.

The whole area near the warehouse was badly lit to the point of Yeji considering turning back and running for her life. But she kept reminding herself of just how serious Hyunjin had sounded earlier.

Yeji put the hood of her hoodie up, tightening it around her face as much as possible. It did provide her some sense of comfort but she was still very much scared. And fearful for her life.

That's when she spotted her brother and a few other people.

Today would remain in history. Not only was it the first time she snuck out of the house. But she had seen Shin Ryujin, not once but twice, in person and closely enough to touch.

Not that she touched her. But that's not the point.

Whatever mess Hyunjin had got into, Shin Ryujin was also involved in it.

"That's who you called?" Ryujin spoke between her teeth, apparently not wanting the other people to hear. But she sounded angry.

"Who else would I have called?"

"Literally anyone else."

"She's the only one with access to my room."

"Heejin could have got in."

"What if she got caught sneaking into my house?"

Yeji finally spoke, breaking up this strange fight between the both of them. "So, do you need this or not?" Hyunjin nodded, quickly.

"And can you explain what is going on?"

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