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You sure are a pretty little thing~" Robin laughed leaning toward the fire pit, "Why thank you" she was drunk, but the drink made her feel warm and she felt safe with this man. That was a big mistake. "Please, lemme go" she cried, "Naw sweetie, you'll hurt yourself. Lemme take care of you~" It burns, I don't like this, I wanna go home.

"Come on kid, don' make me hurt you' ' This man was mean, he kept dragging her around even though she told him no. "Let me go asshole!" she pushed him, and that just pissed him off. When he was done she ran, cut up his face to get him off her and she ran.

"See, you're just fine" she hated this man, he offered her food and shelter from the rain and now he wouldn't let her leave. Stupid mistake. "Get off me you piece of shit" she shoved him off her before she grabbed her things and hopped out the window. Her now bare legs were bruised and her feet hurt but she kept running.

"I heard there's a cute little kitty out on the streets, we should go find her" she stayed under her dumpster for a week after that.

"Check under the dumpsters, little kittens like to hide under there don't they?'' She stayed on rooftops after that.

"There you are pretty kitty, I'm gonna make a lot of money off of you"

He skin buried

Her throat burned

Her feet hurt

Everything hurt.

Robin woke up screaming, crying out for her dads. Instead, she was wrapped up in Mrs. Tanaka's arms, calmed by the woman's natural warmth. "It's ok dear, you're ok" she whispered gently, brushing out her hair with her fingers. "You're ok, it was just a dream" Robin nodded, slowly regaining consciousness. "I-i'm so-sorry for screaming" she whispered, whipping her eyes, "You're fine darling, we all have bad nights' ' she smiled. "Go back to bed dear, you're safe here" Robin nodded shakily and layed back down falling asleep as Mrs. Tanaka hummed a little tune.

Robin awoke to the sounds of little birds chirping and the feeling of sunlight hitting her face, she sat up to see Aika singing a little tune with a bird sitting on her finger. It was early in the morning, the sun was just rising over the city of Tokyo. Robin turned her head to see Eichi asleep in his wheelchair with Haru sitting in his lap, next to them Katashi was asleep in the recliner chair and Haru was laying on the small couch. She laughed slightly alerting Aika that she was fully awake, "Hey! How are you feeling?" she questioned wheeling over. "I'm fine, why are you all in here?" Robin questioned fixing her bedsheets, "Katashi heard you had a nightmare and it's a custom here that whenever someone has a nightmare, we sleep in their room so they don't feel alone" Aika explained locking her wheels directly next to Robin's bed. "Smart, should we wake them up?" she asked, looking at the four boys still knocked out.

"Later, it's still early. Can you get out of bed yet?" Aika questioned, "I should be why?" Robin raised an eyebrow. "Get up, we're going on an adventure" Robin chuckled and slipped out of bed grabbing her IV pole following the smaller girl out of the room. "Where exactly are we going?" Robin asked as they got in the elevator, "Just wait" Aika giggles leaning back. The doors opened and they walked out onto the roof of the hospital, just to their left down a ramp was a helly pad. "Why are we up here?" Robin questioned turning to the girl in the chair, "The sunrise is pretty" Aika comments looking at the pink, yellow, and blue sky.

"You're right, but are we even allowed up here?" Robin asked again leaning onto her IV pole, "well, we're two dying girls. We're the most sympathetic people ever, this disease has taken everything from me. I won't let it take away my fun" Aika smiled. "Honestly, this'' she motioned to her legs, "Is the best get outta jail free card, like ever." Robin tilted her head to the side, 'Isn't that... kinda selfish?" she raised an eyebrow. "Maybe, but the universe took away my ability to be "normal" so I think I'm allowed to be selfish. In fact, so are you" Robin hummed at the girl's revelation. "Come on, I heard there would be pancakes this morning. Plus I don't wanna give Eichi a heart attack" Aika giggles as they get back into the elevator. "If anybody asks, we were just having fun" Aika whispers as she returns to Robin's room, "Absolutely" Robin grins slipping into bed.

"Good morning girls" Mrs. Tanaka smiles as she enters the room, "Good morning!" Both girls were smiling. There was a grumbling good morning from Katashi and Mrs. Tanaka went on with her morning routine, checking Robin over, making her drink some water, write some things down, and move on to the next kid. Though all of her kids were currently in the room so she just had to wake them all up, though it did take a while she eventually sent them back to their own rooms. "Mrs. Tanaka?" she turned to Robin with a smile, "Yes dear?"

"When are my parents coming back?" she questioned


Oh boy.

"Darling, I'll give them a call alright?" Robin nodded and settled into bed flicking through the channels on her little TV, Mrs. Tanaka sighed and walked out to her desk. "Aoki, do we still have Mr. Aizawa's number?" she questioned sitting down, "Yep!" he called, sliding over in his wheelchair. "Here you go" he handed her the slip of paper before returning to his original place, she sighed and dialed the number.


"Hi! This is Mrs. Tanaka from the North Tokyo Hospital!"

"Oh, hi. What's this about?"

"Your daughter was wondering when you were coming back in to see her"

"Oh, um, sorry we had to take our sons back home. Hitoshi was having a really hard time and they have school"

"O-k, when will you come back to see her then?"

"Probably sometime next weekend, me and my husband still have work and all-"

"Of course! Please just let us know and we'll set up your visiting hours, have a nice day!"

She ended the call and put her head in her hands, a week? This poor girl had to wait a week to see her family again? How was that fair? She'd been through hell and back and they just left her when things got hard? She knew she probably didn't have the whole story but she was still pissed. She slowly stood, "I'm... I'm gonna take a walk" she sighed taking off her white coat and slipping on her personal gray one. "Mhkay, tell Hinata I say hello!" Aoki calls out as she steps into the elevator, maybe seeing her husband would do her some good.

"Hi honey didn't think you'd come in today" Hinata Tanaka was a very busy man, he ran one of the most successful bakeries in all of Tokyo. Especially in the Fall/ Wintertime, with orders for Thanksgiving and Christmas coming out of his ears. However, he always made time for his wife. So when she walked into his store without a regular skip in her step, he knew something was wrong. "Honey what's wrong" He questioned pulling her into the back room, "It-it's just" she sighed, "Those kids deserve the world you know? And the fact that not even their own families see that just sucks". He did in fact know, he sat through all the little rants about all her patient's parents and how utterly stupid they were. He listened as she yelled on the phone at a police officer deeming Nikko's mother unfit when she fought Haru's father from trying to see him when his mother was there despite both their restraining orders. He listened when she gave Katashi's parents a verbal beat down when they told him the chemotherapy was too expensive, and he was definitely there when she filed a report against Aika's parents getting her removed from their care and into the care of her older sister.

He was always there, however she seemed to be talking about a different kiddo this time. "Who are we talking about dear?" he gently brushed her hair out of her face, "A new patient, her name is Robin. They found her on the streets a few days ago, apparently, she ran away from home. She's got cystic fibrosis and, damn it all Hinata, her family left her after she had a coughing fit! Who does that? Your child is coughing up blood and you just leave! You don't even say goodbye!" she started to cry leaning into her husband's hold. "It's ok now, let it out" he whispered gently, stroking her back, "I'm sorry, I have to get back to work" she gently whipped her eyes. "Here, take some pastries for the kiddos. I'll come to visit after work" she nodded, kissing him once, taking the pastries, and rushing out the door. A few minutes later he got a notification,

My Lovely Wife: Thank you for always listening to me <3

He smiled before shooting back a reply,

Hubby-man: And I always will <3

Trust is a fickle thing, isn't it?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat