Into the night

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 Izuku had learned many things while being held captive by the league like his father had sold his quirk to AFO to pay off his debts (turns out that's what he did to his mother as well), that doctors visit was just a way for AFO to steal his quirk, he no longer liked the smell of black tea, and they'd kidnapped him to see what would happen if they gave him his quirk back. All the needles and injections were just preparation for giving his quirk back, thankfully he got out before he could. However, he also learned that the villains were planning a war against heroes. He could only hope that the arrests of Kuroguri and the psycho-dr would slow the process.

He'd woken up two days after his rescue and he hadn't spoken to anyone, instead, he was planning on how to stop the war before it started. He'd finally made up his mind to leave a week into his hospital stay, the doctor had told him he was getting much better and would be able to leave the hospital in two days. He'd have to leave before that.

He planned to write notes to all the people he cared about,











He thought about writing a note to all of his classmates but decided against it, it might take too long and prolong what he needed to do. Besides, it would be easier to escape the hospital than U.A.

It was the day before he would be released from the hospital and the night he would leave, he'd just finished all 10 of his letters and had grabbed his bag of things that Hawks had returned since he left them at the man's agency. He layed out all his letters carefully on his bed before slowly opening his window, he looked back on his room silently staring at all the flowers, cards, and balloons he'd gotten from his classmates. He was sad to leave them but at least he would protect them.

And with that final thought, he jumped out the window and into the night.

(Sorry it's so short, I just wanted to write something simple since my finals are this week and less stress is better. See you all next week. Bye!)

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