Don't let me go, please

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 Overhaul escaped at the end of August, how? Izuku might never know. All he knows is the man stayed mostly underground in the past month and had decided to pop back up in a crazy attempt to take over the league and all of Japan. The man had very clearly lost his mind after losing his arms courtesy of an angry Shigaraki, and despite losing a few of its members the league seemed to be just as large. There was a huge standoff between the League and Overhaul, during that battle Chisaki was killed. Now Izuku was fighting off the large band of villains still on the battlefield, he didn't notice how close they'd gotten to U.A until he saw Erasurehead join the fray. Alongside him were Shoto, Bakugou, Uraraka, Sero, and Asui. He watched his old classmates fight before rejoining the fight, taking down villains alongside them as he used to all those months ago. He wonders where his sister was but decided not to dwell on it too much, she was probably with Eri.

Once the last of the villains were rounded up, he turned to leave but was stopped by a familiar scarf wrapping around his waist. He turned around to see Aizawa with tears in his eyes, alongside all of class 2-A. "Stay" was the only word spoken from Shoto, god did he want to. He really, really did. But he had to stop the league, he didn't have enough information.

Maybe he could just stop though, maybe he could give his information to the pros and finally rest.

But what if the hero commission found out and told them not to? What if they didn't take him seriously and didn't do anything?

He couldn't trust the hero commission.

But he could trust Aizawa.

He could trust his dad.

And with that thought he crumbled, pulling his mask down and letting his hood fall off his matted hair. "Dad?" He reached his unrestrained arm to his father and fell to the ground into his arms, "I'm sorry" he whispered grabbing onto his dad's shirt.

"I Know kid"

"I wish I didn't leave"

"I know kid"

"I love you"

"I love you too Izuku"

Before he knew it he was being lifted off the ground and carried away, he vaguely realized he was in the hospital wing until Shoto appeared in his vision. "Come on Izuku, let's get you cleaned up" Izuku followed Shoto up to his room and vaguely heard the water being turned on, "Bunny?" It's been a while since he's heard that. "Bunny?" Izuku looked up, "Hmm?" he tilted his head further into the hand on his cheek. "Can I get you undressed so you can shower?" Izuku nodded, not feeling enough energy to feel embarrassed about being undressed, once he was down to his underwear Shoto stood him up and led him to the bathroom. "Bunny, can you do it yourself, or do you need help?" he questioned, still holding Izuku upright. "Maybe, no promises I'll stay awake through" he admits leaning onto his boyfriend? Could he still call him that?

"Ok, sit there for me" He gently placed Izuku onto the counter and proceeded to strip down to his underwear, "come here dearest" he whispered, pulling him off the counter. He pulled the shower curtain open and gently helped Izuku into the shower letting the warm spray of water hit him, Shoto sat him on the floor and washed his hair. It took a while before he finally got all the knots out, after a few minutes of being scrubbed down with a loofa Shoto turned off the shower and wrapped Izuku in a warm towel. He lifted him out of the shower and again placed him on the counter to dry him off with a mixture of the towel and his quirk. Shoto left the bathroom and returned with a pair of boxers and a hoodie, he turned around as Izuku changed his boxers but turned around again to help him into the hoodie (it was his but Izuku didn't need to know that).

Gently he lifted Izuku up into a bridal carry and walked back into his room, "Do you wanna go back to your apartment or stay here?" he questioned the half-asleep boy. "I-l'll stay here" he whispered, Shoto nodded and pulled back the sheets of his bed and tucked Izuku in. "Will you stay?'' he questioned, holding onto the other boy's hand. "I will" he crawled into the bed next to him and pulled Izuku into his chest resting his head on his newly cleaned hair. "I love you, I'm sorry for leaving" he whispered half-awake, "I love you too bunny".


Robin had been in hiding for months, she'd been walking past one of the old TV stores when the news of Overhauls escape broke. She ran into the alleys and barely went out for months, it was terrifying. She had no one to protect her now, she was all on her own. However at the beginning of October, she watched on the news as he was killed and continued watching as her brother returned to U.A. She smiled, she didn't have to hide anymore. Though she couldn't go back, not yet, she just needed a bit more time.


"She's...what?" Izuku had been resting for two days and he'd finally been able to get out of bed without falling back asleep. He decided to actually sit down and talk with his parents, "Robin ran away a week after you did, we-we thought she was going to look for you but...she hasn't come back" Hizashi signed, rubbing Hitoshi's shoulder. "I-I never saw, I haven't heard- why?" Izuku had tears in his eyes, his sister? Gone? Why? Why didn't she say anything? He was horrified, he'd spent 3 months on the streets, and never once had he seen his sister. She hadn't been doing her vigilante work, which was odd. Could she have been looking for him? Why didn't she come back? The most horrific question is, was she dead?

"I-I have to go look for her!" He yelled, scrambling to get up and grab his gear, "NO!" Izuku turned to see Hitoshi standing up, tears flowing down his face. "I tried!" he cried, his voice breaking, "I tried to find her but I failed! Dad tried to find her! We can't find her!" He broke down curling in on himself. "B-but what if I can! I know where she'd go I-I" and he too fell, tears flowing, "I'm sorry" he whispered wiping his eyes. "It's ok, it's ok Zu. We'll be ok, we'll find her" Hitoshi whispered, hugging his brother, "I'm sorry I left you" Izuku whispered. "You better be, you owe me like 10,000 cups of coffee" Hitoshi jokes, "I will" he laughs as Hizashi and Aizawa join them on the floor. "I do hope you're not having a floor party without us" Hizashi jokes "Never" Hitoshi giggles.

"We love you kids"

"We love you too.


Robin officially hated October, it had been two weeks since Izuku had been found and she really wanted to go back to her family. She was slowly walking through the alleys towards the nearest hospital, all the while coughing up blood. Tears filled her eyes as she crumbled to the floor holding her hand up to her mouth. Eventually, she started to gag, vomiting up blood and the singular muffin she'd eaten that week. Her vision was blurring as she tried crawling until her arms gave out, she coughed a few more times before turning over onto her back as tears flowed down her face. She looked up at the now dark sky with a quiet sob, she didn't want to die, not yet. Sadly exhaustion took over and her eyes slowly closed

I'm sorry...



H-- -id?


-ou al-igh-?

Who's there?


Help me!

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