No one is Ready...

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 Izuku glared at the large villain in front of him. This bastard supposedly had some information but he wasn't giving it up any time soon. Izuku had been looking for information on the league for the past month and it hadn't been easy, he didn't expect it to, but good gods! He just barely dodged another punch for the villain when he finally gained the leverage he needed to lodge his electric staff into his neck. The man dropped to the floor and Izuku restrained him before opening the briefcase he'd been carrying. He shoved all the papers into his backpack before calling the police.

"Villian in the east alley next to the old sewing shop"

He ended the call and left the scene, waiting on the roof of the shop to see the police. Once the police car turned onto the street he jumped away into the night. He silently crawled into his little hovel at the top of an abandoned apartment complex, the small room had a futon in the corner with one threadbare blanket on top. The walls were covered in pictures and articles about the league, and there were files about the group litters around the floor. He reached up and turned on the singular lightbulb in the room before slowly pulling off his backpack, shoes, and overlays on his clothes. He pulled his first aid kit out of his bag including the new papers he acquired and he silently wrapped the new injury around his ribs, he shifted through the new papers to see what was important. "Well that's interesting" he mutters, finding several checks made out to the "Endeavor trust bank". He sighed as he pulled his beaten-up laptop out from under his pillow and typed in the Endeavor Trust bank, as it turns out Endeavor had tried to open his own bank but it failed when people discovered it was just a ploy to get more money for himself. It was shut down before Izuku was even born, in fact, probably even before Shigaraki. So why was he making checks to a shut-down bank run by a disgraced hero?

He tacked the paper up onto his wall and stared for a moment before realization hit, he dove for an old pile of old papers and pulled out a printed email to ETB. Looking through it he grinned like a maniac, he found their financial income. It was a ruse of taking the bank and collecting money from unsuspecting poor people, investing their money in hopes of pulling themselves out of the slums. He grinned as he sent an untraceable email to the IRS and the police about a money-laundering scheme, he also told them they'd better give the people their money back or he'd tear them apart but that's neither here nor there. He sighed again as he sent the email and climbed onto his little futon before falling asleep.


Robin coughed a final time as she finished throwing up more blood in some old alley behind a trash can, she whipped her face with the back of her hand before standing up straight and running off deeper into the alleys. She'd finally found Chisaki's old compound and information about her torture, the old place had been completely abandoned and she'd been able to find the old labs with very little issue (except a panic attack or two). She'd found 3 files with her name on them in Chisaki's old office before she made her way to that room, she shuddered as she pushed the broken door away. There were old dried-up blood spatters around the room, but mostly on the two examination tables. She turned her head away and went through the old filing cabinets, she found a few more files until she found two CDs with her name on them. She decided to watch and placed the first CD in her laptop and prepared herself for what she'd see,

She wasn't ready


"You were this close! You knew he was there and you didn't call!" Aizawa was pissed, he'd found out about their latest arrest that had been called in by a "Mysterious caller with a voice changer". Aizawa knew it was Izuku but Tsukashi had refused to allow him on the case saying he was too close to it. He thought that was complete bullshit but he was still pulled from the case and barred from working on it. Eventually, his shouting got Hizashi called and he was dragged back to UA, "Shouta, you can't just go threatening the police force" Hizashi chides and pulls his husband into their empty apartment. Since Izuku and Robin had gone missing, Hitoshi and Eri have been making it their mission to stay out of the house. "He's been gone a month and they still haven't found him, Izuku has been far more active than Robin and they still can find him. Don't even get me started on how they can't find a girl with a cat quirk covered in tattoos'' He sat down at the kitchen table with a huff.

"I know this is frustrating but you can't just take your pain out on others' ' Hizashi quietly sat down next to his husband, both of their kids' disappearances had taken a toll on their relationship. They'd been arguing a lot more, they stopped having family dinner, and Shouta had been sleeping in his office instead of at the apartment. In fact, this was the first time Hizashi had actually seen his husband at home all week. He knew how much Shouta blamed himself, he was always the one who found out about them leaving. He thought he could have stopped them if he'd tried harder, and since he wasn't allowed on the case he felt useless.

HIzashi sighed resting a hand on his husband's leg, "We need to be better Shou, Eri, and Hitoshi are struggling, 2-A is struggling, we're struggling. I'm not saying we should forget them but we still have to live" Shouta nodded, it would be easy, but hey. When is anything in his life ever easy?


Robin shuttered at the cold, wandering about the streets holding only her ratted backpack. She slipped into another old alley avoiding everyone she saw, she made the mistake of seeing someone once. She will not make it again. As another gust of wind ran past she crawled under a trash bin, she pushed her bag up against the wall and faced the outside to see the feet of people walking past. She counted at least 12 people walking past before she fell asleep.


Kirishima was tired, he was done with everything. Katsuki was becoming more and more irritable, he could feel his patience crumbling with every argument. All of class 2-A had fallen apart in one way or another, Izuku had disappeared, and not two weeks later his sister followed. He knew he should've done more for Robin, he wasn't being a very good boyfriend to her at the time her brother was kidnapped and missing. To be fair everyone in 2-A was quite rude to her but that doesn't excuse his own actions. It had been close to two months since his girlfriend had vanished, and in that time he had changed so much. His hair grew out to the point where his black roots showed, he stopped spiking up his hair, and he grew to be 6'2". He and Mina had shot up in height alongside Sero, all three now in the 6-foot range. Though Kirishima quite liked the height shift, it was a sore spot with Bakugou who stayed about the same height as before. More and more arguments occurred between the two and Kiri knew it was because of Robins disappearance. Their relationship felt off, wrong, without her there.

He also saw a shift in a few of his classmates. Momo had become far more assertive, she refused to be ignored. She constantly fought with Bakugou but she still held a sense of calamity and niceness toward all her classmates. Jirou had, at first, fallen apart after Robin's disappearance. However, after a month she grew, she became more confident alongside her girlfriend but Kiri knew she'd been quietly looking for Robin on weekends to visit her family. Denki had stopped letting people walk all over him, even yelling at Bakugou for insulting his intelligence. Though he still struggled with his ADHD he was no longer afraid to get help, he also knew his friend had finally blocked his mother after she tried calling again.

Despite all the good change they couldn't ignore the pain everyone felt due to the absence of their two classmates, however, no one felt it more than Hitoshi. He was banned from going out at night to look for his siblings after he almost got stabbed, though he still went out occasionally. It was terrifying to see the shift in his attitude, he didn't sleep ever, he didn't eat, and he was far more volatile than he used to be. He cursed, he started fights, he even knocked out Monoma's tooth once during training. However, under all of it, he was just tired. He wanted his family back, he was lonely. That all he really was,

A sad lonely boy.

(I am soooooooo sorry for not updating these past few weeks, my mental health has been declining and my partner just broke up with me and I've lost a lot of my motivation. Either way, I'm back now, the updating schedule will be more sporadic until I can figure my life out but I will post one chapter a week. I hope you liked this chapter and again I am so sorry for not updating)

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