A dirty and broken home

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 It was 6 am when Shouta grabbed Robin from her room and drove off to the Kirishima residence, even though they both knew what was there, neither wanted to acknowledge why they were going to visit. They sat in the car quietly as they drove slowly to the house, they pulled up and stared at the pretty flower gardens that Kirishima-san had planted, they stared at her red roses for longer than they should've until they finally go out of the car. They stood silently outside the house as they waited for someone to come open the door, after a few minutes Kirishima-San answered the door. "Mr.Aizawa!" she exclaimed, "Come in come in! Robin dear Ejirou and Bakugou-Kun are upstairs" the young girl nodded and quickly ran upstairs. "Aizawa-San please have a seat, would you like some tea?" she questioned motioning toward her couch, "No thank you, I'd rather just get down to business if you don't mind?" he asked sitting down. "Of course, of course. Where would you like me to begin?" she asked sitting on the adjacent couch. "At the beginning please" she nodded, "Eijirou had gotten a call-


Robin knocked on her boyfriend's door before she pushed it open, "Eiji? Kat? You two in here?" she questioned. "Hey Robin" she pushed the door open all the way to be greeted by a smiling Ejirou and a half-lucid Katsuki, "Hey boys" she smiled closing the door behind her and slowly walking over. "How are you this morning sleepy head?" she questioned sitting down and kissing Katsuki's forehead, "mmh fuck off" he grumbled turning over and hiding under the sheets. "Oh the rejection, how painful" she giggled flopping back onto Eijirou. "Oof, hey! Rude!" Eijirou laughed wrapping his arms around the girls' waist, "Oh hush" she smiled kissing him lightly before turning back to Katsuki. "You alright?" she questioned as the boy sat up, "Whaddya think?" he grumbled leaning onto the wall. "I think you need a kiss" she smiled, "I'd say that is a fair assessment" both Eijirou and Robin smiled as they pulled their boyfriend over and kissed him. "How was the trial?" Ejirou questioned as Robin pulled on one of his hoodies, she froze

Should I tell them?

"You good Kit?" Katsuki questioned. "Y-yeah, the trial was fine I guess" she mumbled, "What's wrong? You don't look so good" Eirirou questioned looking worried.

Why is he worried?

"N-nothing's wrong, I'm fine, I'm fine" she explained pulling at her hair slightly, "Saying something twice doesn't make it come true" Katsuki states pulling her hands away from her hair. "Seriously I'm fine, shouldn't we be more focused on Katsuki here?" she questioned resined to now pulling in her sleeves, "Kitty, you're obviously upset about something. We just wanna try making it better" Eijirou reasoned no standing next to Katsuki. "Well you can't fix it!" she yelled going back to pulling on her hair, "I don't even know how to fix it" she cried crumping in on herself. "It's ok darlin' why don't you just talk about it? Maybe that'll make you feel better" Katsuki reasoned kneeling down next to her. "He's my father" he whispered, "What?" Eijirou sat down and gently massaged her wrist. "Overhaul, he's my biological father" both boys sat in astonishment

Holy Shit.

"Please don't hate me" she whispered


"What, no, no Kitty we don't hate you! We're just processing" Ejirou re-assures pulling his girlfriend onto his lap, "Promise?" Katsuki nodded. "Promise".

"Oh gods, I've made this all about me haven't I? I'm sorry" she chuckled whipping her eyes, "No, no Kit. You're just fine, I'm actually quite glad we haven't talked about what happened" Katsuki smiled though stopped when he saw the look Eijirou and Robin gave him. "We're still talking about it," they both said in unison (How?). "You both know I'm not good at this" he complained as they pulled him to the bed, "Maybe so but you still need to talk about it in some capacity" Eijirou reasoned. "You don't have to tell us about what happened if you don't want to but maybe you can talk about how it made you feel" Robin supplied, "You learned that from Hound dog didn't you?" he questioned. Robin flushed slightly, "Guilty" she admits. He chuckles leaning into his boyfriend's side, "I don't know, I guess I thought things between me and my mom were getting better. Not perfect but, better. She stopped hitting me months ago and now..." he trails off. "I mean I tried to stay calm but I lost my patience, she was screaming at me and I guess my involuntary response is to yell right back" he sighed.

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