Chapter 15 ~ You're not a monster.

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<<Time skip>>

It's dark, but it's not exactly midnight. We're nearly there and although it has felt like we've been walking for hours, we really weren't that far from L'manburg at all. We just went at a slow pace.

"I should probably stop here." He tells me. We're not far from the edge of the forest next to L'manburg. "Fundy could see me." Fundy? I look towards where L'manburg would be, but I can't even see the walls. "Fundy?" I ask.

"He's on patrol." He tells me and I start to think he's kidding. "You wouldn't know that." I playfully roll my eyes and chuckle. "You can't even see the walls from here." I say.

"Trust me, I have my ways." He tells me and I just nod. "Well, I have to go now, see you." I say, waving bye. But as I begin to walk, he calls me out. "Wait!" He yells, not too loud, but loud enough for me to hear.

I turn around to see him run towards me. I give him a questioning look with my eyes, seeing that's my only facial feature that can be seen. "You can't go in there without anything." He says. And I'm not quite sure what he means.

He shuffles through his pockets and pulls out a small bag, tossing it over to me, leaving me with no choice, but to catch it. I open the bag to where my eyes lay on some iron already smelted. "It isn't a lot, but take it." He says. "Oh and don't thank me." I look up to see that cheeky smirk on his face.

I giggle, knowing my cheeks have painted themselves crimson. "Thank you." I say quietly, still enough for him to hear. "I have something to give you too." I say and he tilts his head, confused. I remove my jacket and grab the axe from behind my back, nearly dropping it from it's weight.

With both my hands, I hold it out in front of him, in an attempt to keep it in my hands and not the floor. "Lucky enough to find it before someone else could." I tell him, as he takes it effortlessly in his hand. How can someone carry that all day without getting so tired?

"I've been looking for this." He says. "Thank you." He tells me, not as quietly as I did. "I'll get going now, for real this time. Bye." I tell him and he just waves back, not bothering to say more, as I run to the walls.

"Good evening! Wilbur told me to tell you to leave that iron in the van." Dream was right. It really is Fundy patrolling tonight. "Will do, goodnight!" I say, softly smiling at the thought. You're not a monster, Dream. I repeat it in my head, drowning out every single other thought.

You're not a monster, Dream.

<<Time skip>>

I walk into the house, leaving my shoes by the door, only to walk by the kitchen where I see Niki. "Good evening, Y/n!" She greets with a smile. I'm really glad she allowed me to stay at her place ever since I found myself in L'manburg. She even built me my own room.

"Good evening! You seem quite relaxed today." I say. I've never seen her like this. Usually she'd be out farming for supplies, running errands, stressing over the lack of sleep. "Wilbur gave me the day off." I'm glad she got one. If I were Wilbur I'd give her the day off everyday.

"Anyways, I hope you're hungry." She tells me then proceeds to grab a plate with freshly cooked chicken. "I'll be out in a minute." I tell her, making my way to my bedroom, gently shutting the door behind me.

I slowly lean my back onto the door, in attempt to keep myself from sinking to the ground. I can't help but smile. Dream isn't a monster. And it only wants me to know more about him. He's interesting, but at the same time mysterious.

A man capable to love definitely isn't a monster. He's just someone who's lost terribly. And it isn't necessarily a consequence, but maybe just fate. Dream is nice when he wants to be. He's just the type of person who lies to himself about the truth.

I slowly push myself off the wall, digging through my jacket pocket, searching for the only sense of time I have in this room. Niki built my room with no windows, scared someone could see me without my mask on.

It prevents me from being able to tell the time, but not so much when I have a watch. Dream's watch to be specific. I still don't know how to read it, but just looking at it only makes me wonder why someone could hate such man.

I pull out the watch from my pocket, only to notice that not only did I grab his watch. But there in my hand lays a small piece of paper. Slowly unfolding it, I start to think it's probably just some piece of trash, but only to find writing after I had completely unfolded it.

Meet me tomorrow by the river, 8pm sharp.


It's too much. Too much of everything. I can't help but smile even harder, bringing a hand up to my mouth, biting my knuckle in an attempt to contain myself from every single feeling I'm feeling at once.

This man knows how to destroy me. Destroy me in the best way possible, to the point where he wouldn't ever put me in a position where I have to wonder if he really is a monster or not. To the point where oneirataxia is the only problem I have on my mind.

I look at the paper some more, reading every word over and over again like it's a poem. It's written with some ink on some page from I assume a book. His handwriting looks royal. Royal enough to where I can barely understand his cursive. This fucker must've snuck it into my pocket.

I notice something on the bottom right of the paper to where my eyes lay on a circle with 2 lines in the middle. One shorter than the other, forming a slanted V. I don't know if he put that there on purpose, but as I look harder I realize this isn't just a circle. It's a clock.

The longer line pointing north and the shorter one pointing north west. 8pm, I assume. I look back to the clock in my hand and let out a quiet, stifled chuckle. I can feel it again and my cheeks are warm, my stomach is bubbling and not because I'm hungry.

I don't know what it is, but it almost hurts. It hurts in the best way possible, slowly moving up to my chest and to my throat, grazing along my insides. A lump in my throat is all I feel. Almost like butterflies fluttering inside me.

You're not a monster, Dream.

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