Chapter 10 ~ Tell me what time it is.

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~Y/n's POV~

I was staring at his mask. And so stupid of me to think it was an invite to heaven. I immediately back up, terrified. I should scream for help, I thought, but I couldn't. Not when I'm this frightened.

I trip on one of the roots of the nearby tree, causing me to fall back, but I don't stop moving. I start moving back, but he was already walking forward. What does he want and why am I not doing anything?

This is what I get for pushing him into that wall. This is the consequences of my own action, I knew I shouldn't have done that. He was getting close and I shut my eyes again. This is even scarier than that skeleton and this time I'm dying for sure.

It's been a few seconds and nothing has happened. I begin to slowly open my eyes and I see a hand above me. I realize what I probably look right now. I'm curled up on the ground with both my hands as a shield and my eyes are half open in front of the enemy.

I can practically see the disappointment on Wilbur's face. I fully open my eyes and suck in a breath through my teeth. His hand is above me and I look up at his mask.

I look back down at his outstretched hand and he still hasn't moved an inch. This isn't the Dream they described to me. I hesitantly and ever so carefully take the hand and he immediately pulls me up without a warning, before then pulling me into his chest.

He holds me there with one hand wrapped around my waist and I hear another bow fire from behind me. I pull back from the suddenness and turn around to see the leftover dust of whatever had just died.

"Creeper." I turn my head back and I realize what position we're in. I have both my hands on his chest, he has an arm wrapped around my waist and our masked faces were a mere few inches apart. "There was a creeper." He repeats.

I push him away and begin to back away again. "What do you want from me?" I ask intimidated by him. I don't what just went on in the last 60 seconds, but I don't think I wanna recall anything.

"I wanna know what you're doing out here." He tells me, walking closer. And I don't notice it, but my back hits against a tree, completely leaving me with no where to go. I don't what he'll do if I don't answer his question, so I do. "Patrolling." I say. One word, yet it feels like I've said too much.

"You shouldn't be afraid me." He said, he probably heard the nervousness in my voice which only made me feel a lot more vulnerable. "Not after saving your life twice." He has a point, but I still don't think I should trust him.

He's a few inches away from me and I know I should probably run, but I stay still. "Do you know what time it is?" He asks and I hesitantly shake my head. If Wilbur finds out about this then only 3 things could occur.

Either he kills Dream. He kills me. Or he kills us both.

He pulls something out his pocket and gently takes one of my hands, his hands are warm, while as for mine stay as cold as ice. He engulfs my hand with the other that held whatever he took out his pocket and closes my hand pushing it back towards me.

I look at him and look back at my hand, before looking back at him again. "Go on." He said. I look down and hesitantly open my hand to see a golden pocket watch with a chain attached to it. "Tell me what time it is." I bite my lip and begin observing the 2 hands moving behind the glass.

It's probably stupid, but I still don't know how to read a clock. I try to look at it in a way where I look like I know what I'm doing, but in reality I'm panicking on the inside. No one probably takes this long to tell the time.

I watch the ticking clock and all I can think of is a ticking timebomb he planted in the ground beneath me. And that he's having me use my last few breaths to tell the time.

He sighs and I look up, he's adjusting his mask, lifting it up slightly, so it reveals his mouth, but leaves the rest of his face hidden. I don't know if he's like me who keeps their face hidden to the public or if he wears it around everyone including the people he knows.

"It's a quarter past 2." He said. I let out a subtle oh while in reality I'm screaming at myself for thinking it was 2 hours before midnight, now realizing it's actually 2 hours past midnight.

But why should I believe the enemy? I thought. He's probably just trying to throw me off anyways. I shift my weight onto one foot and the other, hoping that if there really is a timebomb underneath me it would set off and help me escape this situation.

"You don't know how to read a clock?" He asked, which sounded more like he was informing me I didn't know how to read a clock. And I don't know what it is, but I catch myself staring at his lips, as he spoke and it's probably because I've never seen it before.

I shake my head gently and looked down in embarrassment. He chuckles. "I know someone like you." He said and I look up raising an eyebrow, wondering what he meant. He shakes his head and smiles.

He has a nice smile, I thought, something I shouldn't be thinking about. "I meant, I know someone who too can't read a clock." He says and I internally smile at the thought, knowing I wasn't the only one who couldn't read a clock. It's quiet for a few moments and I keep my head down the whole time.

"You're new." He said and I look back up. "What's your name?" He asked. I remember what I promised Wilbur. 'Promise me you'll never mention your name to anyone'.

I casually shrug, trying to make it seem as if his question didn't make me nervous in some way. "Don't have one." I tell him. He tilts his head and his mouth is ajar.

"Your joking?" He asks leaning in closer and I lean my head back as far as it would go without hitting the back of my head. I shake my head and sigh. He chuckles and backs away. I can imagine him looking at me like a freak behind that mask.

"It's weird, I know-" I try to finish, but I'm cut. "No, no, I think it's unique." He says. It then hits me how casually I talk to the man who plans to shoot my brother because he doesn't wanna give L'manburg it's independence. This is wrong and I shouldn't be speaking to him.

Although he seems like a nice person right now, it doesn't compare to what he's done to my brothers. "I should go." I tell him, not bothering to even glance at him and began to walk away.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me back. "Hey." He said. "I wanna see you again." I huff and roll my eyes. I don't wanna deal with the consequences this man has to give me. "Well, I don't. So why don't you go back to your own place and stay there?" I tell him and yank my wrist away from him.

He doesn't react, but instead stands there watching me, as I enter the walls to where he can no longer see me.

I stand in the middle of the place, looking down only to realize the watch I held in my hand. I forgot to return it.

I run back out the gates to find him already gone, before I ask myself. Why do I care, it's not like he deserves to even have anything as small as a pocket watch? He's the enemy, I remind myself.

I shake my head and look up to see the rain had subsided and that he was right. He didn't lie and it really was 2 in the morning. Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought.

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