22.[Where His Love For Her Is Questioned, Afar Off]

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 Days Later

“Dad, you sure I can leave?” I asked sitting next to his bedside.

“Yes, I understand you and your…” He trailed off, clearing his throat. “Husband, have some where to be, something to do.”

I smiled. “Husband? Dad we aren’t married.” I was amused with myself I was actually sitting down in the hospital talking to him. He had just had the surgery on his liver a couple of hours ago, and he was up and talking and I knew he was drugged.

I guess he was excited it went well. But he really needed to go to sleep; I knew he just wanted my company. He was happy I was speaking to him again.

“But you are thinking about it right?” He stared at me tiredly.

“Well. I guess I do sometimes, but August and I we need to fix our problems first before we dive into hat. We know 74% about each other. My issues make up the next blocking 26.” I sighed.

“Problems? Already, you’ve only known his hoodlum for merely half a year plus.

I mumbled to myself. “And I already had a whole baby for him.”

“What’s that?” He asked.

“Nothing, I said and our relationship sometimes becomes drowning, you know hard to swim.”

“Why’d you say that?”

“Well Daddy, August puts up with me a lot. I didn’t’ know all these years I could be possibly struggling with a mental problem and that’s tiring for any man trying to get to know and love a woman.”

“So, that’s a part of the deal when indulging somebody.”

“I know Dad. I don’t know why I’m telling you this, but sometimes I don’t think I’m worthy. He can have any girl he wants, and a curly-haired, no hips, barely eye-lid having, switch flipping, nerve racking, phobic over thinking, English correcting freak like me is who he chooses.”

He just stared at me. “Princess you’re so beautiful. A man may look at a girl’s behind but when he lies next to her at night he wants to hold her face. Not her ass.”

I shrieked. “Daddy!” I looked around giggling. “You better not let Mom hear you talking like that. In that hoodlum speech.” I joked.

“It slipped out.” He said holding his chest. “The body will fade; the beauty will remain, even when she’s old. I can’t seem to fathom how you view yourself like that. You don’ see your worth pumpkin.”

“I do. I do think I’m pretty. I—I mean I’m not easily intimated, I wasn’t with my last boyfriend. But when it comes to August, I feel like I may never be good enough for him. I wake up in the morning and watch him sleep, because I don’t understand what he sees in me. It baffles me.”

I N D U L G E N C E (August Alsina) Sequel The Second ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now