even(more) about amari

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hi there! it's cee!

here's yet another information session about our favorite girl, amari


-if you all haven't noticed, there's a running gag in this book where amari shows up to school yawn with a tired expression on her face. the reason for that is that amari has dreams that causes her to wake up in the middle of the night and it makes her stay up for a good majority of the night.

- piggy backing off the last fact, those dreams were messages from the olympus xii, telling her that the digital world is in danger. 

-in the latest chapter, amari mentioned that she made a new bracelet for herself. it features several puzzle pieces that symbolizes individuality, stars that symbolize courage, and a blue lace agate crystal that promotes confidence and soothes anxieties.

-as a child, amari has be scolded by her older brother, tamaki on several occasions. there was one time she could never forget and that was when amari was seven and her brother was twelve. tamaki and her went to the park to go play with friends. the young amari goes to retrieve a ball that her friend threw too high from a tree she had no business climbing. 

- if you haven't noticed, amari is a protector. this stems back to when she was about eight years old. she once saved an old classmate from being a potential target for bullying. 

- the twins(asahi and yuzuru) were meant to be triplets, two boys and a girl. unfortunately, they lost their younger sister at birth...but amari makes up for her death. they try their best to protect their little cousin

-out of the adults in amari's family, she gets along with her uncle, yuma, her grandmother, ena, and her father, kei

-to saturmon and the olympos xii, amari is known as the great orcale. she is able to look into the distant future thanks to saturmon. 

- in japanese, amari's name would be tenya hotaru

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