Chapter 1

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-Ailith's POV-

Ailith Everstone stepped into her room. It was a plain, simple sort of room. Only because she intended to leave it as soon as possible without too much sentiment.

Turning the light off, she slid under the covers of her blanket, blinking back tears of anger.

As her head sunk into the pillow, she felt a literal pain in her chest, full of longing and grief.

While a tear slowly trickled down her cheek, she rolled onto her side, shut her eyes and tried to sleep.

Ailith was suddenly standing in a dark hallway, with barely anything visible.

The scene looked like something out of a horror movie, a dusty old hotel hallway, with a dark colour scheme and numbered rooms.

The air crackled with tension... fear... anger... hatred...

A demonic laughter echoed through the hall. Ailith suddenly felt as if she'd been injected with ice; the cruel, merciless sound made her blood turn cold.

"I have what you value most in life," it said, the ice in its voice sounding like a thousand knives scraping across a blackboard.

"And she will die in a single hour, unless you pass my tests. You must listen to my instructions, they will lead you through a series of your deepest thoughts and fears. If you cannot do this, you will not reach your friend in time, and I promise you, you will never see her again."

Ailith shook her head at the voice in helplessness, goosebumps rising on her skin.

"No," she said, her voice cracking, trying to sound challenging.

Images of Natalie, her best friend flashed through her head. How they had met in 9th grade, and how their friendship had blossomed.

Immediately, Ailith stood up straighter, gathering her courage in defiance, despite her racing pulse.

"You must make sacrifices. You either give up your fear or your friend," the voice had begun again, in its terrible hissing voice.

"What if I refuse?" she asked, terror melting her fake confidence second by second.

The voice ignored her completely and continued.

"Your journey begins in pi, with your materialistic fears, soon continuing to your deeper fears. I have looked into your mind, seasoned warrior, I know what you fear most, and I know how to control you."

The voice disappeared, leaving her in dead darkness and silence.

Alilith lowered herself into a ball, pressing her forehead to her knees. Her chestnut hair spilled over her shoulders as she screamed through gritted teeth.

Her racing heart felt like it was going to explode out of her rib cage and her eyes dotting with red, from anger or from her heart issues, she wasn't entirely sure.

Natalie... Her best friend, frankly her only friend.

Ailith refused to let her die. And if some bastard knew he could 'control' her, then she was going to prove him very wrong.

She squeezed her eyes shut and took a few deep breaths.

Once her pain receded and her eyes cleared, she straightened up and began to think.

"Okay. Okay. Pie?"

Ailith tugged at her hair and looked around at the hallway for some sort of clue.

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