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Ryujin ended up showing up earlier than she had informed her. Which both surprised Yeji and also made her nervous. Not because of her presence but, because Ryujin was currently sat on her bed, playing with her childhood stuffed bear as she looked over at Yeji who was getting ready.

Sometimes, she would catch a glimpse of Ryujin through the mirror in front of her, as she attempted to do her make up. Noticing just how she seemed to have all of Ryujin's attention.

It was a lot to process while attempting to do her make up and Yeji was having a hard time because of it.

Suddenly, Ryujin got up, leaving behind her stuffed bear on her bed. Slowly making her way behind Yeji, leaning over to make herself as tall as sitting Yeji was.

"You look good, Yeji." The strands of hair next to Ryujin's lips moving as she spoke. Yeji having to try her best not to look affected by it.

But could anyone blame her for getting chills as Ryujin whispered those words close to her ear? She doubted so.

A few minutes later, they were at what wasn't Ryujin's house, she noticed. It must have been one of her friend's. The car ride had been relatively normal, the music playing through the speakers in the car and both of them silently enjoying it. Occasionally glancing at each other but their eyes never meeting.

Judging from the noise, the party did seem a lot smaller than the first one they had attended. Yeji was thankful for that.

Despite Hyunjin's warning to not get close to Ryujin, he wasn't that preoccupied with them attending the party together. Trusting Ryujin to protect her if necessary. However, he did tell Yeji not to befriend her, again. Which sounded stupid to her but Yeji would entertain her big brother and play along to his weird attempt to protect her.

Hyunjin wouldn't be attending though, having to work at the store. Besides, according to her brother, he wasn't feeling like partying these days anyway.

Once they arrived Ryujin greeted a few people as they stepped inside, seeming to know pretty much everyone at the party. Yeji following behind and being introduced to some of them but there were too many names so she didn't really memorize them.

Looking around, there must have been about 30 people total in there. Much less than at the previous party. It had a different vibe too. Everything seemed more casual, more relaxed. The music wasn't that loud either.

But, as she came to find, there were some downsides too. Yeji suddenly taking notice of what she presumed to be drugs. Not really sure what kind as that's not really something she's knowledgeable about. But, in that moment, she didn't want to focus on that. As long as it didn't involve her, these people could do whatever they wanted.

"Do you want a drink?"

Yeji thought of the first and last time she drank alcohol. Hesitating for a moment at the memory. However, she did want to try it again. Even if she was worried because of what had nearly happened last time. Her mind overthinking the question that had left the others lips.

"You don't have to." Ryujin offered smiling. "But in case you do want to, I'll keep an eye on you. So you don't have to worry."

She smiled back at the girl, nodding. "Can you give me something that doesn't taste horrible?"

Ryujin smiled even wider, showing her whiskers for a short moment before moving. The shorter girl grabbed her hand and began guiding her through the small crowd. Then, started preparing something once she studied their options, looking through the bottles available. Proudly presenting her a cup moments later.

"Try it."

Yeji eyed the liquid and tried to avoid smelling it, fearful it would diminish her courage. Finally, she looked up at an expectant Ryujin and took the first sip, preparing herself to be attacked by the awful taste of alcohol. But surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. It tasted almost sweet. Just the right amount of sweet.

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