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A really small but one of the most important lessons.
Being down to earth is something which we all should practice but at times we forget to.
We're too flattered by the appraisals that its hard to stick our feet on ground, I know.
But at the same time we know its bad because as high we fly, as low we sink.
So when you get too overwhelmed and its hard to stay on ground just remember that the success you are enjoying now isn't your individual achievement. Whatever you have earned in life is because of the
combined efforts of everyone you've known. Some may have given you resources (parents or family), some may have given you support (friends/strangers/teachers etc.) and even if you feel that nobody supported you or helped you in any way and you have made yourself the way you are then you are wrong.
Nobody in this world is self-made.
If all you ever got is criticism, don't forget that if those people wouldn't have criticised you, you wouldn't have made this far.
The fact that you are even breathing and are alive when the world is dying is itself an achievement!
But none of us has achieved anything all by ourselves.

So when next time you feel that you are at the top of the
world, hold yourself together and remind yourself that your success isn't just yours.
So don't be proud.
Stay humble.
Stay grounded.
And never ever forget your roots.
Keep your eyes on the sky, and feet on the ground and you will soar higher and higher!

Choice is yours.

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