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In today's world there's particularly a different definition of love, a definition that people believe is cooler.
Breaking up and making up every other day is a standard that people have set, and if you keep up with it you're keeping up with time.
But then again as surveys have it, toxic relationships are single-handedly one of the major causes of ruining our mental health.
Not just a toxic relation with your partner, but also toxicity with your friends, parents etc.
All of this affects our mental health way more than we think it does.
But then again, staying loyal and actually loving a person have become such old-school things, right?

If we tell someone that "I've been with that person all my life" the reply certainly won't be "oh I'm so happy for you" rather it'll be "gosh! you're so boring"

Ofcourse it seems boring because these days what people look for in a potential partner is a sight of pleasure.
As long as you're entertained, you keep up to that person, the second you find someone more appealing.....
Its over.

From what I believe is that if there is a break up, be it in any relationship, there was no love involved.
Either just attraction or some selfish aims.
For love never dies.
I know statements like these feel so yesterday but trust me these are facts.

Just imagine being in love with someone for who they are rather than their looks.
A soul never dies.
So does love.

See we all want to be loved.
But the universal law states that what you give is what you get.
If you really are alone and are not loved enough or not loved at all, lemme ask you something.
Did you ever ACTUALLY loved?

Now answers would be depending on your definition of love.
But for now just adapt this old-school meaning of love, where you actually love the person's heart and soul, where you love them for who they are, where you respect their individuality, where there is no obsession and possessiveness involved, where you let them do what they want to as long as its right, where you correct them, where you share their pain more than their happiness, where there is no going back!

Now tell me.
Did you ever actually love to love?
Or you had your personal desires involved?
Or you never understood what love truly is and all this while you just thought you loved?

If you never loved, you have no right to expect it too.
And if you really did but weren't given it back, I know you must've decided to never love again!
"At the end love just hurts"
Yes, this quote is somewhat applicable in today's world.
But let me be quite practical to you, we are humans and for us to even love truly is very hard. Even if we manage to cope up with that and actually do love and then are betrayed or not given love back, we are devastated!
Its hard for us to love again or even trust again.
But that's exactly what we shouldn't do.

See I know whatever I'm gonna write next is not gonna sound very impractical but please try to understand.

You loved and you lost.
So now you believe you cannot love again.
If you believe in love, you WILL LOVE AGAIN!
Being unafraid of a heartbreak, you will trust again.
Because you know, that you deserve love.
For a person like you can never ever be alone.
And you know that universe has got your back.
And someday or the other, you will get the love back.
The love you always gave but never received.
You know that universe is aligning stars.
The thing you never got before, you will get now.
You may fall apart again, but you will get up again.
You will pick up the pieces, you will make your heart again.
And you will go out to love wholeheartedly, Again.
For you believe in love, for you know someday you will get it.
Someday you will find the love you deserved.

Now I don't want you to keep loving and hurting and waiting for someone who will love you the way you loved others.
So here let me be quite practical.
What goes around, comes around.
If you've broken someone's heart knowingly or unknowingly, yours will break too.
So whenever you are broken, just remember that, it is a fruit of your own actions.
And promise yourself that this time I will be conscious even in my sleep, to not hurt anyone.
For if you play with hearts and then expect love in return...
You can never get it.

If you haven't found love yet, in any of your relationships, either you never truly loved or you did love but sometime you broke someone and you're just getting it back.
But if you promise yourself that from next time you will actually love and would be caring enough to not hurt anyone and incase you did, you would apologize, trust me universe has got your back.
It really will align stars for you.
What belongs to you will find its way to you.
You will be loved.
You will realise how beautiful this feeling is.
Just remember to hold on.
If you never understood love, understand it now.
Its okay if you couldn't do it until now, you still have time.
And its also okay if you did love, but never got it back, you STILL HAVE TIME!

See, we get what we deserve.
Until now if you've gotten heartbreaks and heartbreaks only, its okay.
Stand up. Pick yourself. Love everyone. Spread love. Again.
If you actually understand this four letter word, and promise to not hurt anyone again, there's good news for you!
Love is finding its way to you!
Some or the other day, you will get it.

Even if you have to wait until your next life, WAIT.
But never stop loving.
Because love is what has held this world until now.
And as soon as we will stop loving, we will be inviting the end of humanity in us.

And if you really have inculcated all these things in you, THE UNIVERSE ALREADY LOVES YOU.
So don't you feel lonely, at all.
And if you do let me tell you, I love you.
I really do.
And love from a stranger is the most beautiful thing ever.
I don't know you. So I don't judge you too.
However you are I don't know.
And hence I can never stop loving you.
Because I'm unaware of your true being.
It is when we really know a person and especially their bad traits, when our love starts declining.
But that is not the case with strangers.
Your love cannot decline for a person you don't know.
So I'll love you forever.
And so should you.
Never stop making people feel loved.
Love more and more, and it will only increase, really.
I love you, the universe loves you, and you will also find the love you deserve very very soon, just keep loving!
Practice love..
The old-school one!

Choice is yours.


Here love doesn't just refer to the love we have with our partners.
Here love is that universal feeling, which we can have for anyone.
Parents, friends and most importantly strangers too.

With partners the personal desires involved can be sexual pleasures.

With parents it can be monetary aims or unnecessary expectations.
(Mostly children are loved wholeheartedly, because children don't know these hidden selfish aims and they love truly and that is the reason they get it back the most.
Whereas you must've heard adults telling that "only our parents actually truly loved us" or
"nobody else loves you in this selfish world except your mother"
The reason is because we also never love anyone the way we do our parents.
We love them selflessly hence we are loved by them the most.
But as we grow up, our hearts our filled with monetary aims (not everyone) but even after that our parents never stop loving us, because there was a time we loved them with all our heart.
So here's the lesson.
Even if you love truly just for once, universe makes sure that you get it all your life.)

With friends and siblings the desires can vary a lot.
Mostly are some expectations that aren't fulfilled and so on.

So all that is written applies to every relationship in this world.
Because everything involves love.


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