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In order to be a better human its important for us to keep our goals clear and work towards them with sheer determination.
But it becomes rather hard, especially for our generation, because we get tired by doing the same things over and over again.
But there's one thing we need to understand which is that we can never get bored by something that we ACTUALLY love.
Doing things that we love will not bore us.
Hence its important to love our jobs, hobbies, passions, interests etc.

So how to love everything we do?
In order to love something, we need to be dedicated towards it.
Unless we are totally dedicated to something, we won't be 'wanting' to do it.

So how to be dedicated?
To be dedicated towards your work, you need to know the 'why' behind your work.
You can work wholeheartedly only when your purpose is clear.
You should know why you are doing whatever you are doing.
You should know how is it gonna benefit me and the universe.
Only then can we stay focused.
And at times if it becomes too hard to focus, it is still okay because we can remind ourselves as to why we are doing that in the first place and that will give us the reason to continue working hard.
When the purpose and goals are clear, intentions are pure and you are ready to give you 100% then you are dedicated to your work.
And when you're dedicated to something, you love doing it and there's no way you would ever get bored of it.

And then if we fail to achieve something, we won't blame our luck instead we would blame ourselves for not trying too hard.

So be dedicated to things you love and then you would enjoy doing it.
Once that happen, you can work hard and make way for all that you deserve without getting bored.
Similarly its important to love your life otherwise after a point you would get bored of your own life!
Its important to love yourself otherwise eventually you would get bored of yourself!
And all of that requires dedication.
So learn to work wholeheartedly and then you wouldn't have anyone to blame when you fall down but your efforts.
You tried but it was not enough.
Thats it.
Dedication is the key to success.
So practice it and see the change yourself.
Choice is yours.

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