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"Paper has more patience than people" ~ Anne Frank.

True, is it not?
Surely it is.
Humans would get tired of hearing the constant cribbing, ranting but no matter how much you complain in paper, it would still hear.
Now thats not the only reason you should write your feelings but also because it helps you calm down, especially if you have nobody to talk to, writing always help.
As I said in the previous chapters, that talking to yourself is the best but then how to execute it?
Sometimes just thinking in our head gives us the answers we need but mostly writing it down or speaking it out helps more.
And also years later if you come across the same problem wouldn't you wanna know what your younger self did back in time?
And even if thats not the case still reading our diaries of years back seems so much fun.
Even reading your journal of the previous day makes you feel as if you're reliving that day (atleast for me). So I'd say and pretty sure you've heard it before as well maintain the
habit of writing your feelings out.

If I talk about myself, I get really tired while writing journal because I end up writing a lot lot..basically I end up writing unnecessary things as well.
If thats the case with you or if you don't wanna write because you don't like it but still wanna keep a record of your days, maintain a Voice Diary.
Millenial problems require millenial solutions afterall.
I usually prefer recording voice audios of how my day went and everything and I personally feel its a better alternative as when you hear yourself speaking you can feel the emotions more rather than reading your words.
But then again journals are definitely a better option if you don't have privacy, as in if you feel your voice notes would be heard by people its absolutely better to write as you can
hide your journal. And writing also enhances other qualities but we don't
wanna go there.

I just wanna say if you have or don't have anyone to share your feelings to it doesn't matter, in any case writing your questions and feelings, thinking , and talking to yourself will get you the clearest of understanding about life.
In case that doesn't help, it means either you didn't think much or your questions weren't correct.
Its really important to first figure out what actually is troubling you before running to find answers.
You must know whats bothering your mental peace first and then think it, write it and there's no way you wouldn't find your mental peace back.

Choice is yours.

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