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Being selfless is often equated with 'not loving yourself', which is absolutely wrong.
We feel that thinking about others might become an obstacle in our path to self-love but that isn't the case.
We humans are capable enough to look out for multiple people at the same time.
Who said that being selfless means thinking ONLY of others.
Why can't we look out for them as well as looking our for ourselves?

We just need to change our definition of selflessness.
It isn't not looking after yourself, it just means looking after others too.
And when you think of others, when you care about their happiness it will inturn benefit you.

If the vibes around you are positive you are likely to feel the same way.
And for that to happen, nobody should be left helpless.
Nobody should be hurt by you.
Try your best to think of others' happiness.
Not only will it take away your selfishness but will also make you happier.
Thinking of others' happiness before your own's might sometimes be too overwhelming and its okay.
Its fine if you don't keep others over yourself just try your best to not keep yourself over others.
You can look out for them while looking out for yourself.
Being selfless doesn't mean you have to sacrifice everything you have for others, it just means that you have to consider them as well.
They also have a huge impact on your life, so look out for them as well.
And its absolutely okay if all of this sounds too much to you.
Don't be selfless if you think that'll make you vulnerable and people will use you and you will be hurt but try to be unselfish atleast?
Its fine if you cannot ONLY think of them, atleast try to think of them as much as you can.
Just a step will begin the entire journey.
Try to not be selfish always, that will lead you to selflessness automatically and you will realize how beautiful that is!
Choice is yours.

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