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How was the experience?

If you learnt anything that can help you in life, I am the happiest.
Incase you didn't, its okay.
I'm glad you read and I am sure wondering about these things would open depths for you in future.

Here I would like to take a moment to appreciate everyone I've ever known.
Since.."you are what you are because of the combined efforts of everyone you've known"

Although I don't know how helpful this book was for others but it surely did help me. And I couldn't have written it if I didn't know these things myself and it is you all who have taught me all this.
So I wanna thank everyone for existing.

Family, friends, teachers, classmates, social media, influencers, TV shows, books, films, songs, strangers and literary everyone and everything I've known, its because of you all that I have this understanding about life and today when I share it with the world if they do get any kind of help from my understanding about life, then you all are to be thanked!

This book is also my way to apologise to whomsoever I've ever hurt.
I haven't been like this all my life.
I know all these lessons because I've made these mistakes and I don't know if I'll ever be able to apologise to everyone I've bothered and hence I wish to use this platform to apologise to everyone I've hurt knowingly or unknowingly.
I'm a human and I'm learning every day, I hope you forgive me for my actions that I did out of complete immaturity and foolishness.
But I'm not like that anymore.
I've changed. I've matured.
So please don't judge me for the person I was before the pandemic, because I am no longer that person.

And same goes for everyone.
Lets all of us stop judging people for their past actions and forgive them because not everyone is born good, everyone learns to be good.
We're all figuring out our lives and nobody would want to be judged on the basis of their past actions.
So lets apologise, lets forgive and lets accept people the way they are right now!

Also my lovely readers thankyou so much for sparing your time.
And incase you do not agree with  certain things written in this book or you think my thought process is wrong, its absolutely alright because remember that everyone's got different opinions and different understandings about life.
These lessons make me a better human and hence I practice them.
If they do not work in your case its absolutely fine, practice what makes you a better human, keeps you happy and at the same time the people around you happy!

And incase there are other things you wish to tell me, please do. I'll love to read your reviews.

Lets reignite humanity.
Lets make this earth a better home.
Lets make the universe proud of its creation.
Lets fulfill the purpose of our lives, and serve the mankind.
Lets be humans...
....with humanity.

Good Luck With Life!

                                       ~until next time

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