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There are times when we don't get what we want and hence we're left disheartened but ever thought why does that happen?
Because if you truly deserved it, there's no way you wouldn't have got it.
Sometimes we know that we didn't work that hard and hence we didn't get what we wanted but sometimes we work extremely hard, infact way more than required but we're still left empty-handed, in that case who's at fault?

See, it is not just the efforts that count, it is also the intentions behind the efforts.
And its quite obvious that the universe won't give you the fruits of your efforts if you did it to achieve something that can harm the mankind.
And also if you're selfish and all you care about is the fulfillment of your own desires, it is likely that you would only get a partial fruit or maybe no fruit at all.
No, that doesn't mean that you cannot want anything for yourself and its kind of impossible too, we're humans and no matter how selfless we try to be but a part of us ends up desiring for ourselves and its okay.
But what is not okay is when you are totally selfish in your efforts and your wants do not include even a bit of social welfare.
All the resources required for your efforts are a gift of the universe and all your knowledge required is because of the combined efforts of all the people you know, hence the fruits you yield must also benefit the entire universe.
Hence whatever you work for, remember to keep your intentions genuine.

If you work extremely hard, and your intentions are pure (that is when you are not only doing something for yourself but also for others' welfare), it is then when you must know that the universe has got your back and you will get whatever you deserve.

Now, you might feel that there have been times when you've worked hard and your intentions were good too, but you still didn't get what you worked for, well in that case we're really disheartened but you must know one thing that we always get whatever we deserve.
Nothing more, Nothing less.
Just what we deserve.
That is the reason why you shouldn't wait for times to get better, or for the time when you'll get everything you deserve because the time is now!..at the moment, you have everything you deserve for now..later you might deserve something else, then you will have that but right now you have everything right in front of you so you must learn to be satisfied in that.
If you didn't get what you think you should have got, just let it go..just think that universe has better plans and if you actually truly would've deserved it, it would have found a way to you but since it didn't that means it isn't meant for you and there is no point in holding on to things not meant for you, so next time try harder but there's no point in being disheartened now.

Just believe that if you truly deserved it, you must've got it.
And stop waiting for things to get better or for you to get all that you want, instead start accepting you life the way it is, because all you have is now, so start living and making most of whatever you have in your hands now!

Choice is yours.

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