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Imagine you love someone/ something so much that you can't imagine your life without it.
We all have people or things like that.
But the final truth of this materialistic world is death and eventually our favourite person/people will die too.
Sorry, but thats the reality. Infact, we all know it but fail to accept it because its a really harsh reality.
Same goes for things too. All our favourite stuff would eventually wear out or we might loose it and even if it stays till the very end we would live with a fear of loosing it. And when we die we will leave everything behind anyways.

What we tend to do is we align our happiness in materialistic things/ pets/ people and sometimes even some shows or series.
And after we loose those people/things we are disheartened, we feel as if we can't live anymore or that there's no point in living.

We must realise that our happiness depends on our mindset and the way we take things.
If we align our happiness in any person/thing then after they're gone we are left broken.

Its important to love and care about people because thats what makes us human and as far as things are concerned, the affection towards them develop automatically over time but what we must take care of is that we don't align our happiness in anyone or anything.
Don't let anyone or anything become your reason to live.
Your life must depend on you.
Yes, love is important and its very natural to feel sad when your loved ones are sad and infact its important to feel that way because thats what shows that their happiness matters to you.
Yes, your surroundings and the people around you play a major role in what you feel and thats really okay but aligning your happiness in one thing is never right.
If you want to align your happiness because you need a reason to live, align it in yourself.
Be the reason behind your own happiness.
Yes, for sure you will break when your favourite people break but you will rejoin your heart again yourself because at the end your happiness would depend on your mindset and if you keep a positive approach towards life you would always get up even after the worst of conditions and you would be happy once again, infact you will spread it too.
Seeing you happy in harsh conditions, would also give your loved ones the strength and inspiration to remain happy.

Also ever thought what will happen if that favourite person of yours die?
Or you loose your favorite thing?
Or your comfort show ends?
You would quite literally loose your life!
Not fair, right?
You were born alone and would die alone then why do you give the authority of your happiness to someone or something?
Again, its natural to feel what people around you feel but when you align your feelings in them then your feelings depend only on them and not at all at you.

Yes, people close to you will die, and you will breakdown thats natural but since your feelings depend not only on them but on yourself too, therefore you will rise up again.

Choice is yours.


Letting other make you happy is very different from aligning your happiness in them.
Allowing others to change your mood is helpful. When you feel too low your favourite people can make you feel better but deciding that only and only they can make me feel better is what we refer to as aligning your happiness in them and that is not right because if suppose they aren't there then what?
You can't feel low all your life.
Let others make you happy too.
It just happens automatically that we let some of our loved ones affect our feelings and that is absolutely alright but do not give them and only them the authority to make you happy and be the reason of your own happiness too.


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