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As we've discussed the reasons behind our birth, its quite clear that we're born to fulfill the purpose of our life that means that this life is not for ourselves but for others.
No, that doesn't mean you are to completely exhaust yourself in fulfilling other's wishes.
This life is for you.
But, not only for you.
Its important to put it that way because otherwise we would spend all our lives running behind our desires and fulfilling our dreams, which is no doubt necessary but we would do only that.
Hence, its important to understand that if you spend all your life over yourself then it becomes pointless.
In order to actually make your life meaningful and make each day count its very essential for you to understand what the correct way to live life is and now you know it!
It is to fulfill your purpose, most importantly the ultimate one, to help others live a better life and try saving atleast one life of any living being directly or indirectly.

If you really have started with the ultimate purpose of your life and are actually trying to be better versions of yourselves, then the first thing you need to do is give up your selfishness.
We're all selfish and being humans in this plastic materialistic world its almost impossible to become completely selfless but atleast we can try.
Bits by bits lets give up our selfish nature and lets start thinking of others.
Then maybe there will come a point you would start living for others.
Making others happy, guiding them to a better life will become your moto, and trust me the joy it gives is way more than the one you get by becoming rich.

And there is a misconception that caring only about others will make us lonely and we would loose our self-respect and everyone will break us easily, all of this is not true at all.

Loving and living for others is the best way to self-love.
Way better than to pamper yourself.

Just try it once.
Loving and caring without thinking of yourself might end up with people taking you for granted.
But if you practice the ultimate purpose you would find your uniqueness first and automatically would start loving yourself way before you start loving others.
And to be very honest, in order to love anyone truly you will have to love yourself first.
And you would only do that when you feel worthy of that love.
And you will feel worthy when you know you are special.
And you will feel special only when you will find your uniqueness.
And when you practice the ultimate purpose, when you start becoming better versions of yourselves you will automatically find out your specialities.

So once you start loving yourself you will start loving everyone.
You will give up your selfishness and live for others but ofcourse you will live for yourself too and theres no way you wouldn't care for yourself.

Vice versa if you start loving everyone and live your life for others you would be happy from inside and you will be proud of yourselves for the great human you are and automatically all your insecurities will go away and all that self-doubts about your flaws will fade away and will make way to self -love.

See, its all connected!
Just for once come out of your selfish bubble and learn to live your life for others as well and automatically you will love yourself, you will love others and as a matter of fact you will also accomplish your ultimate purpose!

Try only self-love and become selfish.
Or become selfless and make way for self-love.

Choice is yours

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