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We were all born the same way, crying, from our mother's womb.
Then who gives this authority to anyone to classify some people as valid and others invalid?
This is a lesson we all need to learn.
The lesson that we were, we are and we will never have the authority to set the standards and classify some feelings and some people as valid and others invalid.

Every human is the same.
Who said that being white is the standard?
Who said that being thin is the standard?
Who said that being straight is the standard?
Who said that being tall is the standard?
Who said that being rich is the standard?
Ever thought that who even set these standards?

And the thing is that it is US only fighting to undo it now.

Who said you have to keep up to the standards set by the society?
Who said you have to feel a particular way?

Its as okay to feel depressed as it is to feel happy.
Its fine if you're anxious.
Its fine if you have traumas and phobias.
Its fine if you do not keep up to one of the 'so called standards' of the world.
You are fine.
You are amazing.
And the universe loves you the way you are.
It created you that way and it is proud of you!

Remember, we are nobody to call anyone invalid or any feeling abnormal, every person who took birth in this world is valid and the fact that there is the need to say this itself shows the gravity of the situation!
Every feeling is normal.
Every human is valid.

And these are not statements but facts which are sometimes forgotten so its important to keep reminding each other about them because the world we stay in, might make us doubt these.
Validation starts from within.
You are doing great and are as valid as any other person in this world.
And nobody has the authority to say otherwise.
Be confident about your identity and be proud of your own existence first in order to want other people to do the same.

Choice is yours.

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