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Its fine, we're all overthinkers.
We all live in our heads.
We all have an imaginary world in our thoughts.
All our heads are filled with mazes and madness.
We all think too much about future, sometimes upto that extent that we forget the present.

Its fine, we're all overthinkers.
We all regret our past.
We all wish to change our past.
We all think too much about past, sometimes upto that extent that we forget the present.

Its fine, we're all overthinkers.
We all hate growing up.
We all wish for our childhood to not end.
We all miss our childhood years.
We all wish to relive our past.
We all hope for that child in us to never die.
We all hate all the responsibilities and stress that comes our way as we grow.
We all think too much about not growing up, sometimes upto that extent that we forget the present.

Its fine, because somewhere deep down, we all wanna control time!

But, somewhere deep down, we all know we can't, its out of our hands...

Extraordinary people observe others and learn.
Wise people make mistakes themselves and learn.
Fools make the same mistakes a number of times and still fail to learn.

Don't wanna be called a fool, do you?

Knowing that all that worrying about future, regretting your past, takes you nowhere rather just takes away your present which otherwise you could've enjoyed, but still not stopping it is just same as being ignorant, isn't it?
Knowing that time isn't in your control, still wishing to control it, just shows our reluctance to accept the truth, does it not?

We all know the ultimate and universal truth, named as, death.
Still some of us fear death and some of us wait for it.
But the irony is that none of us know when it will actually happen.
A person who fears death might die sooner than the one wishing for it.
Life might end sooner for the one excited to live it than the one wishing for it to end!
Afterall, who knows?

So what can we do?

Wasting our present while thinking about future or past surely doesn't seem a good idea, does it?

Remember one thing, we should bother about things that are in our control, because thinking will bring us a solution, on the contrary thinking about stuff out of our control will just end up ruining our mental health along with bringing us no solution whatsoever.

Death and birth isn't in our control.
But the years we live between these two universal facts is definitely in our control.

Again, future isn't in our control and past was once in our hands but we did not utilize it to our fullest and now we miss it, we wanna relive it and we regret it.

So basically all we're left with is our present.

You must dream and at points think about future too, ofcourse work hard too afterall your future is in your hands, but there's a thin line between healthy thinking and overthinking and its high time we understand it.

All you have is now, be it a happy or a sad moment, just be present.

You can spend your present by overthinking about future and in future regret that you didn't live this present.

You can spend this present in remorsing about your past and in future regret not utilizing this present.

Or you can live your today to the fullest and in future no matter wherever you will be, atleast you will be proud that you lived your life!

The choice is yours.

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