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They say belief keeps the world going, they aren't wrong, are they?

Its easy for us to say that we don't trust anyone, we don't believe in anything but practically very hard to do.
Because no matter how many times our poor heart has broken, one day someone comes and we believe in them once again!
And thats okay.
Don't think that you're stupid to trust once again because this trust is the key.
This trust is what makes us human.
Yes, its important to understand the difference between people who are trustworthy and who aren't so as to avoid future heartbreaks but that happens overtime, for now the key is to trust "trust", to believe in "belief"!

Now whom do we believe in?
How do we know if a person is trustworthy?

Now there are many people who listen to their gut feeling.
They just know if a person is trustworthy or not by the first glance.
But don't worry if you're not that kind of a person...
Incase you have trouble between differentiating between trustworthy and untrustworthy people here's a tip~
Spend time with them.

Okay okay its not such a bad tip, trust me!
See no matter how many tips you learn, no matter how many peope advise you about whom to trust and whom not to but nothing is 100% applicable.
Because of us!
We humans are very unpredictable.
We're not straightforward like animals that all the creatures of our species will follow the same nature!
Every human is different.
And no matter how sure your are about a person they might end up breaking you apart and the person you are least sure about might turn out to be the reason why you believe in humans!

So no tip actually works, it really is your gut feeling you need to follow.
But there's definitely a way to avoid heartbreaks and also to determine how much you can trust a person.
See, firstly if you're tired by trusting people and getting heartbroken again and again the first advice for you is to stop being so open about yourself.
Do not let your guard down easily.
But again, trust is the key to every relation and eventually its important to open up because thats why we need people for, to be with us in our thick and thin.
But all I am saying is go slow.
As I said earlier, give time for every relation to grow.
If its our first time its natural for us to fall because thats how we learn and grow but if you've already been there and now you want to be careful about people then you really need to give some time to them and yourself.
Have frequent conversations because as we discussed before, we need to be close to a person in order to truly know them.
Spending time will automatically give you a clear picture whether you should trust or not.
Incase yes, then it is that time when you can allow yourself to spill the beans and be open.
Ofcourse you might still be wrong and might get broken again but thats because you didn't give enough time!

Incase no, then ofcourse do not be vulnerable.

But see there are some people whom we want to be with just to have a good time but we know we cannot share our deep dark secrets with them, so you can be friends with hundreds while trusting only one and its fine as long as you are not using the other ninety-nines!
Be there for them if you feel happy around them but its not necessary to share every single detail about your life if you are not sure.

But then again all these things are temporary, because human judgement can be wrong all the time!
So what is a permanent measure?
Is there nobody who will never ever break our trust?
Indeed, there is!

The universe.
Because no matter what, the truth is that universe has got your back.
Unless we lay a hand forward, nobody can help us climb.
That is why unless we take a step forward and realize the divinity of life nobody can help us grow.
No matter what, the universe lies within us and it is aligning stars for us, all it needs is belief!

So believe in the universe, believe in your own existence, let your life flow along with the wishes of the universe, understand that everything happens for a reason.
Believe in universe, for a better life.

Choice is yours.


I could've said 'believe in god' but not knowing if you're an atheist or not I used 'universe' as a reference to every power that exists, every religion, every god/goddess, and everything that holds our existence.
If you're a theist, automatically the entire universe for you is your god, and you must trust them because they will never break your trust.
Incase, you're an atheist, as already mentioned believe in the universe, it will never make you doubt your decision and will never break your trust.
If you do not fall in either category, then believe in yourself because nobody will break their own trust, isn't it?
So share everything with your ownself.
Stop lying to yourself, accept your flaws and promise yourself to be better. (This actually applies for every category because at the end humanity is the biggest religion and the point of life is to be a better human than we were yesterday..)

So believe in whoever makes you the better version of yourself, here universe is a reference to it all.

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