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Be an athiest or a theist, whether you practice a religion or not the first thing you need to keep in mind is that before belonging to any caste/creed/religion/nationality, you were brought in this world as a human. If we can keep up with all the social norms but we lack in humanity, there's no point of those.
One thing we all need to know is that before anything else we are humans.
Before following anything, we must follow our human instincts.

In the name of religion a lot of ill things are being practiced, and in order to be a better human we have to make sure to not be a part of it in the slightest.
And its not just about religion, its about each and every social group you are a part of, one must remember that humans make up the biggest society and before anything we're part of that society!
Nothing comes above humanity.

It is when you can feel the pain of your fellow humans, you can feel their happiness, you can share in their sorrow and their joy, it is when you can be there for them, it is when you not only care about your life but you can live theirs too, when you can call yourself a human with humanity.

Humanity is the bestest quality one can have, and you know what?
Everyone has it!
Maybe, after a lot of struggles or heartbreaks you might have stopped believing in humans, you might have lost all your trust but still even amidst evil, good is found and though you might have encountered people devoid of humanity prior in your life, but that does not mean that everyone is the same.
There are people who still cry seeing others' crying, humanity is still left in this world, because if it weren't, the world would've ended by now.

If there's one thing that is still holding the world together, it is that little humanity left.
In this effort of ours to be a better human, the first thing we need to do is reignite that humanity of ours which we've hidden beneath our warm-yet-so-cold hearts.
Another thing we need to understand is that being a human with humanity doesn't make us weak.
People these days might make you feel that being emotionless and not being bothered by any of the happenings around you makes you cool but the truth is that it just makes you less of a human, it basically takes away the essence of your existence.
You start distancing yourself from the real world because it might be too tough for you to handle and then you enter a world full of you and only you, but shutting down everything doesn't take away the reality, the pain, and the humanity.
Because it isn't a choice, it is what we're born with and that fake world of ours doesn't last long because eventually we feel the pain again, and that is when we're left with no choice but to confront our pain and deal with it and that in turns returns our humanity to us because we allow ourselves to feel again.
So just incase you need a tip to bring back you long-lost humanity or to be a better human and have more of humanity, all you need to do is allow yourself to feel, and not just your life but others' too. Just feel more and more, because it is then when you come in actual terms with life, when you realise the reality, the reality that you cannot heal, unless you allow yourself to feel.
Yes, it is hard.
Life in which you just distance yourself from all the sufferings and pain seems easier but then the thing is it isn't even a life, because there's no life without pain, so it is just a fake world we're living in.
And it might seem peaceful in the start to not care, to not give a damn but it doesn't last long.
Everything can be taken away from us but noone can take away our existence, nobody and nothing can take away our human-ness.
And hence, no matter how much we avoid our feelings, but ultimately we feel them AGAIN!
And then eventually you have to confront it anyways but since you've been hiding all this while it becomes hard for you to face the reality all of a sudden and you become extremely vulnerable.
In order to prevent all that, just distance yourself from IDGAF attitude.
It might seem cool, might seem fun, might seem 'PEACEFUL' in the start but remember that one attains true peace only when one accepts life the way it is, when one learns to be satisfied in life, when one welcomes every moment of life, ups or downs, and when one faces everything and finds a way to deal with it. And running away seems cool but is short-termed and when your human-ness ultimately finds its way to you, you will have to feel anyways!


So yes, when you feel, the human side of you strengthens and eventually you start feeling for others' too.
And so grows your humanity and you keep becoming a better version of yourself which is the ultimate purpose of life!

And you know the best part?
When you feel others' pain, you start realising that their lives are messed up too and you enter the reality and you realise that every living being in life is suffering and YOU AREN'T THE ONLY ONE.
Then, you start overlooking your own problems because you realise that others are going through much worse than you are, and then you realise how blessed you are!
Then you realise that your life is better than the most, and that is when the magic happens because then you start being grateful about life.
You start being thankful about all the things you've got, you count your blessings and finally you start being satisfied with your life!
Finally you attain the peace and happiness you've always longed for.

How just confronting our emotions, how just reigniting a little humanity changes our entire perspective about life!
Humanity brings happiness.
Humanity brings peace.
And the best part is that you don't even have to work hard for it, because it already lies in you.
Humanity is our natural instinct.
We were born with it.
We just lost bits of it as we grew and as we dealt with pain.
But we cannot ever loose it completely because its a part of us.
And to revive something which is already in us, is way more easy than to run away from it.
So the best way to deal with pain, is to face it.
Deal with life.
Be a better human with each passing day, it doesn't make you weak infact humanity is the most powerful weapon in the world.
Yes, some people might try to use that for their own selfish aims, but we know how to deal with them.
Just distance yourself from everyone and everything that is becoming an obstacle in your path to be a better human.
Because once you've become a better version of yourself, you've achieved everything.
So face it, feel it, deal with it and see the magic.
Humanity is a gift, which is given to all of us in equal amounts.
We can run away from it or use it to achieve a positive approach towards life, but in either case it stays with us.
Its just blown off sometimes by us but its never too late to reignite it. Also remember nobody can take away your humanity except you yourself.
So don't think feeling others' pain or caring way too much makes you weak, it just makes you more of a human.
And that is the best thing you can ever be!
Because that is what you are.
So next time, when someone asks what makes you unique?
Proudly say, I am a human with humanity. In a world that gave up on humanity a while ago I am still holding on to it, and that is what is holding all of us together!

Choice is yours.

                 ~Writer's Note~

Honestly, while writing this I realised that humanity is the key to it all.
For all my lovely readers out there, it doesn't matter if you've read the entire book or are planning too but I think if you've read this, you've quite literally read the essence of this book (doesn't mean you don't have to read further..I mean I'd say you should because you might learn few more things but its up to you.. I'm thankful that you've read it this far!!)
I don't know how clearly I've explained the other lessons but I do know that I've said everything in this very lesson.
So even if you haven't understood or implemented any of the other things, its okay but please read this very part thoroughly and try to understand and implement it because this itself will make you love your life and when that happens everything would be positive and automatically you will find the answers you're looking for.

Its just a bit of humanity we all need, and once we have it, the magic starts!

Hoping to see you in the next lessons!!


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