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No matter how many therapies we take, how many lessons we learn, how many self-help books we read but eventually what helps us is our ownselves.
Unless we pledge to make ourselves better from inside till then no external force can help.

But sometimes we're too hard on ourselves.
We feel as we lack in things or that we have to be more like "them", we have to be better and better but thats not true.
Your aim should just be to be a better human than you were yesterday.
Nobody is perfect, we're all filled with flaws but comparing it to others' qualities doesn't do justice to ourselves.
Ever compared your flaws to theirs?
Because only then you would realize that no matter how amazing or depressing their lives are, despite how much they smile or cry, from beneath everyone is the same.
All of us are just humans, who're brought in this world to fulfill the purpose of our lives and we're all trying our best to find our way home.
Some of us succeed, some of us don't but what matters is that we try our best.
So if you're ever offended by someone, you dislike/hate someone, you judge someone, just know that it is very wrong because no matter how wrong a person seems, you never know what they're hiding underneath their cold heart.
Some of us become better versions and reach our destinations whereas some get lost in the various miseries of life, whereas some don't even realise the reason behind their existence!
But still, everyone is trying their best to survive!
So lets support each other in this journey and lets be there for each other.
Lets be nice to one another because just our little bit of confidence can prompt them and they might make the best out of their lives!
And then as we know, what goes around comes around so we will get it back too!
Just remember that no action of goodness ever goes in vain.
The universe is witnessing everything.
We will be given what we deserve.
Lets just try to be better humans, without hurting noone.
Lets love each other because afterall we're all trying our best.
So lets appreciate each other's efforts.
Lets be proud of ourselves and others' too.
Lets thank them for existing.
And before judging them realise that they're trying their best too.
Everyone has their reasons.
Nobody is wrong even if they appear to be wrong.
Because eventually,
We're all just walking each other home.
So lets be there for others, lets love them.
Lets be humans.

Choice is yours.

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