Chapter 58: Check Mate Part 3

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The four of them walked into the manor, Jane and Isadora wielding their swords while the brother's both holding two Colts that Bobby had hand crafted for them with their intitals carved in them. They walked into the ballroom seeing Pandora sitting in a black throne like chair drinking a small martini glass filled with blood. "You're late!" She growled as she set the glass on a platter a demon was holding. "I thought I had made myself clear to be here within the hour!" She barked as she stood.
"Where are they!" Barked Jane as she tightly gripped her the handle of her blade.
"You want them back so badly?" Asked Pandora as she slid an ebony dagger from under her sleeve which then transformation into her sword. "Come and get em!" Barked Pandora as she snapped her fingers and the sound of wings flapping was heard above them then two thing quickly swooped down, grabbed Sam and Dean by their shoulders, and then flew through the stained glass windows with them. "Oh looks like you two against me sounds like better odds to me." Said Pandora with a cheery tone. Suddenly she pointed her sword at Isadora then Isadora pointed her's at Jane.
"What are doing?" Asked Jane turning to her.
"I don't know! I-I can't! I can't control myself anymore!" Said Isadora as she started to tear up as she swung her sword at Jane and Jane dodged. "What are you doing to me!?" She demanded her in a scared tone as she continued to attack Jane but Jane kept dodging so Isadora never landed a hit. Pandora then tore off her left glove with her teeth and revealed the pentagram on her palm.
"Remember these, this is why you've been feeling weaker. I've been taking your power to the point where I can control you like my puppet!" Said Pandora as she statement was followed by laughter. "Oh come on Janie! You can't dodge her attacks forever!" Said Pandora as she laughed.
"I'm sorry!" Said Jane as she realized that was true so she began to fight back.

10 minutes prior...

After Sam and Dean were flown out the window the other hunters out in the garden watched from below as Sam and Dean were thrown into the woods, their backs slamming against large trees. Sam yelled out in pain as they hit the trees. "Sammy!" Shouted Dean hoping he wasn't too weak to respond.
"Dean! What the hell was that!?" Yelled back Sam as they both stood holding their guns tightly.
"Oh my god!" Said Dean as his eyes locked on the two threatening figures before them. The things that had done this to them was Mary and Ash but they were different, their eyes were glazed over bright glowing green. Mary had wings dark black shimmery wings. They were gone just as Jane was that time before but they got her out of that and they can get them out of this. "Sweet heart?" Asked Dean hoping there was still something left of Mary but in response she let out this ear piercing unnatural animalistic scream.
"Really Dean?!" Asked Sam knowing that those things weren't their kids anymore.
"Thought I'd give it a try." Said Dean as they both cocked their Colts and started to shoot. Mary and Ash mostly blocked with their wings so the bullets weren't hurting them as much as it could've been.
"Dean how the hell are we gonna beat them!?" Asked Sam in a quiet tone as he and Dean hid behind a small cliff.
"I don't know Sam! We just gotta think of something that won't hurt them permanently." Said Dean as stood slightly getting a look at them then noticing a large red spot through the center of Mary's right wing, the same was on Ash's left wing. It was where they were concentrating most of their fire. Dean focused his eyes and saw that the only thing keeping it from being a whole in each of their wings was tendons. "Alright I got an idea. If we aim a shot where we have been shooting we can shoot clear through their wings and hit em in the head." Said Dean as Sam nodded.
"Even if we don't temporarily kill them they still won't be able to fly and they'll be a lot weaker so easier to fight." Said Sam with a slight bit of hope in his tone. They both came out from cover and shot in the area Dean had instructed. Suddenly both Ash and Mary dropped like flies so the two concerned fathers rushed over. Dean sat by his youngest daughter who he had just shot in the face.
"I'm so sorry sweetie." Said Dean as he held her close. "This is all my fault and I promise I'll make it up to you." Said Dean in tears.
"DEAN!" Shouted Castiel as Dean looked over seeing him, Charlie, Bobby, and Jody all running out to find them.
"Well looks like you guys had a hell of a fight." Said Jody as Castiel ran over dropped to his knees and hugged Dean tightly.
"Ok Cas ease up on your grip. I never had to go toe to toe with one of our kids until today so everything hurts." Said Dean as Castiel let go and looked down in his husband's arms seeing their 13 year old daughter with a bullet hole through her eye.
"I may not be able to heal her but I can heal you." Said Castiel as he placed to fingers in center of Dean's forehead and healed him. Dean then stood carrying Mary while Castiel went over and healed Sam. They all walked back to garden hoping Jane and Isadora had finished off Pandora.

Jane was holding herself back as to not hurt Isadora but she knew she couldn't keep it up. Isadora then had Jane pinned against a wall. "You have to end this!" Pleaded Isadora.
"But I don't want to kill you! You're my friend!" Said Jane nearly in tears.
"You have to! I can't stop myself, she wants me to kill you! So you have to kill me first." Said Isadora as Jane shook her head. "It's ok." Said Isadora with a smile and that pushed Jane to do it.
"I'm sorry." She said as she gripped her sword and plunged it into Isadora's stomach both of them hearing the crack of her spine severing. Before Isadora dropped to her knees as she died she realized that the look of hatred on Jane's face she had seen wasn't directed towards but passed her at Pandora. Jane removed the sword and Isadora dropped. The last thing she heard was Jane let out a pain filled scream and her sister laughing. "I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER!" Screamed Jane as unfurled her wings and finally revealed her bright white glowing halo. Jane fought hard against Pandora and the Demonic Goddess couldn't keep up. Eventually Jane's rage focused into her blade and became so hot that as Pandora blocked with her blade Jane effortlessly cut through it. Jane kicked Pandora across the face causing her to fall to the ground with her back to the Angelic Goddess.
"You said you'd make me suffer." Said Pandora while she giggled with a mouth full of blood as Jane grabbed her by the hair on the back of her head lifting her from the floor. "You will never make me suffer as much as I have caused you and your family of pitiful hunters!" She said as she giggled more and spat up more blood. As Jane stood there thinking of killing her she knew death would be a reward for her, going back to Purgatory to live like royalty, no she didn't deserve that. She deserved to live like what she called insects so Jane took her foot and pressed into the center of Pandora's back causing her wings to unfurl. Jane tossed her blade aside and grabbed Pandora's wings and tore them off just as she did to Mary. Then she took her sword while still incredibly hot cauterized the wounds.
"Now you'll suffer." Stated Jane sternly.

After that Jane checked Pandora into a mental institution where she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone and no one there would believe her about being a demon, it was more likely to get her into more trouble. After the fight Isadora's family had set up a funeral at the manor. She was buried in the garden since she had always told her husband Milo that if she were to ever die that she would want to be buried in the garden her and Meg would tend to when she was young. When they all got back to the bunker they were greeted by Gabriel who they had instructed to watch over Carmen who was under going the transformation into a Demonic God. Gabriel informed that she had locked herself away as the transformation was happening much quicker than Isadora had told them so Jane rushed to comfort her.

After Jane and Carmen finished up their Junior year they both decided that school could teach them nothing of what they truly wanted to do with their lives which was hunting so they dropped out and left to go on the road and hunt what ever they find. The rest of Winchesters did what they always did and life was great.

So this is intended to be a temporary End to the story. Like I said previously I'm working on my own original work so I want to focus on that so I'm gonna leave this story here for a few months and let the temporary end stew with you guys but if you want more of this I will come back eventually.

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