Chapter 57: Check Mate Part 2

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Jane, Carmen, and Isadora sat down to discuss what would come of the transformation to become a Demonic God. "Well believe it but or not I've gone through the transformation myself." Stated Isadora as she set a photo album on the table and slid it over to the girls. The label over the center stated Hannah Loraine Winters.
"Who's Hannah Winters?" Asked Jane as Isadora sighed.
"The saddest yet most peaceful 20 years of my life." Said Isadora as that didn't really answer Jane's question. "After Gabriel slaughtered my family I had this strong pain inside that I couldn't ignore but I was met by an Angel named Bethany she gave me an offer. If I promised to leave Gabriel and his last son alone she would take away my pain and suffering. At the time I didn't realize it would be both taking my wings and wiping my memory. Along with my shape shifting ability turning me into an infant. I grew up as a human with a nice family." Said  Isadora with a smile finding those memories to be good ones. Jane opened the album revealing pictures of a baby girl and a nice family. As she flipped each page the girl got older, revealing many happy memories. They got to the point where she was teenager then Jane locked her eyes on a Homecoming photo.
"IS THAT UNCLE SAM!?" Asked Jane with a tone of shock.
"Is what Sam?" Asked Dean as he and Sam came over and looked at the photo.
"Hannah? Where'd did you get this, Jane?" Asked Sam as he looked at Jane.
"Isn't that your old girlfriend from that town in Iowa?" Asked Dean as Sam nodded.
"Yeah, what were you and Dad hunting when we were there anyways?" Asked Sam as quickly glanced at Dean and took the photo album flipping through the pages of her teen years seeing the few photos of them together.
"I don't know, we never found the damn thing." Said Dean as Isadora tapped her nails on the table.
"That damn thing was me! And so was Hannah, sorry you had find this way Sam." Said Isadora as she was genuinely sorry that he had to find out at all. She knew how Sam had felt about Hannah and knew that it probably hurt him when he never saw her again. She explained that she had been turned human and had her memory completely erased so Hannah was truly her own person.
"So what happened to Hannah?" Asked Sam calmly.
"A few weeks after you and her had gone to that dance my consciousness started to show through and I wasn't too glad about being confined so I lost my temper and tried to take it out on the first person I saw which was sadly her mother. I attacked her with a knife and when Hannah came back not remembering the incident, they sent her to a mental hospital so that's why you never saw her again because she went through a painful transformation that caused her to die and I took control of my body." Said Isadora actually sounding sincere.
"It's fine. I moved on from Hannah a long time ago." Said Sam as he put the album on the table and left.
"Why are you showing them this stuff anyways?" Asked Dean as he sat down. Jane the explained to him their plan to turn Carmen into a Demonic God. Dean was upset at first but realized that both of them wanted this so there was no way in hell he could stop them. "Fine if you're both happy with the decision then I can't stand in your way." Said Dean with a sigh as Jane smiled and then hugged him.
"Thanks Dad." Said Jane kindly as Dean put his arms around her.
"No problem kiddo." Said Dean as he kissed the top of her head and holding her tight. They hadn't hugged in a long time so this was nice.
"Aww!" Teased Sam as Jane and Dean both found his teasing to be frustrating.
"Shut it Sammy!" They both growled as Sam rolled his eyes.
"Hey Jane have you seen Ash around?" Asked Sam as Jane let go of her father.
"Yeah Cas and I were also looking for Mary." Said Dean as she sighed.
"Well Ash would definitely be trying to get into either a bar or some condemned place but Mary's probably at Library." Said Jane as Sam and Dean shared a confused yet disappointed look.
"Some how Ash is my son and spends no time with no time with you but still acts like you Dean." Said Sam with a smirk.
"I could say the same with Mary." Said Dean with that same smirk.
"I'll go with you guys to look for em." Said Jane as Carmen grabbed her hand with concern. "Don't worry I won't be gone long." Said Jane as she turned to Carmen holding her hand.

The three of them left in the Impala and parked at the library. "Dad you can go in and get Mary, Uncle Sam and I will go get Ash." Said Jane as Dean was about to hand the keys to his brother he scooped them back up in his hand and presented them to Jane.
"Take good care of her." Said Dean as she took the keys.
"Got it." She said with a smirk. Dean went into the library and headed straight to the front desk.
"Hi, have you seen this girl around here?" Asked Dean as he held up his phone with a photo of the girls on the screen.
"Oh yeah I know Mary, she's always checking out those occult books. She came in a few hours ago I didn't see her leave so she's probably still here." Said the woman at the counter.
"Thanks." Said Dean as he put away his phone and walked passed the large shelves. He walked, looking down each corridor of shelves hoping to see her. Eventually he stopped at a table then out of the corner his eyes he saw Mary's bag.  He only recognized it because of the painted on pink initials M. E. W. Which he was aware stood for Mary Ellen Winchester, her full name. He walked over to her bag and picked it up. "Where the hell is this kid?!" Growled Dean under his breath.
"I know where she is." Stated a very familiar voice.
"Rowena?" Asked Dean as he looked through a space in the books on a shelf. "How the hell would you know where Mary is?" Asked Dean as she shut a small book.
"Well I see Mary here everyday, it's kind of a little thing we have." Said Rowena as the look of sheer confusion on his face proved something to him. "God Winchester you're a worse parent than I was!" Barked Rowena as Dean aggressively sighed.
"Look I'm aware of that much ok! Just tell me where she went?!" Growled Dean as he clenched Mary's bag in his hand.
"A woman walked up to her, they talked, and they left together." Said Rowena in a tone of concern.
"Thanks Rowena." Said Dean as he started to walked.
"Wait! There's something else!" Said Rowena as she rushed around the shelf and met him by a table. "The woman gave me this before they left, she said to give it who ever comes looking for her." Said Rowena as she handed him a flash drive. Dean took it and left, meeting Sam and Jane.
"We couldn't find Ash." Said Sam as Dean leaned his arm on the roof of the Impala on the driver's side.
"Well Rowena said some chick left with Mary but she gave me this." Said Dean as he handed Sam the flashdrive.

They drove back to the bunker and plugged the flashdrive into Sam's laptop. There was only one file on it and it was a video so they played it. "Hello Winchesters, I've been informed to end this long tedious game we've been playing so here's the deal." Stated Pandora as she turned the camera revealing Ash chained to the ground with the same chains Jane was held with only a few weeks ago. Ash's hawk like wings were displayed out and had metal spikes imbedded in them. Suddenly there was the sound of what could only assumed as a cattleprod as Ash screamed. "Meet me at my manor within the hour or this fine gentleman here will be tortured until he meets the most painful end there could possibly be!" She said gleefully as Ash struggled against the chains.
"You psycho bitch!" He barked as he breathed heavily.
"I hope the decision isn't too hard for you." Stated Pandora with a smile as the video ended.
"We gotta go save them!" Stated Sam as Dean grabbed his shoulder.
"Your right Sammy!" Said Dean as they almost ran off to grab weapons.
"WAIT! ARE YOU SERIOUSLY GONNA GO IN THERE GUNS BLAZING!!" Shouted Jane as they both paused to think about it.
"That seemed to be their idea." Stated Isadora as Jane growled.
"THEN YOU GUYS ARE SUICIDAL! We have to be smart about this if we don't want to get slaughtered!" Barked Jane as she took a deep breath.
"So what do you suggest we do?" Asked Castiel as all three of them genuinely looked to Jane as if she were the one leading them.
"What?" Asked Jane in a confused tone.
"Let's face it Jane you know my sister better than any of us, your the only one who would know how to beat her." Said Isadora as she leaned over Jane's shoulder. Jane sighed and thought about it a second.
"Ok I got an idea." Said Jane. "So we'll have to catch her off guard, which is going to be incredibly hard since she's expecting us but I think if we get a little more help than just us I think we could pull this off." Said Jane with a concerning tone.

Jane's plan involved getting a little bit of help from a couple of their friends. They implored the help of Rowena for her incredibly strong magic and Crowley for his leverage with the demons. They wanted to get Jack but he wouldn't return their calls and no one could find him but they decided to do it without him. They asked help from other hunters like Charlie and Bobby along with a plethora of other hunters and they all were ready to help the Winchesters. Jane instructed everyone that Pandora would be unaware of to hide in the garden and to be careful not to be seen. Jane was aware that Pandora was in a weakened state so wouldn't be able to sense anyone coming like usual but her natural sense were still heightened beyond any level of humanity so caution was strongly suggested. Crowley had made a deal with all of the demons under Pandora's thumb, that if they were to rebel against her than they would be richly rewarded. They all seemed interested in gaining freedom from both Pandora and Hell as a whole so that's what they were promised. Rowena was instructed to place Hex Bags all around the property making sure that once they were placed Pandora was unable to leave the place. Castiel was tasked with finding Ash and Mary. Once everything was in place Jane, Isadora, Sam, and Dean all stepped up to face her.

To be continued...

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