Chapter 33: "SON OF A BITCH!" Part 1

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For years Isadora had stayed in the dungeon and hardly anyone visiting the bunker would realise she was down there. It was like they had broken her spirit. It had been about two years since Mary was born so Jane was about five years old and starting kindergarten. Dean sat with Jane in the Impala as she looked really nervous. "Do I have to go?!" Begged Jane as the parked outside the school.
"For the 50th time, yes Jane you have to go to school." Said Dean as he turned to her.
"But...I don't know any other kids...and what if no one likes me or wants to be my friend?" Asked Jane as she hung her head and Dean put his hand on her shoulder.
"Jane you are a great girl so I think you'll make a lot of friends and if you don't it's not the end of the world. You said you wanted to be a hunter right?" Asked Dean as she nodded. "Well I'm a hunter and I have a lot of friends that I consider to be family. I have a lot of friends that I would die for because my years as a hunter so even if you don't make a ton of friends at school you'll make a lot of friends as a hunter." Said Dean as she smiled a little. "Do you still want me to walk in with you?" Asked Dean with a sigh as she nodded. Dean got outta the car as Jane did and took her hand, walking her in. They were stopped by a young woman in a blue dress and a navy blue cardigan.
"Hi I'm Mrs. Walker I'm the principal here is she one of our new students?" Asked Mrs. Walker as Dean smiled at her holding Jane's shoulder.
"Yeah this Jane Winchester, I'm Dean her father." Said Dean smiling at her trying to be nice although the truth being he just wanted to get as far away from this place as he possibly could.
"Well hi Jane. I'm sure you're gonna love it here, the assignments for the first few days are just gonna be about getting to know you and your classmates, simple stuff really, nothing too intimidating." She said as she had knelt down to Jane's level smiling at her but Jane didn't even look at this woman she just had her eyes glued to the ground.
"She's just nervous, she's worried that she won't make any friends." Said Dean as the woman stood and looked at him.
"Well a lot of our new kids have that fear but it's almost always just an irrational fear that just isn't true." Said Mrs. Walker as she looked at Dean.
"I was telling her it was just nervous." Said Dean with a smile.
"Well sweet heart why don't you go play on play ground while I talk to your Dad." Suggested Mrs. Walker as Jane looked up at Dean who knelt down to her and whispered.
"Remember keep your wings check kiddo." Said Dean as he patted her on the shoulder and she nodded taking a deep breath than joining the other children. "So what did you need to talk to me about?" Asked Dean as he watched Jane get approached by two other girls.
"Oh well there's some paperwork that needs to be filled out so if you'll just follow me inside." Said Mrs. Walker with a bright smile as Dean sighed and pulled phone out of his pocket after feeling it vibrate. It was a text from Sam.
Dean where are you?

I gotta fill out some damn paperwork might take a while

Dean went inside and filled out the paperwork. About 30 minutes later he walked out and left but not before he caught a glimpse of Jane looking happy with two kids that she had met. Jane saw Dean walking off and rushed over to him with her two new friends following behind. "Look Dad I made friends!" She shouted proudly as she waved at Dean grinning happily.
"I see that." Said Dean with a smile as he waved. Jane told her friends to stay behind as she rushed to Dean. "So your Dad, Uncle Sam, and I are all going on a hunt so I asked Donna to watch you guys." Said Dean as he placed his hand on her shoulder.
"But what about the demon in the dungeon?" Whispered Jane as Dean nodded.
"She hasn't even tried to escape in two years I don't think she's gonna any time soon. We broke her so I don't even think she wants to leave. You and Mary are safe with Donna." Said Dean reassuring her. "Ok so Donna will be here to pick you up when school's over ok?" Asked Dean as she nodded.
"Ok bye Dad I love you." Said Jane as she hugged Dean.
"Love you too sweetie." Said Dean as he kissed her on the top of her head and then left.

As Dean got in the car he got a call from Castiel and then answered it. "Hey Cas I'm leaving now, I can't believe how nervous she was about making friends but as I left she was being followed around by two other kids. She had nothing to be worried about." Said Dean with a grin as he started the car.
"Well I'm glad she's not worrying anymore." Said Castiel as he sighed. "When do you think you'll be back?" Asked Castiel in a monotone voice.
"A few minutes tops, school's not that far from the bunker." Said Dean in the same monotone voice as his husband.
"Good Sam and I are done packing and Donna is already here so everything's ready." Said Castiel as th end of his statement showed a sign of worry. "Are you sure you're ready? We could always send another hunter out after it." Said Castiel in a worried tone.
"Cas I'm fine ok. I know I've had two kids and haven't gone hunting for a little over 5 years but Cas I'm fine." Said Dean with a comforting tone. Though Castiel's worries were incessant and consistent he kind of found them endearing.
"You say that but I still worry." Said Castiel with a sigh.
"I know but Cas you don't need to worry ok? I am ready to start hunting again! Plus how do you expect me to teach Jane to hunt without going hunting myself?!" Asked Dean as he drove.
"I'M SORRY TEACH JANE TO HUNT?! You have always said that if you had kids you wouldn't want them to be apart of this life! You even said when you were pregnant with her and Mary when suddenly did you go back on that?!" Barked Castiel sounding extremely frustrated with what Dean had said.
"When Jane told me she wanted to hunt! Cas how could I tell her no when she said we were heroes! She said she looked up to me! How could I just crush my little girl's dream like that?!" Said Dean with a sigh as Castiel sighed too.
"I...I guess I see your point." Said Castiel as he sounded like he regretted his previous statement. "But still doesn't it worry you at all that she could get hurt?" Asked Castiel as Dean sighed.
"Cas after Mom died, Dad forced me to grow up so quickly. I was four and taking care of Sam all by myself! I didn't have the energy or mental capacity to think of what I wanted to do when I grew up. I didn't think I ever had a choice in being a hunter or not and after years of doing nothing but hunting I tried being a normal guy with a normal job and I couldn't! Look what I'm trying to say is if Jane wants to be a hunter now then there's no point in arguing against it! She's only 5 now so she's probably going to change her mind a million times by the time she's adult!" Said Dean as he drove.
"I'm still terrified that she'll get hurt." Said Castiel sounding unsure with a sigh.
"I know so am I." Said Dean with a sigh. Dean went back to the bunker and gave Donna the last go around of the place. "Ok so this is the dungeon do not I repeat do not go in there." Said Dean as Donna nodded.
"Jeez how many times ya gonna tell me?!" Asked Donna with her perky smile and can-do attitude.
"Look I know but we're keeping someone in there that is incredibly dangerous and highly manipulative, we've been keeping her in there since the the night Mary was born." Said Dean with a sigh.
"Wait you've been keeping someone that dangerous in there with two little girls running around for two years!" Asked Donna in a worried tone.
"Well I guess if you're gonna be watching the girls, you shoud get the full understanding of why we have to keep Isadora here." Said Dean as he pulled a key from his pocket. He unlocked the door and opened it, the lights flickered on and the soft glow from the lightly purple tinted magic sheild that kept Isadora from escaping. They saw deep claw marks in concrete walls that were tally marks of the days she had been there, along with gashes the metal table that was previously bolted to the floor but now sat upside down on the floor with one of the table legs ripped off and now sticking out of the wall, there were claw marks in the devil's trap that was permanently on the floor. Suddenly Isadora sat up from on the floor, wincing from the bright lights. She locked her demonic cat-like red eyes on Dean as he stood.
"Warden." She said with a grin. "Who's your friend?" Asked Isadora as she sat criss-crossed in front the barrier.
"Do I have to take care of her too?" Asked Donna as Isadora shook her head.
"Sweet offer but no after a certain age I stopped aging, stopped needing to eat, and evently no longer needed to sleep so I don't need to be taken care of." Said Isadora with a grin.
"Oh ok." Said Donna in a fearful tone.
"Alright so just stay outta here and keep the girls outta here and everything will be the easiest." Said Dean as he and Donna than left Isadora back to stew in her own juices.

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