Chapter 25: Dredging Up the Present

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Jane was almost 2 years old now and her birthday was a couple of weeks off but she didn't really know that. She was just wandering the halls then she saw two people appear out of thin air. She kind of recognized them but didn't at the same time. She quickly turn tail and ran the opposite direction of the ghosts. She ran down the hall quickly barely looking at where she was going when suddenly she turned a corner and ran full force into Castiel. She fell back but her wings didn't catch her this time for what ever reason. Castiel held out his hand to help her up and she took it. "Are you alright?" Asked Castiel as she nodded patting down her pants.
"Yeah. Father! I saw something or someone...I saw this man and a woman in the hall! They looked like the people from Daddy's pictures." Said Jane calmly as Castiel took her hand.
"Well let's go investigate." Said Castiel as he held her hand and walked her down the hall with walking a little behind him almost using him as a sheild. They carefully made their way down the halls to wear Jane had seen the ghosts. "So this is where you saw them?" Asked Castiel as she nodded. He looked around for a moment then suddenly appeared John and Mary Winchester appeared behind them. Jane backed into Castiel because though her fathers explained to her that they were hunters and Men of Letters who killed and catalogued the Supernatural and she had heard that they've fought vengeful spirits before she never thought she would see one in her home. "Mary, John." Said Castiel as Mary smiled.
"Hi Castiel." She said kindly as John nodded to him acknowledging his statement. Castiel knelt down and whispered to Jane which made her a little less scared them because he knew them.
"Jane these are your grandparents, Mary and John Winchester." Said Castiel quietly but not quiet enough for the two of them to not hear.
"Grandparents?!" Gasped Mary as she and John walked forward.
"So which boy does this little girl belong too?" Asked John as they knelt down to Jane smiling.
"She's Dean's daughter, she was actually named after you John." Said Castiel as he stood as Jane had a tight grip on the edge of his trench coat.
"Are we scaring you sweet heart?" Asked Mary as Jane shook her head.
"How old is she?" Asked John as she had locked eyes with him while half her face was covered by Castiel's trench coat.
"About 2." Said Castiel as he placed his hand on Jane's shoulder trying to reassure that she was safe.
"Where's the girl's mother? We gotta see what kind of girl Dean settled down with." Said Mary as she looked down at Jane smiling. Castiel paused for a moment wondering if he should tell them the truth or not. Could they even handle the truth? He knew that they saw Dean as the model hunter, tough, strong, and not the family type so the fact that Jane was even alive amazed them and now they wanted to know he had what they had before Mary died, wife and kids, but that's not what he had. Castiel enjoyed their life and noticed that Sam had finally gotten used to them being physically affectionate, everything was perfect for them but now he was afraid that they would need to hide what they saw as their perfect life. He debated it for a moment then decided.
"Jane's mother is dead." Said Castiel as they sighed.
"Hunter life, right?" Asked Mary as Castiel nodded knowing this lie would most definitely come back to bite him in the ass.
"What got her?" Asked John as Jane looked up at Castiel with a confused look as he could tell she knew he was lying about their life and she didn't understand why.
"Hell hounds." Said Castiel as he was actually describing how Jo had died. He knew that Dean had feelings for Jo before he had been raised from perdition so it was the best idea he could come up with in order to fool his parents into thinking Jane had a mother and it the simplest way to explain this lie to Dean.
"Did she make a deal?" Asked John.
"No. We were stopping the apocalypse and she got caught in the crosshairs." Said Castiel as that was the vaguest truth to Jo's death.
"I think we'll go bug the boys for a while." Said Mary then she and John disappeared.
"Why did you lie?" Asked Jane as she looked up at him. He crotched down to her level to explain.
"Well I don't think your grandparents would like that your father and I are together in the way that we are so it's better to lie to them then tell them a truth they might refuse to understand." Said Castiel as she sighed.
"Ok." Said Jane as she looked down at the floor. The two of them walked down the halls and then knocked on Dean's door who Castiel knew was taking a nap after he, Sam, Charlie, and Bobby had been drinking and telling stories for Dean's birthday yesterday so Dean was heavily hung over.
"Dean?" Asked Castiel as he knocked.
"Come in!" Said Dean in a groan.
"Why don't you go find your Uncle Sam. I need to explain what we talked about to him." Said Castiel as she nodded running off to find Sam. Castiel stepped into Dean's room seeing him hunched over a bucket spitting into it as the awful smell of bile and vomit filled Castiel's nostrils. He covered her his face actually bothered by the smell.
"I have not puked this much since I was pregnant and that means that was a good night but now I need 6 weeks to recover." Said Dean as he sat up and wiped his face with a near by rag.
"Well I don't think we have that kind of time." Said Castiel in a muffled tone while covering his face with the sleeve of his trench coat.
"What do we got, a case?" Asked Dean as he looked over at Castiel looking sick as a dog in dim light.
"No your parents are in the Vail and their here." Said Castiel as Dean stiffened at the statement.
"What?! How?!" Asked Dean as he stood holding his dresser.
"I don't know, but they saw Jane and they started asking all sorts of questions about her." Said Castiel as Dean came closer and the smell got worse so Castiel stepped back a bit.
"Ok and?" Asked Dean as he didn't step any closer realising he smelled awful and for once that heavily bothered the angel infront of him.
"They assumed Jane has a mother so instead of telling them the truth I lied and said her mother was dead." Said Castiel as Dean aggressively sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"Did they ask how she died?" Asked Dean.
"Yes." Said Castiel.
"And what did you tell them?" Asked Dean with a tone that already showed he was disappointed in Castiel.
"I described how your friend Jo died." Said Castiel as Dean looked very upset.
"So you basically told that Jo was her Mom!?" Growled Dean.
"Yes." Said Castiel.
"Ok...I'm gonna go shower so keep my parents busy." Said Dean as he walked passed Castiel and left.

Castiel found the Winchester parents with Sam and Jane who was in her uncle's lap. "Hey Cas could I talk to you for a second?" Asked Sam as he picked up Jane and set her in his chair as he stood. He walked over to Castiel and they talked for a bit. Castiel explained the situation and then they went back over to Mary and John. They all talked for a bit then Dean came out dressed and his hair slightly wet. Everyone talked for a bit and then Dean pulled his mother aside to talk with her.
"Hey Mom I wanna ask you something." Said Dean as he stared down at the ground.
"You can tell me anything Dean, you know that right?" Asked Mary as Dean nodded.
"Yeah I know." He said and then took a deep breathe. "Mom how would you feel if I wasn't married to a woman?" Asked Dean as he avoided eye contact with her.
"Dean, I know you and Castiel are in love." Said Mary as Dean froze.
"Wha-what?!" Asked Dean as he looked at her utterly confused. "You knew?! When?!" Asked Dean again utterly confused.
"Remember when I first came back from the dead and you brought me back to the bunker. You two hugged I saw the look in both your eyes, it was the way I looked at John everytime I came back from a hunt. I was always worried how he would go on without me, I saw that same worried look when he first laid eyes on you. He was scared to live without you Dean." Said Mary as she held Dean's hand and it felt so real to him.
"I know." Said Dean softly smiling thinking of how relieved he was when he didn't have to kill Amara and he could go back to his family unscathed. "Honestly if I didn't find you that night I probably would've gone home and told Cas how I really felt about him. Cas basically said he wanted to die by my side that day but I told him he needed to take care of Sam. God I really should've taken the hint." Said Dean as tears welled up in his eyes as he smiled and laughed a little at how blinded he was to how Castiel really felt about him and how he truly felt.
"Well I can tell you're really happy now." Said Mary with a smile as she still held Dean's hand.
"So how do you think Dad will react to this?" Asked Dean as he sniffed regaining his composure.
"Oh I already knew." Said John as he appeared in a blink of an eye next to his wife. Dean aggressively sighed at how his parents knew about this attraction to the male specimen long before he did. "I mean it pretty easy to guess due to the fact that you kinda have a habit of talking in your sleep. I remember sometimes I would be driving back from a hunt with you next to me asleep and sometimes you would just go on and on about Clint Eastwood. It would go so vivid that I would have one of two choices either blare music or sock you in the arm to wake you up." Said John as Dean hung his head feeling ashamed for something he didn't really remember.
"Yeah well when we go back out there and tell Cas to stop lying don't mentiom that, k? Those two already judge me for my love of the old west and if Sam knew this I would never hear the end of it so let's keep this between us." Said Dean as they both nodded.
"So did you have Jane before or after you and Castiel got together?" Asked Mary as Dean sighed.
"After." Said Dean as he then told his parents of his interesting experience. It took a bit to convince them that he actually went through such a process but when they started to believe him they had tons of questions that Dean really couldn't answer.
"How is that even possible?" Asked John as he folded his arms over his chest.
"I have no clue all I know is that it is possible. Honestly I haven't brought it up to Cas yet but kinda want to do it again." Said Dean as his mother found the response given endearing and sweet while his father felt the idea of it made his skin crawl.
"Well Dean I think that's a great idea as long as you think you can handle it." Said Mary in a very motherly tone which made Dean feel better about his thought.

They made their way back to the others and Dean explain that he had told them the truth and that they were supportive in his decisions in life. They talked for a while never once asking how the two older Winchesters were here, honestly they didn't care they were just glad to have them back even for a little bit.

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