Chapter 24: For Better or Worse

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It had been just a little over a year since Jane was brought into this world and she was learning quickly. What suprised her fathers the most was that unlike other Nephilim they've met, Jane aged rather slowly. She was aging at the rate of a normal human child but they enjoyed that factor.

Dean sat driving the Impala with Sam riding shotgun and Castiel riding in the back with Jane asleep in her carseat next to him. It was the dead of night as the pitter patter of ran hitting the windows was the only sound in the car. Castiel looked over at his sleeping daughter as he brushed a strand of her blonde hair off her face as he smiled at her. "I think I finally understand." Muttered Castiel as Dean looked at the review mirror seeing his smile.
"Hm?" Asked Dean as he continued tp drive.
"I understand why humans call their young children angels when they sleep. It's the most peaceful you'll probably ever see them. In the human eye Angels are seen as a symbol of peace and tranquillity so relating them to sleeping child finally makes sense." Said Castiel as he turned back to staring out the window. Dean smiled at his thought thinking that the way Castiel read so deeply into normal everyday sayings and things Dean never thought that deeply about was just incredible.
"Hey Cas." Said Dean softly as he smiled at Castiel through the mirror.
"Yes Dean?" Asked Castiel as Dean looked over at Sam who had his headphones in and was looking at his phone texting with Charlie not aware of the situation around him.
"I love you Cas." Said Dean as he smiled.
"I love you too Dean." Said Castiel as he smiled, slightly blushing.
"I really wish I could kiss you right now." Said Dean with a sigh.
"Well you can pull over, but it is raining pretty hard." Said Castiel looking out the window staring at the rain.
"I don't mind if you don't." Said Dean as he and Castiel locked eyes in their reflections. Suddenly the car quickly shifted as Dean slowly merged over to the side of the road.
"Dean? What are you doing?!" Asked Sam as he ripped out one of his headphones.
"Mind your own damn business Sammie!" Barked Dean as the car came to a stop. Dean took out the keys and both he and Castiel got out of the car. They both felt the rain cold on their skin but as Dean took Castiel's hand his skin was warm and comforting. Dean took Castiel behind the car and wrapped his arms around his waist under his trench coat, kissing him deeply. Sam looked back through the back window seeing his brother and the angel he considered to be his friend locked in a deep embrace getting soaked by the rain. He shook his head looking away.
"Why do they always do that." Groaned Sam as he put his headphone back in. Eventually Castiel and Dean got back in the car sopping wet. Sam paused his music and took out his headphones. "I can't leave you two alone for a second." Said Sam as Dean turned to him.
"Sammie, shut your cake hole before I shut it for you because I don't care what you have to say about what me and Cas do when we're alone. Cas is amazing kisser you prude." Said Dean as he started the car and Sam had this really creeped out look on his face.
"I'm sorry Sam." Said Castiel with a sigh as Sam shook his head.
"Sam why does the thought of the fact that Cas and I are finally happy freak you out so much?" Asked Dean as he got back onto the road.
"Dean, it's just weird to think about ny older brother having sex let alone doing with some else I happen to see everyday! It's hard enough happening to walk in on you some girl you're never gonna see again in a motel room we're never gonna see again but there have been too many incidences where I've seen it, heard it, knew it was happening or had to stop it from happening!" Said Sam as Castiel covered Jane's ears even though she was most definitely asleep. "So Dean no I am not creeped by the fact that you've always been intrested a little more in men than you ever have with a woman I am creeped out that I have to worry about what ever corner I am turning because my brother and his angel boyfriend go at it like rabbits." Said Sam as he huffed.
"Are you done?" Asked Dean emotionless as Sam sighed. "Besides that's not what I meant bitch." Said Dean as he quickly slugged Sam in the shoulder.
"Oh then what did you mean jerk?" Asked Sam as Dean sighed with a slight smile.
"Cas told me that you were jealous of what he and I have. Is that the truth?" Asked Dean as he drove the rain hitting the windshield.
"I...I don't know." Said Sam as Castiel looked at Dean in a judgemental look.
"Sam I don't even know what to say to that." Said Dean as he sighed. "Look Sammie you're my brother and I love you but you gotta be cool with this ok? This is my life and I'm finally happy with it so please just put your jealousy aside and be happy for me." Requested Dean as he drove and Sam sighed.
"I'll try." Said Sam as he sighed. The ride was quiet for the rest of the time and even when Jane woke up it was quiet. Castiel saw that it was almost like she could feel the tension in the air so she didn't want to speak in fear that it would upset everyone further. He didn't understand how or why she was that intelligent at such a young age but to be honest he felt it made the early stages of parenting easier.

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