Chapter 12: Family Business

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Dean told Sam of the agreement and he wasn't too happy but they decided if they were only going to have her for a week they should test her skills on hunting. Dean walked Jane down the halls. "So what are we doing, wandering aimlessly through the hall?" Asked Jane as she looked up at Dean.
"Well we're not wandering, I'm taking you down to the shooting range. You said that you were trained to be a hunter by me, well I want see how good you actually are." Said Dean sternly.
"So what does that mean exactly?" Asked Jane with a smirk.
"Well if you impress me maybe you could come on a hunt with me, Sam, Cas." He said with a slight smile.
"Really? I haven't been on a hunt in a long time." She said as they walked.
"Why?" Asked Dean.
"Well I wasn't aloud to go on my first hunt until I was 13 because Mary had to be old enough to protect herself and be left alone but then after I started acting out you told me I wasn't aloud to go on any hunts until I cleaned up my act which of course didn't happen." She said with a sigh.
"Well we got a week together before we have to split so I'll take you on a hunt whatever's close." Said Dean with a smile as he placed his hand on her back. Suddenly her wings flew out spreading feathers cross the floor. "What was that?!" Asked Dean as he had ducked to avoid getting hit by them.
"My back is sensitive for that specific reason." She said with a sigh as she folded her wings back.
"Noted." He said as he stood back up.

They got down to the range and Dean handed her the ivory handle glock he usually would use for himself but decided to give his daughter a go with it. She lifted the gun, weighing it, then she cocked it, and aimed. She fired it and put the gun down. Dean checked her work. "Head shot, good." Said Dean with a smirk. "But you know a good isn't what hunting's all about, sure it helps but-" Dean started but Jane finished his sentence for him.
"Not everything can be solved with a bullet." She said smiling.
"I take it I've told you that a lot." Assumed Dean.
"Actually no you only ever said it once I just have a good memory for certain things you, father, and Uncle Sam say." Said Jane with a smile.
"Hm well let's see what else you can do." Said Dean with a smirk. He tested her with everything from silver knives to angel blades to gun play, she knew it all and she did it like she had the brutality of Dean, the strategic and quick intelligence of Sam, and the honor of Castiel, but there was this overwhelming need to prove herself in her display that Dean felt was sad so in an attempt to cure that mysterious insecurity, he gave her pointers. Correcting her shaky aim and things like that. They spent hours together in the shooting range talking and getting to know each other a little better because it seemed to him that the most personal thing she knew about Dean was his birthday.

While Dean and Jane talked Castiel was left alone because Sam had gone to pick up food but he was having strange distrusting thoughts about Jane. He decided while Dean distracted her, Castiel would snoop through her things. He found the only bag she had on her person which was small and compact so there wouldn't have been much to hide in it. He unzipped the bag to find a few things, a silver locket with a picture of Sam, Castiel, Dean, Jane, and another girl that he didn't recognize, she was probably the younger sister that Jane had spoken of before. He also found a lighter with the initials J. W. carved into the bottom left corner of the zippo lighter, three or four fake student ID's for various different high schools and colleges, a pocket knife, a swiss army knife, and lastly her phone. He decided to look through her phone, she had six or seven different contacts labeled Dad, Father, and Uncle. They were obsurely labeled of course so no one could really tell who her parents were even when they each used different names. He also found a contact labeled Mary, so he opened their last conversation, finding it all to be normal. Mary had texted her a grocery list and they ended the interaction with 'I love you'. There was nothing out of the ordinary with this girl until he scrolled to the very bottom of her contacts list and the last contact name was written in Enocian, he read it as an actual name, Isadora's real name. He opened their last conversation and read the texts. Isadora often called her pet names in her messages and they were either orders or cruel taunts. The last message sent was interesting.
Isadira: Now remember Little Dove bring him to me and I can promise they will all be spared

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