Chapter 30: Wrong Place and Even Worse Time

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Dean was nearing the end of his pregnancy and everything seemed to be going good. Sam had just dropped off Jane with Jody so when Dean went into labor she wouldn't be around to notice. Sam got back to the bunker and decided to go check on the grave since he didn't know if anyone had done it yet. He walked out into the woods turning on his flashlight in the dark, holding the demon cuffs to capture anyone trying to free her when he saw Isadora standing over her open grave holding Jacob's wings, covered in his blood but Jacob was no where to be seen. Sam quickly slapped the demon cuffs on her then locking her in the dungeon. He went to tell Castiel who was in the kitchen but saw he was with Dean and Sam didn't want his brother to worry in the state he was in so he went back to the prisoner. "Did Jacob let you out?" Asked Sam as he walked into the dungeon making sure the door was locked.
"Yes." She said suprisingly cooperative.
"Why were you holding his wings?" Asked Sam not sure how much she would answer.
"He asked me to tear them off in exchange for setting me free." She said as she dug the congealed blood from under her long claw like nails along with dirt and other grime.
"That doesn't sound like much pf an exchange." Said Sam as she chuckled at his response.
"He wanted to be human, I don't really understand why." Said Isadora seeming bored with the conversation as she continued to pick at her nails.
"Well since we can't kill you so why don't we just make you human?" Threatened Sam as she again found his remark amusing.
"You would if you could but you don't have a blade that could pierce my skin and I don't think Jane is strong enough to so what I just did." Said Isadora in her typically snarky tone, she sounded like herself or at least what they knew as Isadora.
"Well I can also just let you rot down here!" Said Sam as he started walking away from her.
"I'll tell you anything you want to know and I know a lot!" She said almost in a begging tone.
"Yeah but I kinda wanna make you suffer after everything you've done to my brother, now my brother in law, oh and my niece so I think a little bit of toture is in order don'tcha think?" Called Sam as he opened the door.
"Sam! Samuel Winchester you leave me here and I will escape and make you suffer!" She threatened then he knew he had her scared.
"Correction your never getting out of here." Said Sam coldly as he shut and locked the door. He left the room hearing her scream his name over and over but as he walked down the hall it got quieter when suddenly he met Dean in the hall. "Hey Dean." Said Sam with no tell of nerves in his voice.
"What were you doing in the dungeon?" Asked Dean as he seemed suspicious of his brother.
"I wasn't in the dungeon I was in the storage room that conceals the dungeon." Lied Sam but it sounded damn convincing.
"Why?" Asked Dean seeming like he didn't know Sam was lying.
"Well I checked on the ruins over Isadora's grave and they looked a little worn down from the rain we had last night so I was looking for spray paint to touch them up." Said Sam as Dean knodded.
"Did you find any?" Asked Dean still not getting that it was a lie which was good for Sam's situation.
"Nope." Said Sam as Dean nodded.
"Well there's a whole untouched can in Baby's trunk just remember to put it back we need that for hunts." Said Dean as Sam nodded and headed to the garage which is where Dean kept the car since he got pregnant again and couldn't drive it. As Sam walked away he stopped and turned back to Dean.
"I know Cas has asked you a lot but you good?" Asked Sam as Dean sighed.
"Yeah Sammie I'm fine." Said Dean smiling at his brother's caring interest in him. He almost let Sam walk away but decided to say what he had been thinking for a while. "Sam wait." Said Dean as Sam turned back to him. "Have you heard anything from Gabriel?" Asked Dean as Sam began to develop a more sour look at the mention of his name.
"Oh what is this supposed to be an apology?!" Demanded Sam as he became more aggressive with his tone.
"Yes Sam it is! Cas and I were out of line! We shouldn't have butted in! I'm sorry I wasn't happy for you! I was just worried that Gabriel would get bored of you but when you said that I didn't know him like you did I should've dropped it! I just hope you can accept my apology." Said Dean honestly and full regret.
"Dean I'm not a kid anymore ok? You don't need to protect me from someone you think is gonna hurt me." Said Sam as Dean nodded. "But anyways I forgive you, Dean. You were just doing what you thought was right for me even if it hurt." Said Sam as he sighed.
"So?" Asked Dean as he referred back to his earlier question.
"I called him a few times went straight of voicemail so I left a few messages and he hasn't gotten back to me." Said Sam sounding heart broken at the fact Gabriel was intentionally avoiding his calls.
"Well he's bound to call back unless he got into trouble but you know Gabriel kinda the hide-away type so he hasn't gotten into any kind of trouble." Said Dean as he patted his brother's shoulder trying to be reasuring.
"Yeah I know I'm just hoping he calls back eventually." Said Sam sadly as he finally walked off.

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