Chapter 48: Firsts

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Hi I'm Tye, I'm the author and I have a few things to explain so I'm gonna start jumping forward in time a lot. Anyway I hope you enjoy the drama to come.

Jane was now in her early teens and starting to act out or at least that's how everyone else saw it but the truth was that Pandora was forcing her to act out in rude ways for sick kicks. Dean and Castiel had discussed it and though Jane started to act out Dean assurwed Castiel not to worry because he stated it was normal for teenagers to do especially teenage girls and then promptly compared her to Claire Novak who he stated was the poster child for rebellious teenagers. "But Dean Jane isn't like Claire! I destroyed Claire's life! Jane hasn't had anything like that happen." Stated Castiel with a sigh.
"Cas, that's not why Claire acts the way she does. I guarantee if you had never showed up she'd be worse off than she is now." Said Dean as he reached over holding Castiel's hand.
"You're just saying that to make me feel better aren't you?" Asked Castiel with a side glance.
"Bout 50/50. Anyway I think Jane's ready to hunt, hell she's been preparing to be a hunter since she was little! She's always wanted to do this Cas, who am I to deny her a chance at following her dreams?" Asked Dean as Castiel sighed.
"Fine Dean she can join us on a hunt but she stays under constant supervision and if things seem like their getting dangerous we keep her out of it!" Stated Castiel in a firm tone as Dean smiled.
"Cas her blood corroded the metal of your angel blade honestly I'd love to see a Vamp or a Wolf chomp down on her just to lose their teeth." Said Dean finding the thought funny and chuckling at it.
"Dean!" Barked Castiel as Dean sighed.
"Fine Cas if things get dangerous I'll pull her out." Said Dean with a smile still thinking of the monsters losing their fangs due to Jane's blood. Dean quickly then opened his laptop to look for a case.

While Dean and Castiel searched for a case Jane was at school suffering with Pandora. She sat there in science class during a group project with her best friend Carmen and one of her many friends Lance. "So you're good for the sleepover this weekend?" Asked Carmen as she tapped her pencil on her notebook.
"Yeah I already asked my Dad he's cool with it." Stated Jane with a smile as Pandora scoffed.
"No you didn't! Thanks to me of course." She said as of she were giving herself props.
"This is gonna be so much fun! We can watch a bunch of movies and stay up so late! Just like when we were little." Said Carmen with excitement in her tone and Carmen's smile made Jane smile.
"Yeah it'll be fun." Said Jane as she wrote down a few notes for their project.
"You like her don't you?!" Asked Pandora as she peered over Jane's shoulder finding what small moment of happiness Jane had to be amusing.
"So what if I do! It's not like you care!" Thought Jane as she knew that Pandora could hear her thoughts and always responded to them.
"But you're scared to tell her. You're afraid she'll reject you! It's the classic love troupe! I love it! You're life is so entertaining!" Stated Pandora with a smile.
"Only because you get to destroy it." Thought Jane as she sighed and Carmen lost her smile.
"Hey Janie you ok?" Asked Carmen as she placed her hand on Jane's hand. Jane responded to the gentle touch by turning bright red. Jane glanced over at Pandora who placed her index finger to her lips signifying she should keep quiet.
"Y-yeah I'm fine!" Blurted Jane as she ripped her hand away begging she could tell Carmen the truth but Pandora always held her back.
"Jane. Get your stuff your Dad is here." Stated the teacher as the statement had ripped Jane from the hell Pandora was putting her through. Jane quickly grabbed her things bit Carmen grabbed her by the arm before she could walk off.
"Ya know you can talk to me about anything Janie." Stated Carmen as Jane soaked in the full moment. Peering into Carmen's emerald green eyes, the single black curly lock of hair hanging off the side of her cheek, the light brown freckles splattered across her face along with a streak of blue paint on her cheek from art class, all of it Jane memorized every detail and made sure not to use an ounce of her abilities because she still wanted the thought of Carmen loving her back to be shrouded in mystery.
"I know, Car." Stated Jane with a smile as bright pink blush spread across her face.
"See ya later Janie." Stated Carmen as she held out her fist which had three different brightly colored cheap plastic rings on it along with drawings she had done with pen on the back of her hand that were hearts, stars, and flowers and her nails were painted bright blue with white clouds on them.
"See ya." Stated Jane as she bumped her fist against Carmen's then left.

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