Chapter 53: Poltergeist

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Castiel was unable to heal Jane so Dean had picked her up and laid her in her bed. With tears in his eyes he sat on the edge of her bed and took her blood soaked hand. "I'm sorry sweetie...I should've known that something was wrong sooner. This is all my fault. I should've done more. If I did maybe you wouldn't be lying here, dead." Said Dean as tears flooded down his face when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off thinking it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

As the days went on things got stranger in the bunker. Sam, Dean, and Castiel were determined to find a way to bring Jane back so they worked constantly but every few hours something strange would happen that none of them would mention to each other. For instance while Sam was looking through books the exact one he was looking for jumped off the shelf and gently landed in his hands. And later on Dean went in the kitchen to get some coffee but when he walked in he found a mug of coffee already made though it was in a mug that Jane had once given him for his birthday, it was one of those stupid World's Greatest Dad mugs that he always thought was so cheesy yet so thoughtful. He picked up the mug with a smile and went back to doing research. Hours later after the caffeine had worn off Sam and Dean had fallen asleep at the table after 72 hours of continuous research. Castiel was still reading when suddenly he looked over at Sam and he had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders then out of the corner of his eye he saw a blanket place itself around Dean's shoulders. "Well that's...strange." Said Castiel with a confused look.

In the middle of that night Castiel went up to Heaven to speak with Jack in hopes he could speak with Jane. "Jack we need to talk!" Called out Castiel standing in the middle of a forest as Jack appeared behind him.
"Hello Cas what can I help you with?" Asked Jack in his cheerful way.
"I need to speak with Jane just for a little while please." Begged Castiel in a tearful tone.
"I'm sorry Cas but she's not here. If you don't mind me asking why do you think she would be?" Asked Jack softly as to not upset him further.
"Because she's dead Jack and I just hoped she would be." Said Castiel as he hung his head knowing now that his hopes were wrong that Jane's deal wouldn't effect where she went after she died especially when they severed the connection but her fate must've already been sealed. So in response he went down to Hell to talk with Crowley.
"Sorry Castiel but Jane's not here either. But if she was I would've already kicked her ass into the Vail. Sweet girl like that doesn't deserve this place no matter who she pissed off in life." Muttered Crowley as he walked through an empty hall of hell. Castiel returned to the living world feeling frustrated with everything. He couldn't find Jane's soul and that frustrated him to no end.

The next morning Dean sat in his bedroom looking at photos on his phone of the few he had of Jane as Castiel walked in and sat with him. "How are you holding up?" Asked Castiel as Dean put down his phone and sighed.
"Well I'm stressed to hell, barely getting any sleep, and Cas I think the bunker is being haunted so not well." Said Dean with a huff as he laid his head on Castiel's shoulder.
"Well Dean there is an upside to all this." Said Castiel held Dean's hand.
"What kind of upside could there be to losing our oldest daughter three days ago because I stabbed her." Said Dean grimly with a sigh.
"I think she's the one haunting us." Said Castiel as Dean sighed.
"Why would Jane haunt us?" Asked Dean feeling his idea was ridiculous.
"Dean! Have you been ironing my shirts with beer again!" Shouted Sam from across the bunker as Dean rushed to him.
"Not that you know of!" Said Dean as they stepped into the kitchen seeing an iron out with one of Dean's shirts and a bottle of beer. "The only person I ever told about that was Jane because I knew she wouldn't rat me out." Said Dean as the iron was then unplugged and swiftly tossed across the room just barely missing him and hitting the wall instead. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME YOU LITTLE BRAT!? YOU COULD'VE GIVEN US A BIGGER HINT!" Barked Dean completely pissed at Jane. "Why the hell would she even go in the Vail! She knows the consequences!" Growled Dean as she suddenly appeared behind him but she didn't look like she was dead she looked real.
"Well for one I'm not dead Dad!" She said with a smirk as he turned.
"How!? I stabbed you with one the only weapons that can kill you!" Said Dean utterly confused.
"Maybe we should get the whole family here before I explain." She said so they followed her to the main hall where Mary and Ash were sitting. They all sat down and she began to explain. "So Dad you didn't kill me so put that guilt somewhere else so even if I did die I have no where to go but the Vail so keep that in mind." Said Jane as she seemed to just gloss over the fact that that she can't go to Heaven or Hell.
"Wait you seriously you can't even go to Purgatory?!" Asked Sam as she sighed.
"Ok Pandora may say we're all the same but our souls are very different! She and Isadora have a monster soul so they go to Purgatory I, Ash, Mary have kind of a warped human soul so it's not acceptable in Heaven or Hell. If we went there just as a soul we'd kinda steal all the place's power and kill everything there so yeah. Oh! Speaking of killing if you burn my body I'm stuck like this so yeah." Said Jane with a chuckle as she was taking this very light hearted and no one understood why. They all knew Jane as someone who took things like this seriously but now that the deal was broken things about her were much different. They seemed more real not like an act honestly it reminded Sam and Dean of the way their Mom was. "Anyway what else did he say... Oh god it's so hard to remember all of it." She muttered to herself.
"Who?" Asked Castiel.
"The guy who's been training me. Why don't you come and spout this stuff I'm getting a headache just trying to remember everything you said." She said as a man dressed in 1920's business clothes appeared. He had blonde hair and bright green eyes just as bright as Jane's blues. His suit was dark green with a gold lapel and a daisy in the lapel. He had a kind smile and was quite the energetic guy.
"Oh come on you were doing great!" He said as he leapt up from the chair he was sitting in and came over grabbing Jane's shoulders. "Horrible memory on this one." He said with a smile and a laugh as he tapped the top of Jane's head.
"Who the hell this!?" Barked Dean as he stood feeling quite alarmed by the man touching Jane at all.
"Is he always this loud?" Asked the man to Jane as she teetered her hand back and forth.
"Give or take a few days." She said as Dean only got more frustrated.
"Oh please ignore my concerns for the strange man touching my daughter!" Growled Dean as the man then flickered and appeared in front of Dean with his hand out.
"Edward Morrison at your service." Said Edward with a smile and Dean just glared at him. He withdrew his hand and sighed.
"Like Jacob Morrison." Said Sam as Edward some how perked up even more than he already was.
"My little brother, yes. Shame he's human now though he did live quite a long life so I guess it would be an honorable death." Said Edward as he walked back over shaking his head. "Now please tell me you haven't done anything with the girl's body yet?" Asked Edward actually taking something seriously.
"No we haven't done a thing with it. Now can please explain what the hell is happening?" Asked Sam calmly trying to counter act his older brother's aggression.
"A Winchester who's civil I'm quite impressed. Well the young Jane and I are trapped in a section of the Vail where the human souls you see are ones who haven't quite died yet but are in the process of dying. I tend to stay away from human souls they mistake for a reaper often times but Jane and I are here not because we're dead but because our... To make it easier for you all I'll say vessels have been damaged so much that all of their energy is being spent repairing them so they can't support such a soul as ours. Now the reason she and I keep bringing up the fact that shouldn't burn the body is because if you burn our bodies to ash and bone than we can't return to them because it will take centuries for our bodies to fully repair back to our normal selves. I know this because Isadora burnt my body so I have nothing to return too while quite yet anyways." Said Edward as that boyish smile returned once more. "Does that make sense?" Asked Edward as they all seemed to get it. "Good!" He said as he clapped his hands.
"So when will she be able to return to her vessel?" Asked Castiel as Jane looked at Edward as if she didn't know either.
"Well...I..I don't know." He said as Jane didn't seem to like that response.
"You bastard! You said I'd get to go home!" She barked walking towards him as he back up with each step.
"Technically you are home." He said trying to make of this but she grabbed him by the lapel of his suit jacket and lifted him with a growl. "Ok! Ok! We can just go check on your body! I'm sure we can figure it out from there! Please I'm only trying help." He begged as she glared at him.
"Shouldn't we do something?" Asked Sam as Dean shrugged.
"Why?" Asked Dean as Castiel stared at him for a moment then Dean sighed.
"Jane we might need the guy." Said Dean in a tone where he showed he wasn't really interested in the man's life but more what he could do for them. Dean walked over and went to place his hand on Jane's shoulder but passed right through her. Jane dropped him and sighed.

She, Dean, and Castiel went to check on her body. When they walked in they saw that she no longer looked as injured as she did when they last left her. Castiel placed his fingers in the center of her forehead and inspected everything else. "She's completely healed." Stated Castiel as she smiled then disappeared and her fingers twitched then she shot up coughing and gasping for breath.

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