Chapter 35: Need to Know

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Sam was walking through the library looking for something to do since he wasn't able to sleep then he found a box label M. Ambrose so he opened it. There were tons of folders and journals so Sam set the box on the table and started to read with the journal marked Izzy.

"My Dearest Izzy,

     Words cannot describe how much I love you. You are my everything and I know you'll live so much longer than I will so I write to you so when I'm gone you won't miss me because you'll have these. Do you remember the day we met...I do, October 24th, 1944 your birthday. I was reading all of those occult lore books training for the day I wouldn't just sit here in my desk in this stupid bunker. You know I wasn't even supposed to be out that night I just needed to get away from those blockheads at the bunker. Men of Letters! Ha! More like Men of Cowards!...I'm sorry this is supposed to be about us. Do you remember the night I called for you and how I was going to make a deal just find just to find the woman I met that night but she was you. God you were beautiful that night, your jet black hair wrapped tightly in that bun but with only a few strands escaping and that dress! It was beautiful, you were beautiful."

Sam stopped reading and noticed dried up tear stains on the page then continued.

"Izzy why did you leave me? I miss you something awful... Do you remember the day we got married? I know you didn't want to wear white so you wore a wedding dress you had covered with ashes from our fireplace. God you were beautiful. I remember all the things you told me before that day, how your sister treated you, how no one followed you when you finally broke free of her, and how it was a one in a million chance of meeting me. God I love you! Please Izzy just come home to me! You are my everything! You are my Goddess! Isadora the Last Sister of Chaos, Please heed my prayer and return yourself to me! were the only thing that ever made me happy! That night we met if you hadn't given me any kind of direction in my life I would've jumped from a bridge. You gave me purpose in life so you can't just leave! Please Izzy I miss you..."

Sam flipped the pages and found that the person writing these journals was Milo Ambrose, he and Isadora were married for 6 years. Sam found that in 1953 they tried to have children and Isadora miscarried everytime except one. In 1954 she had given birth to healthy human baby girl which the two named Evelyn. He found a film wheel that he took into a room they had an old projector set up. He put the film reel in and played it. It was like a home movie with a much younger pregnant Isadora and a happy young man.
"Come on dance with me!" Isadora begged as the man sat at a desk just out of frame then he stood smoothing his dark brown hair back. The sound of a nice slow romantic song played in the background.
"Oh alright just one dance then you need to get to bed." Said Milo as he ran his hands over her pregnant belly then slowly he wrapped around her waist. Suddenly the video cut to Milo sitting on the couch looking like hell. "So Izzy miscarried again. We were so close this time, this time we made it all the way to the birth before we realised that our baby was dead." Said Milo as he roughly ran his fingers through his hair. Suddenly he stood and threw everything off of the coffee table and let out a frustrated scream. "Why does this keep happening to us?! She may not be human but that gives God no right to take our children from us! I love her so much but hearing her cry everytime we lose another child, I hate it. Do you know what she's doing right now?! Bawling her eyes out because she thinks there is something wrong with her! She thinks this is her fault! She just said that if she removed her wings she would be human and we could have all the children we want but I told her no! Those wings give her everything that she is I just can't allow that to be taken from her!" Milo shouted at the camera as he sighed and sat back down on the couch. "I guess we'll just never be parents." He muttered as Isadora came down the hallway behind him. Sam was expecting something cruel and awful to happen but nothing like what he was thinking happened.
"Milo..." She spoke quietly as she put her arms around his shoulders.
"Yes Izzy?" Asked Milo still holding his head in his hands.
"I'm ready to try again." She said softly as he put his hands on her arms and he tearing up as he smiled looking up at his wife.
"Thank you." He said as they kissed. Suddenly again it cut to something new, there was the sound of Isadora screaming in agony similar to the way Dean screamed when giving birth, the screen was dark only showing the corner of the room with a dim pink lamp barely lighting the room. Suddenly there was the sound of an infant crying and the sound of Isadora crying. "Isadora do you here that!?" Shouted Milo in a tone pure joy. The camera cut to showing Milo was the one assumed to be holding the camera as it showed Isadora holding her infant.
"What are even gonna call her?" Asked Isadora with a smile as she held her sleeping baby.
"I always liked Evelyn." Said Milo as Isadora smiled revealing her sharp fangs.
"Than her name is Evelyn." Said Isadora softly as the footage cut to happy memories with their little girl then it just ended. He took the tape out then went back to looking through the box of things.

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