Chapter 13: Fighting What Can't Be Fought

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This was the last hunt Dean would go on for quite sometime so they chose a very special hunt for them to go on. Apparently every weekend on Sunday a priest, a nun, or any other figure Catholic Faith had gone missing. There was a ton of EMF in the church's basement along with the smell of sulfur all through out the church so while Sam investigated the basement, Dean and Castiel investigated the church itself. So far Dean had found nothing and there was a heavy storm outside when Dean spotted Castiel walking alone down a hall. He rushed into Castiel and quickly shoved him into a confessional. "Come on Cas, you good for a quickie?" Asked Dean as he started to loosen his belt. They were dressed as priests, crammed into confessional, and Dean was begging for a quick moment of relief, all of this felt wrong to Castiel.
"Dean we're on a hunt, you should take this a little more seriously." Said Castiel but then he felt Dean's hand on his inner thigh and though it was dark Dean could feel Castiel's breathe get hotter indicating the angel was in love with the feeling of Dean's hand on his thigh.
"Bless me father for I am about to sin." Muttered Dean with a smirk.

*Sexual Content Ahead*
If you would not like to read please skip ahead to the next bold text

Castiel wore a cross around his neck and Dean tugged on it, pulling him close, and kissing him deeply. Dean used his free hand to get his belt undone while Castiel did the same. Dean lifted Castiel by his hips and thrusted in. They did all of this without breaking their kiss once. Castiel gasped at the feel of Dean entering him. They both breathed evenly and calmly while Dean still smiled at this display of his affection for the angel. Dean thrusted slow and evenly to make this last as long as possible. They finished and dressed themselves.

*Sexual Content Over*
Please enjoy the rest of the fanfic

They exited the confessional and noticed Sam standing outside. "I can't leave you two alone for a second." Said Sam with a grown.
"I told Dean it was a bad idea." Muttered Castiel as Sam rolled his eyes.
"Dean, in a confessional!" Groaned Sam as Dean smirked.
"Come on Sammie I got style!" Said Dean with a wide grin.
"That's not style Dean that's just gross and sinful." Said Sam with a disgusted look on his face. "Anyway I found something in the basement." Said Sam as he walked off and the couple followed. They made their way down to the basement finding a crypt with the name Elaine Bucking, which was the name of their vengeful spirit. They burned the bones then left. The boys piled in the car and drove off back to the bunker. Castiel sat in the back, thinking about Jane, how things ended poorly for her, and he was the only one of them still mourning the loss of their daughter. Castiel sat there with a glum look on his face remembering how much he upset her and how he never apologized for it. He hoped to make up for it when Jane was born once again but in their timeline. The music and Dean's awfully comical singing was all drowned out by Castiel's thoughts. His thoughts of this miserable feeling of guilt and a dreadful heavy weight of loss in his heart that made him feel sick. He hated feeling this way but he also wondered why he felt this way. He had his grace, he was no where near being human so why he did he feel so human due this loss. It was strange and weird but he almost enjoyed that he could feel even though he was an angel.
"Hey Cas you good?" Asked Dean as he looked at Castiel through the review mirror.
"I'm fine, why do you ask?" Asked Castiel as he looked at Dean.
"You're kinda crying Cas." Said Dean as he turned the music down.
"Oh...I was just thinking or something." Said Castiel as he wiped the tears from his face with the sleeve of his trench coat.
"You wanna talk about it?" Asked Sam hesitately as Dean mouthed the word 'No' not really wanting to hear Cas's secrets.
"No...neither of you would understand." Said Castiel.
"Well then that's settled." Said Dean smiling as he turned back up the music.

They got back to the bunker and Dean headed to go take a shower while Sam headed to bed so Castiel was alone with his thoughts. He was driving himself mad with guilt over the fact that he told Dean he would protect her but he wasn't quick enough. His thoughts were killing him so to distract himself he went and found Dean in the shower. He had undressed himself and stepped into the shower with Dean. "Cas?! What the hell are doing?" Asked Dean kinda laughing at the situation.
"Being spontaneous?" Was the only answer he could come up with, it's not like he could walk up and say
"Hey Dean the death of our daughter is driving me insane because I feel it was my fault so wanna have sex in the shower so I don't think about crushing guilt for a couple minutes?"
"I mean true but usually one is enough for you." Said Dean as he wiped water off his face.
"Please Dean?" Asked Castiel because he was at his limit with how much he could take on his own thoughts.
"Well Cas it's not like I don't really appreciate the offer but I'm kinda tired after the confessional, what do ya we take a rain check?" Asked Dean smiling trying to be kind.
"No Dean...I..I can't..Please!" Begged Castiel as he held onto Dean's arm tightly.
"Cas, easy on the grip there..." Said Dean trying to be calm but felt Castiel was being a little forceful. Cas shoved Dean into the wall, they both heard the linoleum behind them crack, he started to kissed the area between Dean's neck and shoulder, trying to get him in the mood but all it really did was piss him off. "Cas stop! CAS I SAID STOP IT!" He barked and he shoved Castiel off on him. "I don't what the hell has gotten into you but I don't like it! So knock it off!" Said Dean as he turned off the shower and left. Castiel pick himself up off the floor and decided it would be best if he just left so he got dressed and did exactly that.

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