Chapter 45: The Foreshadowed Event Part 1

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Years went by and the children grew older. It was early November and Jane was now 9, Mary was 6, and their cousin who was appropriately named Ash Winchester was 2 years old. Ash and Mary didn't really get along to well as they got older but Jane was constantly keeping them in line. Today Ash was spending some time with Sam and Gabriel at Donna's cabin and Dean and Castiel found a hunt to work on but Castiel insisted that Dean stay with the girls. When Dean asked him why his only thought that was Jane wasn't old enough to stay home alone with Mary. Dean sadly agreed that he didn't think the girls were ready either so he decided to stay home with them but he did insist that Castiel gave someone go with him in this hunt. Signs were pointing to Pandora being there so he wanted him to be safe so they implored the help of the person they knew of that could at least slow her down, Isadora. She was glad to help so she went with Castiel on this hunt.

Now the bunker was empty and it had been for a few days now. The only residents were Dean and his daughters who at school at the moment so Dean sat around bored out of his mind. He walked around the bunker for hours, he started to prank his brother like he does. He superglued Sam's pens and pencils to desk to look like they hadn't been touched, he took all of Sam's shirts and ironed them with beer, and lastly he covered Sam's made up bed in sticky notes but that still did not put aside his boredom. He walked around some more feeling so bored. Eventually he found himself sitting in the main hall bored out of his mind when suddenly a large crash came from the door above him as the door to the bunker door flew from the balconey down onto the war room table. Dean quickly stood and rushed over. "Hello again Dean." Stated an old yet familiar voice.
"Dick Roman?!" Exclaimed Dean as Dick walked down the stairs with a large smirk.
"Yes, it's me and I'm here on a special mission." Said Dick as he walked down the stairs with a dozen or so leviathans following him down.
"Oh yeah what's that?" Asked Dean in a cocky tone.
"Oh I'm here to collect those girls of yours. They are quite important to the Goddess Pandora." Said Dick with that cocky smile.
"Well sorry to break it to ya but their not here." Said Dean trying to get them to leave.
"Oh I know but they will be here soon so while I wait I've decided to settle an old score." Said Dick as he reached the bottom of the stairs throwing off his suit jacket and slowly rolling up his sleeves. Dean quickly pulled out his phone and and dialed Charlie hoping she would hear him getting beaten on and rush to get the girls. In the mean time Dean started to run back but two Leviathans grabbed him by his biseps and knocking him to his knees. From there on Dick beat him to a pulp but that didn't stop Dean from being a dick and spewing awful comment after awful comment trying to by some time for the girls to get rescued by Charlie who Dean knew wasn't too far away by now.
"Come on! My 6 year old hits harder than that when we're sparing!" Spat Dean as blood dripped from his mouth and his face was black and blue.
"OH WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP!" Barked Dick as he kicked Dean square across the jaw. Dean spit one of his molars across the room which Dick had just knocked out of his mouth.
"Hey Dad we're home!" Stated Jane as she walked in with her sister. The sound of her voice caused the room to go quiet but Dean had to do something.
"GIRLS RUN!" He called out but it was too late. They had started to scream as two Leviathans grabbed them. "YOU BASTARD! You'll pay for this!" Growled Dean as the two Leviathans that were holding him had let go and he dropped to the floor holding his side starting to black out. The last thing he heard before blacking out was his girls calling out for him in tearful shouts and the last thing he saw was one of Jane's feather's hit the floor infront of him.

He woke up hours later to his injuries gone and Castiel sitting on the floor with him. "Dean what happened?" Asked Sam who was standing next to Charlie off to the side. Dean reached out and picked up the feather that was left behind. "Pandora got them... She sent Dick Roman to collect them." Growled Dean as he gripped the feather tightly.
"I thought Dick was dead!" Exclaimed Charlie as she was actually still scared of her old boss.
"Well he's not and he's got the girls so we're gonna get them back." Barked Dean as he stood and so did Castiel.
"How Dean, she's got an army!" Asked Sam as Castiel helped Dean to his feet.
"Well we call in a little help." Said Dean as he picked up his phone from off the floor and started to dial the numbers of everyone he knew would fight for them.

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