Chapter 39: Meaning of True Love

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"So you and Cas are going on a Honeymoon?" Asked Sam as Dean sat in his bedroom packing a duffle bag with clothes and other things instead of weapons.
"Yep." Said Dean as he grabbed his Ivory handle gun along with two pairs of Enocion handcuffs, a small bottle of natural honey which he had pulled out of a plastic shopping bag, and a paper back copy of 50 Shades of Grey which had sticky notes lining the pages and shoved these items deep in the bag so it wasn't obvious that he was bringing these things. All of the thoughts that came to Sam's mind of what Dean would do with all those things combine made him wish he could burn out his sick intrusive thoughts.
"How long will you be gone?" Asked Sam trying to ignore his digustingly dirty mind as Dean shrugged.
"Call us when you get a good case but wait at least two weeks after we leave to call." Said Dean as he zipped up his dufflebag.
"And you two are leaving me alone with your kids why?" Asked Sam as he crossed his arms.
"Well 1. The girls trust you and really haven't known a life without you so you're a good choice for babysitter and 2. You aren't gonna be alone I invited Jack to come get to know the girls while we're gone." Said Dean with a perky smile as Castiel stood in the door way.
"Are you ready?" Asked Castiel as Dean almost picked up his bag but gasped at a thought he had. He quickly rushed over behind his door and grabbed a few bottles of whiskey and scotch. He unzipped his bag then promptly stuffed the bottles the bag.
"We're gonna need lots of this." Said Dean with a goofy smile on his face like he had the most genius idea he would ever come up with and Castiel had a feeling like he knew exactly what idea Dean had.
"Dean are you trying to get me drunk?" Asked Castiel narrowing his eyes at his husband who just lost his goofy yet devilish grin.
"What?! No! This is for me." Said Dean obviously lying.
"I think you should rethink your lie because that statement raises further problematic questions." Said Sam as Dean sighed.
"Ok well I am trying to get you drunk because I think you, me, and couple hundred shots would be a lot of fun." Said Dean as he walked over pulling Castiel close by his waist.
"Well that does sound nice but I think you would die of liver failure trying to keep up with me." Said Castiel in a jesting tone as Dean pulled him in closer.
"Oh I'll take my chances." Said Dean with a smile and though it was a stupid statement for Dean to make Castiel still found himself blushing from it as Dean kissed him.
"Can you two get a room!" Groaned Sam as Dean broke their kiss and looked over at his brother.
"Um Sam you're in the room that is designated for us so why don't you just leave." Suggested Dean as Castiel sighed.
"No Sam's right we should get going." Said Castiel as Dean nodded, went over to his bed, picked up his duffle, and threw it over his shoulder. They walked out and met their girls who were at the war room table. Jane was doing home work while Mary was watching her.
"Alright girls so Cas and I are going away for a while like we explained before now you two gotta be good for Sam and Jack." Instructed Dean as the girls nodded.
"Why have we never met Jack before?" Asked Jane.
"Because Jack has been busy hunting and hasn't had the time." Said Castiel sounding a little sad in his voice as Jane noticed that.
"Uncle Sam said that Jack is different like us." Stated Jane as Dean nodded.
"Yeah Jack's a Nephilim so you can ask him all sorts of questions." Said Dean as the door to the bunker opened. "Speak of the devil." Said Dean as Jack stood at the balconey and slightly cocked his head to the side. "It's an expression Jack." Said Dean as Jack nodded and came down the stairs.
"I know you described them on the phone but your girls are so much smaller than I imagined." Said Jack as he came down the stairs.
"Well yeah we're children." Said Jane feeling like that point was obvious.
"Oh I know but they said we were alike so I thought we were alike in all ways. I guess not." Said Jack as the girls looked around at their parents confused.
"Yeah girls Jack never had a childhood. He didn't have to grow up like you do." Said Castiel as he looked at Jack then at his daughters.
"Exactly. Think of me as your big brother Jack." Said Jack with his traditional goofy smile.
"Huh. I kinda like that." Said Dean as he grinned. The girls just rolled their eyes and went back to what they were doing. "Ok girls be good. Jack don't burn the place down." Stated Dean feeling like it needed to be said then Castiel and Dean left.

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