Chapter 34: "SON OF A BITCH!" Part 2

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"Look Robin I don't want to hurt you! I know your just scared so come on maybe we can talk this out?" Asked Dean taking his gun out from where he was hiding it and tossed it on the porch.
"I'm not scared I'm pissed! You and your kind don't care whether I'm good or bad it's all the damn same with you hunters! Ya see a monster ya kill it and save the day, WELL NEWS FLASH YOU HUMANS ARE THE REAL MONSTERS!" Shouted Robin as Dean saw Castiel laying on the hood of the Impala with the cracked windshield webbing out behind him.
"Well me and my family aren't like that anymore Robin! The last innocent monster I killed was a friend of my brother's and I regret that impulsive decision everyday since I did it. That guy you just through into my car's windshield isn't human and some people would consider him a monster but he's the love of my life. I've changed so that doesn't mean all hunters will see you that way." Said Dean as in the time it took Dean to give his heartfelt speech Castiel had peeled himself off the windsheild and stood in front of the car. Robin didn't seem to care about anything he said except the part where he said he loved Castiel.
"Well let's see how much you really love him!" Barked Robin as they cocked the gun that they had taken from Castiel then promptly shot him in the chest.
"CAS!" Dean shrieked even though he knew that as the silver bullet hit Castiel in the chest it wouldn't even leave a small bruise after it flattened against his skin.
"Dean I'm fine, you know that." Said Castiel with a sigh as Robin stood there nervously.
"Son of a bitch." They muttered as Castiel took the gun from them and pulled silver handcuffs from the pocket of his trenchcoat and locked them up.

Robin's mother came out and talked with them while Castiel and Dean sat on the porch silently for a moment. "Cas I love you and I'm really sorry I didn't say it back before!" Blurted out Dean as he clutched onto Castiel's hand which was folded in his lap.
"Thank you Dean but I think I'm the one that owes you an apology." Said Castiel as he lightly held Dean's hand but Dean thought about if Castiel had done something to upset him recently but nothing came to mind. "I thought that after all the time you've spent with the girls that your judgement would be clouded on this kind of case, so I'm sorry I ever doubted you." Said Castiel as he looked at the ground expecting Dean to be upset with him but he wasn't.
"Cas you don't need to apologize." Said Dean as he placed his hand on the right side of Castiel's forcing to look him in the eyes the light of the setting sun reflecting in his eyes making this conversation feel so much more romantic than he would've expected. "Cas I love you so much and nothing you say or do will ever change that about me, ok?" Asked Dean holding Castiel's chin and running the tip of his thumb down the center of of Castiel's bottom lip just wanting to kiss him so bad and maybe a little more.
"Ok." Said Castiel in a whisper as he watched Dean lick his bottom lip and slightly bite it like he was trying trying to resist his temptations so he went for it. Castiel quickly leaned forward kissing Dean deeply almost climbing into his lap but Dean lightly shoved him off of his thigh.
"I wanna get it Baby and go lock ourselves in that motel room we have until tomorrow morning." Said Dean with a small grin as Castiel thought that was a good idea but his facial expression showed that he was no longer in the mood.
"Really Dean using your car's pet name when your suggesting for us to have a little time to ourselves." Said Castiel sounding slightly annoyed. Dean then smirked at him and leaned in close, placing his hand slightly over Castiel's crotch.
"Cas I wasn't talking about the car." Said Dean as he felt Castiel stiffen where his hand had been laid on his lover's lap.

They quickly got in the Impala and as Dean started the car Castiel couldn't keep his hands off his hunter. As Dean drove Castiel was kissing his neck and lightly biting him as well because he knew Dean liked that when he was in the best of moods and this was the best kind of mood for him to be in. When they got back to the motel room Sam was sitting at the small table off in the corner of the room. It took a minute for the two running on the sheer rush of adrenalin to notice Sam sitting there but when Dean threw Castiel down on the bed after they had both stripped off their jackets without breaking their kiss he noticed Sam sitting there. "Get out!" Barked Castiel as Sam quickly picked up his laptop and jacket while looking from his older brother sitting on top of Castiel working on his belt.
"Don't have to tell me twice." Muttered Sam as he exited the room and locked the door for them.

*Warning Sexual Content Ahead*
If you would not like to read this please skip ahead to the next bold text

Dean tore off Castiel's belt kissing his neck gently as he unbuttoned Castiel's dress shirt and undoing his tie. Once Castiel's bare chest was exposed Dean threw his flannel across the room onto a lamp which was the only source of light in the room so the red fabric laid over top caused the light to make the room look red. Dean tore off his T-shirt throwing it onto Sam's bed. Dean could feel Castiel stiffening under his pants so he decided that it was time to move on to dirtier things to do to his angel. Dean tore off Castiel's pants and removed his own then grabbing the angel by the waist with one hand and using the other to trace the opening with his middle finger, lightly stretching it in order to make things as comfortable as possible for Castiel. While Castiel waited out the foreplaying trying not to show too much or too little enjoyment as the anticipation for the final event was killing him. Suddenly he felt Dean remove his finger and slowly insert himself inside Castiel. The sudden shift caused him to gasp for breath as he watched Dean's sweat drip down his glorious abs. "Oh Cas." Lightly moaned Dean as his voice was low and full of pure enjoyment. Dean slowly and gently thrust in and out of Castiel not going to deep since they hadn't done this before Jane was old enough to make Dean look like he was pregnant when he was pregnant with her so he wanted to be careful.
"Harder." Uttered out Castiel in a breath.
"What?" Asked Dean as he stop moving and looking into Castiel's eyes.
"You heard me Dean!" Growled Castiel in a soft tone and short breaths as he grabbed Dean's hand which was placed on Castiel's hip and squeezing it. Dean the quickly did as instructed thrusting harder into his angel now clutching both his hips thursting harder. Castiel let out a slight moan at the feel of Dean's aggressive touch. Dean dripped with sweat feeling every ounce being ready to blow. Castiel let out a loud moan as did Dean as they both released themselves to eachother feeling utterly complete.

*Sex Scene is Over*
Enjoy the rest of the chapter

Dean layed next to Castiel holding his hand feeling drenched in sweat. "Son of a bitch!" He breathed out with a large grin on his face.

While Castiel and Dean had shared that moment together Sam had gone down to a coffee shop to get some work done when he was joined by Gabriel. "Hey Sam." Said Gabriel as Sam waved in response. "So what are you doing?" Asked Gabriel as he quickly grabbed the computer and the screen showed him on a shopping website looking up men's sexy angel costumes. Along with that it showed a notepad window open where he was jotting down roleplay ideas for him and Gabriel to do in bed. "Wow Sam." Said Gabriel in shock as Sam turned his laptop back to his own view and glared at Gabriel. "I mean Sam all ya had to do was ask." Said Gabriel as he leaned the laptop screen way down giving Sam this flirtatous look.

That night everyone went to bed happy after their time with their respected significant other. The next morning as they packed up Dean walked passed Sam who was picking up his laundry off the floor Dean walked back over and held up his hand to give him a high-five so Sam smack it as a sort of congratulations or welcome from his brother. "So what was that for?" Asked Sam as he went back to picking up what he had thrown down to the floor the previous night.
"Welcome into the I've plowed an angel club." Said Dean so casually that Gabriel sitting behind Sam busted up laughing while Castiel held his head in his hands.
"Did you have to say it like that?!" Groaned Castiel finding Dean's lack of verbal constraint to be embarrassing to say the least.
"Yes. I'm gonna get this stuff in the car." Said Dean as he picked up his duffle bag and Castiel's duffle bag then walked them out to the car.

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