Chapter 52: Cure to an Unseen Ailment

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The next morning they prepared the spell. "The last ingredient is the blood of the host." Said Rowena as Isadora pulled out a small ebony dagger.
"I'll go take care of this." She stated as Castiel stepped in front of her.
"No. I'm not letting you go near with a blade." Said Castiel sternly.
"I would gladly let you do it if you could but you can't so get out of my way." Said Isadora sternly with a glare.
"No." Stated Castiel as Dean sighed.
"Cas let her do this." Said Dean in a defeated tone as Castiel looked over at him confused. "We don't have a lot of time here Cas so don't argue with the way this has to be done." Said Dean softly as Castiel nodded and stepped aside. Isadora entered Jane's room taking her dagger and slowly approaching Jane who sat in a comatose state. She took her blade along with a small vile and pricked her finger with one of the few blades that could withstand the chemical balance in her blood. Isadora walked back into the main hall presenting the vile.

As they finished up preparation there was a loud crash from Jane's room. Everyone went running to the room but as they got closer things became more ominous. Lights started to flicker, there were cracks in the concrete walls leading to Jane's room, and the sound of things being destroyed became louder. Castiel pulled out his angel blade not wanting to fight but remembering what Pandora had said, that as soon as Jane was taken away from the manor she would have complete control. That thought scared him and Dean so they both prepared to fight someone that wasn't Jane no matter how much she looked like her. They finally reached Jane's room seeing the door and been blown off it's hinges and actually broken down. Along with debris from the door Dean pulled out the Colt and cocked the gun but was hoping he wouldn't have to kill her and hopefully just injure her. Along with the debris from the door there were pure white feathers littering the floor. They stepped into the room and saw her standing there with her wings out wide but her feathers were different. What usually were pure white feathers were now had a black tip to each and every feather. The last time Jane's wings had black on them it was only small speckles. She was still dressed in the white silky dress that they had found her in but now it was tattered and torn, many of this jewels were missing from the bottom. "I told you this would happen yet you still thought it wouldn't. How foolishly optimistic of you." She said as she turned revealing hollow bright green. They reminded Castiel of when Isadora had taken control of Dean. Suddenly Castiel and Dean were forced back into the wall. They watched as Isadora stepped in with her ebony blade in hand.
"Don't worry I won't kill her." Said Isadora as she stood facing what used to be Jane.
"What will you do?" Asked Dean as the girl let her hair out of the bun and stared down Isadora.
"Die!" She growled. Isadora let go of them and though not wanting to they still ran mostly to get out of her way in case the fight left the room.

"Oh sister torturing a child? I thought Purgatory would make you tougher." Said Isadora in a mocking tone.
"If you're trying to appeal to my ego, I think you should try harder. She's not an ordinary child just like you and you remember what I did to you." She said with an evil grin as she shifted shape but not like a shifter. It was done in a wave of yellow light around her body just suddenly she was now Pandora not Jane. It reminded Isadora of the way Pandora would cast an illusion but she didn't sense that it was fake.
"You tortured me and killed anything I loved for what?! Making me stronger! That's bullshit!" She barked.
"I always told you that when I was done with you, you wouldn't have a single trace of your humanity left." Said Pandora as Isadora remembered why she needed to be stronger.
"You're making her into Lucifer's weapon!" She exclaimed as her grip on the handle of her sword got tighter.
"Exactly!" She said with a smile then Isadora swung her sword and kept swinging it though Pandora blocked every swing.
"She's a sweet and innocent girl who would rather die than be your puppet any longer let alone that twisted Angel reject!" Barked Isadora as her swing came so close that Pandora was forced to block and blade was dug deep into her forearm.
"Careful there Sis! You're killing the person your trying to save!" She said tauntingly.
"She's a tough girl she can take it!" Growled Isadora as she swung again and sliced into her wing which she used to block. Suddenly Pandora flapped what were still Jane's wings and sent Isadora flying back into the hall. The fight went on for sometime and Pandora seemed to have the upper hand until one foolish move on Dean's part.
"HEY BITCH!" He shouted and as she turned Jane's ivory sword was plunged into her gut giving way to the illusion cast around herself. Now she looked as Jane again and the green in her eyes slowly dropped as white pearly tears. As Dean pulled the sword out he dropped the sword and let out a growled. "Son of a bitch!" He said as he looked down at his hands which were blistered and burned. Jane sat there holding her stomach and dropped to her knees with blood dripping from her mouth.
"Thanks Dad..." She muttered out as Castiel ran up behind her holding her.
"Can you walk?" Asked Castiel softly holding her shoulders.
"Maybe..." She said as she tried to put weight on her feet but put more of her weight on Castiel. He basically carried her to the main hall with Dean following. He carefully set her in a chair then healed Dean's hands as Rowena started the spell to sever the connection between Pandora and Jane. "She's coming back..." Groaned Jane as she put pressure on her bleeding wound. Rowena quickly finished the spell and the connection was severed but it was too late, Jane had bled out on the floor.

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