Chapter 21: New Way of Life

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While Dean rested from all of his hard work and Castiel began to bond with his new daughter, Charlie called Sam to tell him the exciting news. "I don't think he realised how much he actually screamed through it." Said Charlie as she typed on her computer.
"I really can't imagine Dean screaming out of pain. I mean I once saw him scream, like legitimately shreel out of fear but he was cursed at that time so I guess he gets a free pass." Said Sam as he sounded like he was laughing while packing up his things.
"Well he screamed so much that when he passed out from exhaustion you could hear him wheezing." Said Charlie as she continued to type.
"Is he awake yet?" Asked Sam as Charlie could hear him zipping up his duffle bag.
"No he's still out but honestly I think it's good for Castiel that he's not awake." Said Charlie as she looked through search results.
"Why?" Asked Sam as she heard a door close.
"Well Castiel missed her being born so I think it's good for him to have a little bit of bonding time with her." Said Charlie as she closed her laptop feeling unsatisfied with what ever she didn't find.
"Wait Cas missed it?! I thought he got there in time?!" Asked Sam in shock as she heard the door to the Impala open and close.
"Nope he showed up about an hour after she was born and I feel the need to pass this information on if they ever decide to have another kid I am not delivering it! I got eye fulls of Dean that is so uncomfortable to think about! I love you two like your older brothers so it makes what I had to do last night so much creeper!" She said with a shutter as she tried to block out the thoughts of Dean with thoughts of the hottest female video game character she could think of.
"Ok I get it." Said Sam as he didn't mean to laugh at Charlie's discomfort with last night but was honestly just glad that he wasn't there.
"Plus I barely knew what I was doing and oh my god Dean was so stubborn!" She growled as Sam snickered.
"Yeah I mean honestly I expect nothing less from him." Said Sam as Charlie was aggitated with the fact that Sam was finding her frustrations with being the only one here to help Dean through so much agony that he could sometimes barely get a word in but still give him the ability to put up a fight with the nature of a process most would be too in pain to prevent it from happening.
"Seriously he tried to ignore the fact that that kid was coming out of him just so he could wait. I guess there a shred of romance to that but all he did was tire himself so when he stoppes throwing his toddler sized fit he was too tired when the contractions stopped doing all the work." She grumbled and then sighed. "I know I should cut Dean a little more slack than I am after all he was less prepared than I was. He said that he and Castiel weren't expecting the kid to arrive until next month, he told me that this would be the last hunt you two would leave on so Castiel could be there when she was born." Said Charlie as she felt sad that this whole experience caught Dean by suprise and probably ruined how they had planned to do that day. Suddenly there was silence. "Sam?" Asked Charlie as she only heard the sound of the engine in the Impala.
"Sorry I kinda stopped listening when you said that the kid was coming out of Dean." Said Sam as he sounded uncomfortable.
"Nevermind then." Grumbled Charlie. "See you when you get back." Said Charlie as they both hung up. Charlie spun in her chair at the War Room table. Suddenly she saw Castiel basically dragging Dean down the stairs his arm draped over Castiel's shoulders. "Woah! What are you doing out of bed?!" Demanded Charlie as she stood watching the two come down the stairs.
"I don't need rest! I've been through worse with no rest." Said Dean as they stepped off the stairs and onto the concrete floor.
"Tell me that when your using your legs to support your weight and Castiel isn't giving you the Weekend At Burnie's treatment." Said Charlie as she crossed her arms. Dean started to shift his weight off Castiel.
"Dean that's not a good idea." Said Castiel as Dean shot a glare into his eyes.
"Ya know what isn't good idea Cas? Not answering your phone when Charlie gives you the 911 call!" Barked Dean as he then shoved himself off of Castiel. He stood on his legs for barely a second before his joints gave out on him and sent him crashing hard to his hands and knees. He was obviously frustrated.
"Dean no one will think less of you if you take a few days to recover." Said Charlie as she croutched next to Dean.
"That's not it." Said Dean as he sighed and Castiel held out his hand to help him up but Dean rejected it. "I need to get better." He said as Charlie sat on the floor so Dean shifted around and did the same.
"Why do you need to do it so quickly?" Asked Charlie as Castiel disapeared to go check on Jane.
"What if something happens and I'm not physically able to protect her? What then?" Asked Dean as he had a tremble in his voice.
"But you're not alone, Castiel and I are only a shout away and Sam is gonna be back soon, we're not gonna just leave you alon here. But even if something did happen, it wouldn't be your fault." Said Charlie as Dean clentched his fists.
"Yes it would Charlie! It would all on me because I was the only one with her!" Shouted Dean as tears dripped onto his pants leaving wet spots on the fabric.
"Dean nothing is gonna happen to her." Said Charlie as she held Dean's hand. She looked behind Dean seeing Castiel walk down the stairs holding their little girl who was still peacefully asleep. "I think Castiel has an idea to convince you other wise." Said Charlie with a smile as Dean looked up and saw Castiel sitting next to him holding their darling daughter. Castiel passed her to Dean and he held her tightly. He felt as if she knew it was him because she gripped his shirt tightly though she wasn't awake.
"You will always be there to protect her Dean." Said Castiel as he wrapped his arm around Dean's shoulders lightly squeezing. They sat there for a while as Dean held his daughter tightly but gently, knowing she was fragile and precious.
"Hey Cas, I was wondering if we could call her Jane, ya know after my Dad John." Said Dean as he felt the need to carry on the sort of tradition in their family to name your children after the family that had passed long before the child's time.
"Of course." Said Castiel finally figuring it out that Jane had been named after Dean's father and even though Castiel hated John Winchester for everything he put Dean through as a kid, Dean still respected him so Castiel let him honor his father's memory by naming their daughter Jane. They sat there for a bit then Castiel handed Jane to Charlie so he could help Dean off the floor and back to his room. Charlie brought Jane back as well and laid her in her crib gently so she could sleep close to Dean. Charlie left Dean and Castiel alone for a minute to talk. "You know I wouldn't have missed this on purpose." Said Castiel as Dean sighed sadly.
"Then why did you?" Asked Dean as he wasn't happy with Castiel missing their daughter being born.
"I don't know." Said Castiel quietly in a shameful tone.
"What do you mean you don't know?" Asked Dean just seeming to get more aggitated.
"I mean I don't even think my phone the entire time we were gone. It's like the message from Charlie just randomly appeared without warning." Said Castiel as he knew Dean wouldn't believe him.
"So you think someone prevented you from getting that call?" Asked Dean in a suprisingly serious tone.
"You believe me?" Asked Castiel as he looked over at Dean suprised and confused.
"Cas that wouldn't even be at the top 5 in the weirdest things we've encountered during these past 9 months." Said Dean as he smiled at Castiel finding it a little funny that so many strange things happened in just the first 2 months of the pregnancy.
"True but why would someone prevent me from seeing you? It's just weird." Said Castiel as Gabriel appeared behind in the corner of the room.
"That's my fault." Said Gabriel as he looked ashamed.
"What?" Asked Castiel as he and Dean looked over at Gabriel shocked.
"Remember how Isadora took my grace well she offered me a one time deal. She said I could have my grace back if I did one thing for her, drive a wedge between you two." Said Gabriel as he leaned against the wall. "So I messed with Castiel and your brother's heads to make it so they didn't see or hear you trying to get in contact with him after you went into labor. Once Isadora was pleased with my work she let me out of our deal so I did the right thing and let Castiel see the message your friend Charlie left him. I know I shouldn't have even considered the deal but...I guess now you guys would understand, she had Jacob there was nothing I could do, he's my son." Said Gabriel in a shameful tone knowing he betrayed his friends.
"I do understand you have to do what you have to for family." Said Dean as he glanced over at his daughter sleeping peacefully in her crib as he knew he would do anything for her even if he would die doing it because that's exactly what his Dad did for him. "So I forgive you Gabriel." Said Dean as he looked back at Gabriel with a smile and that took everyone in the room by suprise that Dean was so forgiving.
"Thanks Dean." Said Gabriel as he vanished.
"You're in a very humbled mood." Commented Castiel as he turned to Dean.
"I mean I feel pretty humble. I just brought a new life into this world last night, honestly I had never felt so terrified in my life. It's like the way I felt when Sam died a year before I met you plus the time we spent in Purgatory times a million. Usually I get scared because I don't want to live without someone but this time I wasn't scared of losing anything. I was scared of you guys losing me and Charlie getting blamed for it even though I just wasn't strong enough to handle that much of a strain." Said Dean as Castiel cocked his head slightly to the side.
"What do you mean?" Asked Castiel as he took Dean's hand.
"I don't know what it was but with each contraction I felt myself getting weaker and I don't mean just physically. I felt like my soul was being drained especially when I accepted that you weren't going to be there. I thought I was dying, I thought I had met the end of my line. On that last push I prayed to you Cas, I begged you that if this was my end I wanted you to go on without me." Said Dean as Castiel realised that Dean's prayers was what made him feel so uneasy that night.
"I think I heard you. I remember that about an hour before I saw the message Charlie had left I had this sure fire feeling that something was wrong and I needed to be with you but your brother said I was just being paranoid." Said Castiel with a sigh as Dean squeezed his hand.
"It's nice to know you were at least worried and not completely oblivious to what was happening." Said Dean with a smile. He invited Castiel to lay with him so he did. Eventually Dean almost fell asleep when the small room was filled with the sharp ear piercing sound of infant cries. "Welcome to our new life Cas."

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