Chapter 2: "Damn It Dean!"

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Dean and Castiel had been in a relationship for a few weeks and a few jobs. Sam hoped their love for one another wouldn't cloud their judgement for any of their cases and luckily for all them it didn't. Castiel felt a need to not only protect Dean but also Sam knowing that if Sam were to die Dean would lose his mind and no longer have a need for living so he protected both of the brothers to keep both of them in a level state of mind, for the most part.

Dean was driving and decided to pull a little prank on Sam while he was asleep in the passenger seat. When Sam wasn't looking, Dean had downloaded some Heavy Metal onto Sam's IPod. Now he took the earbuds and plugged them into Sam's ears. "Dean don't." Said Castiel as he watched Dean pull this prank.
"Oh come on Cas, it'll be hilarious." Said Dean with a smile. He turned up the volume all the way then hit play. Sam shot up with a yelp.
"Damn It Dean! We are not pulling this kinda crap again! You hear me!" Demanded Sam as he tore the earbuds out of his ears and paused the music.
"Got it, got it Sam. Won't happen again." Lied Dean as he giggled at his own genuis.
"Dean why do you act this way?" Asked Castiel as Dean kept on laughing.
"Oh come on ya know ya love it Cas." Said Dean as he kept driving while giggling to himself.
"Seriously Dean, don't pull this shit again!" Said Sam as he sat there with an angry face. They kept driving then finally got to their destination. They got out and checked into a motel but Dean stopped Sam at the door. "What?" Asked Sam as he was confused.
"I'm gonna need the room for a bit." Said Dean with a foolish grin.
"Seriously?" Asked Sam with a glare. Dean stepped outside of the room leaving Castiel alone inside to explain to his brother why he wanted to borrow the motel room that Sam paid for.
"You have no idea how good Cas is in bed, seriously I pranked you in the car because it was the only thing preventing me from thinking about the other night. Look just give me an hour with him you can go look into this haunting and I'm gonna...well you know what I'm gonna be doing." Said Dean with a stupid smile. Sam made a disgusted look at his brother.
"Fine I'll look into the case while you go indulge yourself." Groaned Sam with a disgusted look.
"Thank you, Sammie your a life saver." Said Dean as he placed hia hand on Sam's shoulder.
"Don't mention it...Seriously never mention your lust for an angel ever again!" Begged Sam as he removed Dean's hand from his shoulder and walked off. Dean went back in the room and smirked at Castiel. "Kicked Sam out for a bit so I was hoping you and I could, ya know." Requested Dean nervously as he sat down on the bed next to Castiel.
"Again?" Asked Castiel toneless.
"I mean yeah, honestly it's a little addictive. I feel like I need more, come on Cas you gotta want it as much as I do." Said Dean starting to sound more and more desprate for Castiel.
"Alright but not again for a long time, if you lust for an angel for to long it might drive you mad." Said Castiel with an expressionless look but in his eyes there was something more that Dean couldn't see. Castiel felt like he was being used but at least Dean wanted him in one of the many ways Castiel lusted for Dean. Dean tore off Castiel's tie and then walked over to the door, opened it, and put the tie on the door handle along with the Do Not Disturb sign.

*Warning Sexual Content Ahead*
If you would not like to read please skip ahead to the next bold text

Castiel stood, took off his trench coat, and put it to the side of the bed. Dean shoved Castiel to the bed by his shoulders and layed ontop of him, thighs pressing into Castiel's hips. Dean kissed Castiel deeply, biting the angel's lip. Castiel's lips were warm and only made Dean's lust for the holy soldier worse. Dean started unbuttoning Castiel's shirt then threw off his own jacket and T-shirt. Castiel grabbed Dean by the hips and flipped him over on the bed. He threw off his shirt and rubbed his thumbs across Dean's chiseled abs. Dean's skin was hot to the touch, Castiel enjoyed that and the sound of Dean's heavy breathing. He ran his palm across Dean's chest and placed his hand over the tattoo then looked into Dean's eyes. He quickly leaned down and kissed Dean. Suddenly Dean had his hands on Castiel's belt, which he was quickly undoing along with his pants. Sooner than Castiel would've liked his pants were off. Dean flipped Castiel onto his back and unzipped his own pants. He took one last look into Castiel's eyes before he started plowing him. Dean thrusted in and out over and over feeling more powerful with each thrust. Dean bit his lip as he felt Castiel's hands touching his lower abdomen then he grabbed Dean's hips tightly. Dean started to call out his nickname for Castiel, over and over. Dean had his fill then rolled over on the bed and sighed.

*Sexual Content is Over*
Enjoy the rest of the chapter

"That was awesome, thanks Cas." Said Dean while panting.
"Well that will be the last time for a long time." Said Castiel as he got his pants back on.
"What why?" Asked Dean tiredly.
"Because Dean I'm not going to feed your addiction to my body." Said Castiel as he buttoned his white dress shirt.
"Cas come on what's this really about?" Asked Dean as he stared at the back of Castiel's head. "I know you enjoy this just as much as I do, so what's your problem?" Asked Dean in an actually caring tone. No matter what he said Dean was concerned with how Castiel felt because Castiel can't understand his new emotions for Dean so Dean has to help him firgure out how he feels.
"I feel used Dean. This isn't what I wanted from you when I confessed my feelings." Said Castiel in his typical flat tone but Dean could tell there was genuine emotion behind that statement so he crawled over and sat next to him on the edge of the bed.
"So what did you want from me Cas?" Asked Dean as he grabbed Castiel's hand and held it tightly.
"I don't know, all I know is that I didn't want just this." Said Castiel as he gently squeezed Dean's hand.
"Well let's figure that out together." Said Dean as he smiled. While still holding Castiel's hand he crawled back to his spot on the bed and dragged Castiel to him. They got under the covers and Dean held Castiel close to him. "Let's just try this for a whike Cas." Said Dean as he was still holding Castiel's hand. Castiel laid hia head on Dean's chest and smiled.
"Thank you Dean." Said Castiel as Dean yawned.
"No problem Cas." Said Dean as he quickly fell asleep and Castiel just laid there enjoying the closeness they shared.

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