Babies's names

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Party time.

Forth and Beam invited their friends and family to a party they were throwing. Beam's birthday party, which had actually been two weeks earlier as well as their new house celebration.

Leah and Merry, Beam's mother, insist on managing all things food-related. When served, everyone was impressed with what they served. Starting from a variety of seafood dishes, chicken dishes, beef dishes, pizza, pasta, various cookies and cakes, soft drinks, then fruit, available in large quantities. They even ordered a large tart with a house decoration made of sugar and two dolls embracing in front of their house.

Beam blushed when he saw the cake, and make  Forth couldn't stop kissing his cheek. Forth only stopped when Merryl smacked him on the shoulder glaring at him, which caused Leah and Gary to chuckle at the sight of Forth grimacing and Beam running away and hiding behind Grandpa Vic's body.

"Wooah, Phi Forth, you really are amazing," Wayo said wide-eyed when he arrived with Phana. "This is a very beautiful house."

Forth smiled and patted Phana's shoulder gently. "Don't worry, Nong, in less than a year, I'm sure Phama can build a much prettier house than this. He's even started consulting Tul on designs."

"Shh, Forth, that should be a secret," Phana concluded with a frown. Wayo kissed Phana's cheek lovingly.

Forth laughed out loud and greeted Kongpob and Arthit who had just arrived.

Everyone admires Forth and Beam's house. They especially admire the garden and pool area, which is now used as a party venue. The clear night sky adds to the cheerfulness of the atmosphere.

The parents, Forth's twins brothers, Suthee and also Foya who came with him said their goodbyes first. Forth and Beam escorted them to the front of the gate.

Merryl hugged Forth longer. "Thank you, Forth, you really take good care of my son. But don't spoil him too much, you'll be in trouble yourself later."

"Mom!" Beam exclaims in annoyance.

Forth laughed and hugged Beam tightly. "I haven't even done anything for him yet, Mom."

Forth and Beam waved goodbye to let them go. Beam hugged Forth's arm as they walked across the garden back to the house. "I love you, Forthie."

Forth stopped walking and hugged Beam. He kissed Beam's forehead gently. "You know what Granparent said earlier?"

"Uh? What?"

"Grandpa Vic wanted to move into their plantation home in Texas and after talking to the entire extended family, they decided to immediately settle the ShanVa Foundation stock affair with me. They felt confident and trusted that I was able to carry out the mandate to maintain and develop the ShanVa Foundation, moreover having you with me."

"Is it true?" Beam's eyes widened. "To be honest I kind of forgot about it. I was just enjoying our time together without even thinking about it."

"You will become a half-shareholder of the ShanVa foundation and that means you are entitled to a seat on the board of directors of ShanVa Hospital."

Beam thought for a moment then shook his head. "I think it's best for us to keep the existing board of directors for now, Babe. I'm just starting my career as a doctor, not very experienced and I'm just starting my specialty next month. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to carry out that mandate."

"Are you sure?"

"I would instead like to propose Dr Kongthanin or Doctor Intochar as new chairpersons at the next board meeting, if that's allowed."

"That's a very good idea, Beam, and you allowed to do it, of course."

Beam kissed Forth gently. Forth pressed Beam's body against his and embraced Beam's warm kiss. He opened Beam's lips with his tongue and explored Beam's mouth, making him sigh.

Forth ended the kiss a few moments later. He took Beam's hand back to the house and mingled with their friends.

Forth was grilling shrimp for Beam when his phone rang on the table. "Beam, please pick up the phone, Babe."

Beam put down his drink and took Forth's phone. He looked at the phone screen. Phi Grant. "Hello, Phi?" said Beam.

"You guys are still together?" he asked.

"Yes, Phi. The seniors have gone home, but most are still here."

"Can you and Forth come here? Our hospital?"

"Did something happen, Phi?" asked Beam anxiously.

Forth looked at Beam and approached him to listen in on Beam and Grant's conversation.

"We were still on our way home when suddenly Foya was bleeding. Wine and I are currently waiting for her. She has just entered the operating room. Suthee escorted all the parents home. They will be waiting to hear about Foya at home because it is too late now. "

Forth took the phone from Beam and spoke to Grant. "We'll catch up soon, Phi."

Forth told their friends about Foya's plight, and soon they arranged to share the errands.

"I'll take Wayo and Kit home first," said Phana. "Wayo has to give a presentation at the company he's interning at tomorrow morning, and Kit has surgery at nine in the morning. Ming, you go with Forth first, I'll catch up."

Park and Lam had already pulled the car out of the garage, while Max and Tul immediately organized a few housekeepers to clean the house.

Forth and Beam arrived at the hospital in half an hour, followed by Park, Lam, and Ming. Max and Tul arrived not long after.

"How is Phi Foya doing, Phi?" asked Beam worriedly.

Wine pulled Beam's hand sitting next to him. "The team of doctors are working on him. There seems to be some complications with the baby. One of them is very weak."

They waited in a tense atmosphere. Every now and then Grant or Wine would pick up a call and walk away from where they were waiting to answer it.

Beam was almost asleep in Forth's arms when the operating room door opened and Doctor Mona came out with Doctor Han.

"How is Phi Foya doing, doctor?" asked Forth and Beam at the same time.

All the others were standing by them. Doctor Mona smiled. He looks tired.

"Foya had complications. There were signs of a leak in her heart valve. The babies survived, though very small and weak. They were immediately put in an incubator."

"Babies?" Ming asked in amazement.

“Baby, we haven't come up with a name yet." Beam gasps.

Doctor Han laughs. “You can think about it now. We're going back to the operating room."

"Anyway, they're male, female and male," Doctor Mona said before closing the door.

Everyone gasped. "There are three of them?"


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