Friends Concern

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"What? You guys going to live together? That soon?" Lam pounded the table.

Park held her hand, trying to calm her down. Max and Tul just looked at each other then continued their lunch.

Forth just shrugged. "Well, what else should I wait for? We've been dating for...."

"Two months," Tul cut in calmly. "It's only been two months. We haven't been able settled these two months and now you guys have decided to live together. Do Phana and Kit know about this?"

Forth tilted his head. "Uh? Unsettled? Why? What's that got to do with Phana and Kit?"

Lam sighed. "You and Beam. Two playboys in your own way. You guys never seem close and all of a sudden, BAM! You guys are dating. We know you very well and even though we're not that close to Beam, his reputation as a casanova isn't that bad. There's no doubt about it. We watch over you and hope every day that there won't be an incident where you two fight because of your high egos. Damn!"

"What happened between you and Quint, and Beam and the girls at the bar? You think we'd like to see it? We've been restless all day, just in case Beam decides to take Phana and Kit on you, or you decide to tear up the medical. You guys both are a nightmare," Tul pointed with his spoon at Forth.

"You think so? Wow, you guys really love me, eh?" Forth teased with a big smile.

"Bastard!" Park hit Forth's shoulder in annoyance.

"What about Phana and Kit?" Max asked.

"What's wrong with them?" asked Forth.

Lam sighed and Tul shook his head. "Stupid Forth! Beam is like a child to both of them. Don't you realize, they are very protective of Beam. You have to ask their approval to bring Beam to live with you. After all, they are fun and kind, I don't want to be hostile to medical kids, moreover top class like them. We will need their help a lot in our future campus events."

"Ah, Beam will take care of that," Forth said calmly. "And you guys, don't be so paranoid. I'm not a kid who needs to be taught how to lick ice cream properly. Your attitude makes me feel like I have an extra pair of parents," Forth said, pointing at Lam and Park, "Mom Lam and Dad Park ," then pointed to Max and Tul, "Also a pair of grandparents. You guys, Grandma Tul and Grandpa Max."

The four friends looked at Forth with annoyance. Park raised his hand to hit Forth again, but his movement was stopped at the sound of a voice behind him.

"Foorth...." Beam walked towards their table, behind him Phana and Kit followed with sullen faces.

"Baby," Forth smiled widely and opened his arms wide. Beam went into his arms and let Forth wrap his arms around his waist and lay his head on his stomach.

One thing Beam realized, Forth really liked this position and Beam was getting used to the warmth of Forth's head on his stomach.

Forth kissed Beam's navel from under his uniform shirt and made Beam giggle, then he pulled Beam to sit next to him, between himself and Max.

Park shifted when Phana and Kit sat down next to him.

"Hi, Pha, Kit," said Forth and the others.

Phana nodded. "So you're going to live together, hm?" asked Phana matter-of-factly.

Park and Max chuckled at Phana's cold tone. Lam, Tul, and Kit just looked at each other.

Forth held Beam's hand on the table, looked at him affectionately then nodded to Phana. "Yes. I've got a pretty good apartment. Not too far from the engineering and medical campus."

"You know, Pha, we should have started moving last week, but Forth decided to hold off until we finished the block exam, so we could ask you guys to help us clean up our new apartment. You guys are willing to help us out, right?" Beam said in sweet tone.

The four engineering kids groaned at the sound of Beam's sweet tone. Phana and Kit glared at Beam. They were used to seeing Beam like that.

"You'll take good care of him, won't you, Forth?" Kit asked with raised eyebrows. "He's hard to deal with. You'll probably get overwhelmed after a while and we, Phana and I, won't help you if that happens."

"Living together won't be easy, for you two players who finally decided to be together," Phana muttered.

Forth groaned. "You supported me the first time I approached Beam."

"I thought you guys wouldn't be this serious at that time. Besides, after our incident with Wayo, I felt a little insecure. You approached Beam, making me feel calmer because it means you'll forget about your attraction to Wayo."

Beam pounded the table and took everyone by surprise. "Hey, Pha! Forth was never as attracted to Wayo as you think he was. He only saw Wayo as a junior to protect, like Ming. Don't make me feel like a runaway for him."

Everyone stared at Beam stunned. He was angry, his tone was sharp but everyone could see his eyes were teary.

Forth grabbed Beam's shoulder and leaned his face towards Beam and whispered. "I love you, Baby. Just remember that."

Beam turned to Forth. "Really?"

Forth nuzzled his nose into Beam's neck. "Would you like some ice cream at Dudley's?"

"Hm... sounds tempting."

"I finished at 3."

"I finished at 3.30."

"I'll pick you up at campus." Forth kissed the bottom of Beam's ear and made him giggle with a blush on his face.

Everyone looked at the scene with their mouths half-open. Beam's anger and sadness quickly turned to joy. Forth knows how to handle Beam well.

Phana and Kit sighed at the same time.

"So you guys are going to help us move?" asked Beam again, looking around at everyone who was staring at him and Forth.

"Sure," - Lam.

"Yes," - Kit.

"I ..., well, okay, Beam," - Phana.

"Definitely," - Tul.

"Me too," - Max.

"All right..." - Park.

Beam smiled in satisfaction.
Beam gestures at Phana and Kit. "Come on. We still have class."

Beam gave Forth a quick peck on the lips and walked ahead of his two friends out of the cafeteria.

Phana looked at Forth. "Take good care of my son, okay?"

Forth smiled and nodded confidently. Kit patted Forth lightly on the shoulder.

"Don't worry Pha, Kit, we will make sure Forth takes good care of him. As long as ..." Lam said calmly. He looked at Beam's back. "Make sure Beam does the same to Forth."

Phana, Kit, Lam, Park, Max, and Tul looked at each other then nodded in unison, making a wordless agreement.

Forth facepalming himself.


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