Broken Heart

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"Do not!" Beam raised his index finger in front of Forth's face. His eyes were teary, but his face depicted anger. "If you can't believe me, then don't force yourself to be with me. I may be late realizing my feelings for you, but when I've convinced myself that I love you, then I promise that my whole life is only for you. You judge me only based on what you see and you feel, but you refused to listen to my explanation, so it's over."

Forth looked at Beam coldly. He could still see the faint red residue on Beam's neck. He pointed at Beam's neck. "You should clean your neck better, Baramee."

Beam blinked and tears rolled down his cheeks. Forth called him Baramee. For the nth times in just an hour today. No 'Baby', 'Babe', 'Honey', 'Dear', or 'My Beammie'.

Beam raised his hand and wiped away the tears. His legs felt weak, but he couldn't fall again now, not in front of Forth.

Beam stared. "I may be guilty of thinking everyone is nice and like you said, I'm giving a lot of people a chance to take advantage of my attitude. But, you should know, I'm not a person who likes to lie or cheat."

"You were a casanova before, Baramee, maybe what you have with me now is not enough for you."

Beam smiled sadly and walked away from Forth. "Yes, I was a casanova before but don't you know your attitude is bringing my past into trouble now, so unfair to me? You weren't the saint in your past life either, Babe."

Beam turned and wiped the tears that fell again down his cheeks. "Maybe we need some time alone. I'm glad you came back early, Babe. I hope, when the time is right, we can talk better."

Beam came into the room and ten minutes later came out with a small suitcase. He stood in front of Forth and tiptoed, landed a kiss on Forth's lips then walked out of the apartment.

Forth gasped, snapped out of his silence when he heard the sound of the door closing. He turned and looked at the closed door, then saw again to a piece of purple cloth lying on the floor at his feet. Forth kicked the cloth in disgust then walked quickly into the room and threw himself on the bed.

*** Flashback ***

Forth whistled a little along the way, imagining Beam's face when he met him later. Forth finished his internship one week ahead of schedule and purposely didn't tell Beam that he would be home early. He knew Beam's schedule and tomorrow was Saturday, Beam's day off this week. Forth wanna make a surprise for Beam.

Forth stood in front of the apartment door, surprised to see it opened slightly. Beam was a very thorough and careful person, but why would he leave the door open like this.

Forth opened the door slowly and his eyes widened. He saw a piece of purple cloth on the living room floor. Forth lifted the cloth. A piece of women's panties. Forth's gaze shifted to a small box on the living room table. It was ... a box of condoms, opened and apparently not intact anymore.

Forth moved forward to walk into the room, but his steps froze in the middle of the living room.

Beam walked out of the room, with a woman. The woman looked disheveled. Three buttons of her shirt were unbuttoned, revealing a pair of plump breasts. Beam's hand is on it.

He froze in the doorway when he saw Forth. "Forth?"

"Hi, Baramee," Forth said in an icy tone. "Busy?"

The woman looked at Forth with a sweet smile. He adjusted his shirt with a flushed face and cleared his throat nervously. "Uum, Beammie, I'm back in my room, huh. Look like you have a guesst now. "

"To your room?" asked Forth with raised eyebrows. "Who are you?"

"Oh hi, my name is Mimi. I work with Beammie at the hospital and we're neighbors too. My room is number 335. Sorry, I have to go back now. Bye, Beammie, don't forget to have dinner tonight." Mimi strolled past Forth blowing Beam a kiss.

Beam fixed his messy hair and shirt, then walked over to Forth with a big smile. He hugged Forth and tiptoed to kiss Forth, but Forth pushed his body.

"What are you doing with her in our room, Barammee?"

Beam was stunned. Forth never called him Baramee. He looked at Forth and saw the fire in the eyes of the man he missed.

Forth held up a piece of purple cloth with the tips of his thumb and forefinger and pointed to the box on the table. Beam gasped. He immediately understood the situation.

Beam approached Forth but his steps stopped when Forth threw the purple cloth in his face.

"Forth, Baby, listen to me first," Beam said in a trembling voice.
"I was sleeping when Mimi came in. I had a headache since this morning and I don't know how she got in. I think she was drunk, because she just hugged me. I tried to push her away and she was crying, babbling about her boyfriend running off with another girl. I asked her to come out and she attacked me, tried to take my shirt off and kiss me."

Forth raised an eyebrow when he saw the lipstick stain on Beam's neck. Beam raised his hand to clean the stain.

"You didn't even try properly to dodge her attacks, if that's true what you told me," Forth hissed sarcastically. "Apparently you've forgotten yourself to forget to lock the door. You even stripped her since she was in the living room, hm?"

Beam sighed. He tried to grab Forth's hand but was pushed away roughly. "Forth, I'm not lying. I don't know how she got in, maybe she saw me unlock the lock and remembered the numbers. But she was obviously drunk and I think she had it all planned."

Forth laughed sarcastically. "What a great explanation, Baramee. You think I'm stupid and can just accept such a shallow explanation?"

Beam approached Forth but Forth pushed him away. "Don't touch me, Baramee. You touched that damn girl with your hands and now you want to touch me too? Disgusting!"

Beam fell to the floor. He looked up and saw the look on Forth's face that looked surprised. Beam stood up slowly. Forth's hand reached out to him, offering to help him up.

*** Endofflashback ***

Forth took the pillow at Beam's bedside and cried while burying his face in the pillow. He's heartbroken.


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