335 and 338

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"Who is she?" Forth's voice was sharp and cold. "I've never seen her before."

"Ah, she's the new nurse in the emergency department. Her name is Mimi."

Forth stared at the back of the woman in the nurse's uniform who had previously been standing very tightly next to Beam. Forth didn't like seeing the nurse named Mimi pressed her breasts against Beam's arm in a seductive manner.

Beam grabbed Forth's hand. "What time do you have to leave, Babe?"

"4. Park will pick me up."

"Good, we have two hours from now. I've asked Phi Kaye to give me more rest."


"What do you want to eat? Tomyam? Sukiyaki? Or... me?"

Forth grabbed Beam into his arms and buried his nose into the crook of Beam's neck while moaning a little. "Eating you won't last two hours, Baby. You'll only drive me crazy with cravings."

Beam laughed and pulled Forth by the hand into the parking lot. "Let's hurry. I don't want Pha or Kit to see us and then reduce the time we have to talk to you."

Forth was driving with his mouth tightly shut, holding back the growl he wanted to scream because Beam's mouth was working so diligently sucking his dick down there.

“B-Beeamm… why don't you understand that what you're doing is so dangerous, oohhh… damn, your mouth is driving me crazy, aahhh…”

Beam smiled and pulled his head from Forth's lap. They were almost at the apartment. Forth almost carried Beam after getting out of the car.

Forth pushed Beam behind the door as soon as they entered the apartment.

He looked at Beam with lustful eyes "I hate to have to leave after this," Forth muttered. He landed kisses on Beam's forehead, cheeks and nose, then on his lips.

Beam grabbed Forth's nape and kissed Forth passionately. He stuck his tongue into Forth's mouth and took a sip of Forth's tongue which greeted him warmly.

Forth unbuttoned Beam's shirt as his mouth danced against Beam's. It didn't take long for Forth to strip Beam. He broke the kiss and moved to Beam's neck, shoulders, chest, and finally knelt in front of Beam's stomach. He wrapped his arms around Beam's waist and rested his head on Beam's warm belly.

Beam was breathing fast and almost screaming as Forth's mouth swallowed his cock and sucked hard. "F-Foortthhh... aah... aargghhh... Baby, please, pleasee... don't torture me like this, oooh...."

Forth felt Beam's legs getting weaker as his tongue reached Beam's sweet hole. He licked it a few times then got up and picked up Beam in bridal style, carried him to his room and laid him down in the middle of the bed.

Beam stared at Forth with dreamy eyes, as Forth stripped himself in slow motion. Forth crawled up onto the bed, trapping Beam under him.

Beam grabbed Forth's nape and suddenly turned his body. Now Forth is under Beam. Beam licked his lips and then kissed Forth, from the jawline to his shoulders, while his hand rested on Forth's groaning dick feeling the sensation caused by Beam's hand movement and his kiss.

Beam removed his hand from Forth's dick and felt his own backside. Forth did not pay attention to what Beam was doing because he was busy enjoying Beam's lips in his mouth.

Forth's eyes widened when he felt the warmth envelop his dick. Beam smiled and kissed the tip of Forth's nose as he began to move his buttocks in a variety of twists and turns.

"Baby, what are you doing, aahh... it's delicious, Babe, aargghhh... but I haven't prepared you yet, baby, you could get hurt, aargghhh...."

"I'm a big boy, honey, I can prepare myself," Beam hissed against Forth's neck. He sucked the bottom of Forth's neck, making purple marks on Forth's tan and sexy skin.
"Oh, Baby, why are you growing up there, aaarrggghhh...."

"Don't clenched me, baby, I can't stand it. Oohh... you're so tight and scrumptious. Beeaammm...."

Beam ground his teeth into Forth's shoulder, as he felt Forth's nails press against his skin against his waist. They released very long orgasms at the same time.

Beam collapsed on top of the Forth gasping for air. Forth hugged Beam tightly and kissed his face as he shifted his body to lie more comfortably on the bed next to him.

"How much longer is your internship, Forth?" asked Beam, nudging his face into the crook of Forth's neck.

"This is the last month, dear. After this is done, I will immediately prepare a report and complete the thesis. I want to graduate soon."

"My internship is still two months away," Beam complained. "Are you coming back next week?"

"Apparently not, Baby, I'm sorry. I'll be working overtime until the end of the internship, so they don't have an excuse to keep me because my work isn't done yet."

"I don't like not seeing you when I wake up and not being with you when I sleep," Beam muttered sadly.

Forth tightened his embrace. "Me too, Baby, me too."

Beam raised his head and looked at Forth. He kissed Forth's chin gently. "But I'll be patient, just like you did for us."

Forth looked into Beam's brilliant eyes. He moved to roll on top of Beam's body while licking his lower lip. "I'm not full yet, Baby, you want to feed me again?" Forth hissed over the skin of Beam's neck.

"Always, My wolfie, eat me all you want," Beam moans in a sexy voice.

They finished the second session almost an hour later. Forth was still panting when his phone rang.

"Forth? I'll be coming to your apartment in half an hour. Hurry up and get ready. I don't want to see you still gripping Beam with your paws when I come," Park blurted out before Forth said hello.

Forth grumbled and put his phone on the nightstand and kissed Beam who laughed at him. "Go take a shower, my Wolfie, you have twenty minutes left before Park bangs on our apartment door."

Forth and Beam were back refreshed after bathing. They decided to wait for Park in the apartment lobby. Forth was trying to kiss Beam's ear in the elevator, when the elevator doors opened and Mimi stood in the elevator doors.

Her eyes widened and her smile widened as he saw Beam standing in front of him. "Oh, doctor Beam? You live here too? Oh, it's nice, we can see each other often. I live in apartment no 335."

Beam smiled awkwardly and felt Forth's grip on his hand tighten. This is bad. Forth and Beam in 338.


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