Another Story

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"Of course not, Kit. We're doctors. We save lives, not take lives."

"Then what did you do to them?"

"You know, engineering wolves like to play games. They have fun scaring them and then releasing them somewhere. Later I heard they both moved out of town. I think what the wolves did was quite a shock to them and afraid to stay around here."

"What about Red Bull's gang leader?"

"He and several of his members have been processed by the police for several serious cases, violence, drugs, and sexual harassment."

"So you and Forth got married without telling us, huh, Beammie?"

"I'm sorry, Kit, at first Forth and I just wanted to help each other. After all, I think he's a nice, fun person, and his family is influential. We even made arrangements for three months, while we were together. However, his family had bigger plans for Forth. and we had to stick around for a minimum of seven years and now, after year together, I finally realize that this three month rule is making us both suffer."

"Stupid! From the first time you started together, everyone knew that you were infatuated with each other. What you did to each other was so natural, sweet, and affectionate. You're just two idiots trapped in love and trying to use everything as an excuse to keep your playboy title."

Beam's face flushed and he bit his lower lip in embarrassment. Kit wanted to pinch Beam's cheek right now, but he didn't want to risk Forth seeing and getting mad at him. Or Ming. The engineering wolves were very jealous and possessive.

Time passed very fast. Forth and Beam celebrated their second year anniversary with friends and family and received another quarter of the ownership of the ShanVa foundation. Eight months after that, Forth graduated summa cum laude from the faculty of engineering and start to work in a project with Lam and Tul. Park and Max still fighting with their thesis.

This morning, five months after Forth's graduate ceremony, Grandma Shanee took a sip of her favorite rose tea slowly.

Beam came out of the kitchen and brought a plate of warm, fragrant muffins.

Grandma Shanee patted the sofa next to her. "How was your class, Beammie? Is everything going well?"

"Sure, Grandma. I'm in the process of being able to take the thesis schedule at the beginning of the year tomorrow and after that I will graduate."

"You want to take a specialist?"

"Yes. I'd like to take an internal medicine specialist."

"Sure. Tell me when you graduate, we'll take care of all the necessities to continue your specialization."

"Don't bother, Grandma," Forth said suddenly emerging from the front door. He was wearing a tracksuit and was sweating a little.

Forth flung himself down next to Beam. "I'll take good care of Beam, Grandma. I'll make sure Beam can pick up a specialist in the best place he wants."

"Okay. What about the foundation? Are you guys doing your job right?"

"Sure, Grandma. I'm in the process of getting permits to build a new building for the rehabilitation of drug addicts and working with the police and courts to select which of them can still be saved through rehabilitation," said Forth firmly.

Grandma Shanee nodded, satisfied with what she heard from Forth and Beam. "I didn't pick the wrong one. You guys are reliable and don't disappoint."

Forth and Beam smiled happily.

They talked until Grandma Shanee decided to take a break. Lately she has been feeling unwell and resting more.

Beam ushered him into his room and returned with a cup of coffee for Forth who was still sitting in the living room looking at his phone.

"Forth, are we back this afternoon?" asked Beam.

"Yeah, Baby, I have to check something out with Lam on our project."

"What exactly are you guys doing?" asked Beam curiously.

The past few weeks Forth has been busy with what he calls a small project. He often comes home late and irritates Beam for not wanting to tell him what he's doing.

"Just a small project," Forth replied with a smile. "I'll tell you later, when it's all over."

"You piss me off," Beam said with a frown. He folded his arms across his chest and shifted his seat away from Forth. He didn't like Forth to keep things from him.

Forth chuckled and approached Beam. He wrapped his arms around Beam's waist from behind and kissed Beam's neck gently. "Hmm... you smell so good."

"Shut up, Forthie, you're pissing me off."

"Baby, I promise I won't be late again. You can kick me to sleep on the couch if I come home after nine o'clock, how about that?"

"Are you sure?"

"Sure. I'm guilty of making you dinner alone lately. I'll make up for it after this project is over. Don't be mad anymore, okay?"

"I don't mind you coming home late because of the work you do. I'm worried because I know you often skip meals when you're busy."

Beam turned and looked at Forth. He stroked Forth's arm. "Look. Your muscles are loosening and your cheeks are getting thinner. I don't like it. This not healthy."

Forth pulled Beam into a hug and kissed his hair. "I won't do it again. Promise. I'll eat on time and never come home late again."

Beam returned Forth's hug and nodded. He took a deep sip of Forth's scent. A masculine scent that always makes him feel calm and happy. Cinnamon and cloves.

"Baby," Forth whispered against Beam's neck.


"Did you shower?"

"Of course. Why?"

"Don't mind taking another bath with me?"

Beam let go of his arms and looked at Forth. He smiled widely with a blush on his face. "Showering is exhausting, Babe, I'm too lazy to repeat it, except...."

Forth leaned toward Beam's neck. "I'll do it. Bathe you."

Beam let Forth explore his neck for a moment then stood up. "Come on. I'll prepare the bath. With a lot of bubble."

Forth grabbed Beam's waist and stepped to lead him into the room. However, the commotion in the courtyard delayed their steps.

Wine crossed the doorway breathlessly. He looked confused.

Beam gasped when he saw the blood stains on Wine's clothes. "Phi? Are you hurt?"

Forth ran to his brother. "Phi Wine, what happened? Are you all right?"

Wine shook her head as she tried to catch her breath. "No, not my blood. Beam, help me, hurry, get your equipment, hurry...."

Beam didn't think long and immediately ran to the room. He always carries his tools wherever he goes because accidents can happen anytime and anywhere.

"Oh my God, what's this again," Beam hissed as he ran. "Jamorhnoom is always full of story. And, oh, i am a Jamorhnoom, too."


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